publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Compounds from Wild Mushrooms with Antitumor Potential. ACAMC. 2010
- In Vitro Cultures of Brassica oleracea L. var.costataDC: Potential Plant Bioreactor for Antioxidant Phenolic Compounds. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 2009
- Interacção in vitro entre macrofungos micorrízicos de Castanea sativa e o patógeno Phytophthora cinnamomi 2006
- Micorrização in vitro de germinantes de Pinus pinaster: estudos histológicos e de crescimento. Anais da Associação Micológica “A Pantorra” – Os cogumelos e a criança. 2006
- Estudos e perspectivas futuras das micorrizas e da indução de micorrização in vitro e ex vitro de Castanea sativa Mill. 2005
artigo de conferência
- Integrated approaches for socio-economic boosting of the sustainable production and consumption of Montesinho mushrooms 2022
- Mycorrhization and micropropation of chestnut (Castanea sativa Mill.) seedlings as tools to obtain high added-value phenolic compounds 2022
- Banco de roupas do IPB: cidadania, voluntariado e aprendizagens multiculturais 2021
- Ecofashion Boutique do IPB: a visão de um educador social 2021
- Violência interpessoal em contexto conjugal: as crenças. Referencia. 2021
- Bioactive compounds and anti-inflammatory activity of Pleurotus eryngii and Suillus bellinii: A comparison between fruiting bodies and mycelia 2018
- Escalonamento de visitas domiciliárias numa unidade de saúde através de algoritmos populacionais 2018
- Tranfer+.Tec. Castanha 2018
- Bioactive properties and compounds in fruiting bodies and mycelia of Pleurotus eryngii (DC.) Quél and Suillus bellinii (Inzenga) Watling 2017
- Chromatographic techniques to assess the profile of biomolecules in different mycorrhizal mushroom species 2017
- Conservation of wild mushrooms through electron beam irradiation 2017
- Extraction of mushrooms relevant compounds through gamma and electron beam irradiation 2017
- Nutritional values, chemical characterization and cytotoxicity in human tumor cell lines of desert truffles 2017
- Pleurotus species as a source of bio-preservatives 2017
- Utilização do micélio de Ganoderma lucidum para obtenção de extratos ricos em tocoferóis para aplicação como antioxidantes alimentares 2017
- Wild mushrooms as a possible source of nutraceuticals – Use of chromatographic techniques to obtain the species chemical profile 2017
- Two mushroom Leccinum species: similar chemical profiles, diferent impact in the antioxidante capacity 2016
- A importância dos ácidos fenólicos na atividade anti-inflamatória de cogumelos comestíveis 2016
- A prospective study on bioactive properties of wild mushrooms mycelium grown in vitro under different conditions 2016
- Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of fungal mycelia and culture media 2016
- Bioactivity and chromatographic analysis of nutrients and non-nutrients of two Leccinum species 2016
- Chemical characterization of four wild edible mycorrhizal mushrooms: the same geographical origin, but a great biodiversity 2016
- Chemical composition of Boletus pinophilus and Clitocybe subconnexa: preservation with gamma irradiation 2016
- Chromatographic analysis of antioxidant and related compounds in Polyporus squamosus from different origins 2016
- Chromatographic techniques to obtain the biomolecules profile of wild Suillus granulates 2016
- Contribution of phenolic acids to the anti-inflammatory activity of edible mycorrhizal mushrooms 2016
- Effects of electron-beam irradiation on chemical and antioxidation parameters of wild Macrolepiota procera dried samples 2016
- Extratos de cogumelos silvestres potenciam a ação de antibióticos contra bactérias multi- resistentes 2016
- Gamma radiation preserves chemical and bioactive properties of Boletus edulis wild mushrooms 2016
- Leccinum vulpinum Watling: nutritional, antioxidant and antitumour potential 2016
- Leccinum vulpinum antitumor potential: which cell biological functions may be affected? 2016
- Potencial antitumoral de cogumelos silvestres do Nordeste Transmontano 2016
- Potencial antitumoral de cogumelos silvestres: um caso de estudo com espécies Leccinum.. XXII Encontro Luso-Galego de Química. 2016
- Two mushroom Leccinum species: Similar chemical profiles, different impact in the antioxidant capacity 2016
- Valorização e conservação de cogumelos silvestres: irradiação por feixe de eletrões 2016
- Anti-inflammatory activity of mushrooms extracts, identified phenolic acids and their possible metabolites 2015
- Avaliação da atividade antimicrobiana de extratos de cogumelos silvestres submetidos a radiação gama e feixe de eletrões 2015
- Bioacessibility studies related to antioxidant phenolic extracts from two edible species of the genus Hericium 2015
- Effects of electron beam irradiation on antioxidant activity of mushrooms Amanita spp 2015
- Effects of gamma irradiation in the antimicrobial activity of wild mushroom extracts 2015
- Electron beam irradiation improves the nutritional profile of dried and sliced wild Boletus edulis Bull 2015
- Ferramenta quimiométrica para identificação de cogumelos irradiados 2015
- Gamma irradiation at 2 kgy to preserve wild edible mushrooms: effects on chemical parameters 2015
- Gamma irradiation improves the nutritional profile of dried and sliced wild Boletus edulis Bull. 2015
- Gamma irradiation preserves oleic acid in wild Hydnum repandum L.: Fr. 2015
- Utilização de radiação gama para preservar ácidos gordos de cogumelos Silvestres: um estudo com Hydnum repandum L. : Fr. 2015
- Suillus granulatus (L.) Roussel as a source of bioactive compounds: Comparative study between mushrooms from different origins 2014
- Chemistry dissemination through Ciência@Bragança project 2014
- Comparative bioactive properties of Coprinopsis atramentaria extract, organic acids and synthesized derivatives 2014
- Composição química, atividade antioxidante e estudos de biodisponibilidade em extratos fenólicos de dois cogumelos silvestres do género Hericium 2014
- Coprinopsis atramentaria extract, organic acids and synthesized methylated derivatives as antibacterial and antifungal agents 2014
- Efeito da irradiação por feixe de eletrões e do tempo de armazenamento na composição química de Macrolepiota procera (Scop.) Singer 2014
- Effects of gamma irradiation on macro and microelements of Boletus edulis Bull.: Fr. and Hydnum repandum L.: Fr. 2014
- Electron-beam irradiation at low doses preserves dietary fiber content in Boletus edulis Bull.: Fr. wild mushroom. Planta Medica. 2014
- Floral bio-residues of Crocus sativus L. as a potential source of anthocyanins 2014
- Gamma irradiation preserves the nutritional profile of wild Boletus edulis Bull.: Fr. 2014
- Irradiation and storage time effects on chemical parameters of processed samples of wild Macrolepiota procera (Scop.) Singer 2014
- Nutritional, antioxidant and antitumour properties of Leccinum vulpinum Watling 2014
- O projeto Ciência@Bragança 2014
- Wild mushroom extracts as inhibitors of bacterial biofilm formation 2014
- A comparative study of chemical composition of Morchella esculenta (L.) Pers. from Portugal and Serbia 2013
- Agaricus Albertii as a source of bioactive compounds: comparison between Portuguese and Serbian species 2013
- Antimicrobial activity of Ganoderma lucidum extract, p-hydroxybenzoic and cinnamic acids and their synthetic acetylated glucuronide methyl esters 2013
- Antioxidant activity of Macrolepiota procera wild mushroom submitted to different processing technologies 2013
- Antioxidant and bioactive compounds of two wild edible mushrooms from Northeast of Portugal: Boletus poliporus and Boletus regius 2013
- Antioxidant potential of fungi and seedlings during mycorrhizal induction 2013
- Antioxidant properties of two Lactarius wild species from the Northeast of Portugal 2013
- Análise nutricional de espécies de cogumelos silvestres do género Boletus: Boletus porosporus e Boletus regius 2013
- Bioactive compounds in Gyromitra esculenta and Helvella lacunosa wild mushrooms from Northeast of Portugal 2013
- Caracterização das frações fenólica, polissacarídica e lipídica de cogumelos silvestres do Nordeste de Portugal 2013
- Caracterização química do processo de reconhecimento da simbiose entre Pinus pinaster e fungos micorrízicos 2013
- Chemical characterization and antioxidant activity of phenolic, polysaccharidic and lipidic fractions of Coprinopsis atramentaria, a wild edible mushroom from Northeast Portugal 2013
- Chemical characterization and bioactivity of two different species of wild mushrooms: comparison between Portuguese and Serbian samples 2013
- Chemical characterization of four widely appreciated edible mycorrhizal mushrooms: nutrients and bioactive compounds 2013
- Chemical composition and bioactivity of wild samples of Morchella esculenta from Portugal and Serbia. 2013
- Chemical composition of Morchella esculenta (L.) Pers. from Portugal and Serbia: A comparative study based on chromatographic techniques 2013
- Chemical profile of Macrolepiota procera wild mushroom submitted to different processing technologies 2013
- Chromatographic analysis of nutraceuticals in the wild mushroom Suillus granulatus from different origins 2013
- Chromatographic analysis of the effects of gamma irradiation on organic acids composition of wild Boletus edulis and Hydnum repandum 2013
- Efeito da radiação gama nas propriedades químicas de Boletus edulis Bull: Fr. silvestre 2013
- Efeitos do processamento em parâmetros nutricionais e químicos do cogumelo silvestre Macrolepiota procera 2013
- Effects of gamma radiation on chemical composition of processed samples of the wild mushroom Macrolepiota procera 2013
- Effects of gamma radiation on physical and chemical parameters of wild Lactarius deliciosus L. 2013
- Ergosterol contents in mycorrhizal wild edible mushrooms: comparison by hierarchical cluster analysis 2013
- Estudo de propriedades antioxidantes, antiproliferativas e indutoras de apoptose de cogumelos silvestres do nordeste de Portugal 2013
- Evaluation of human tumor cell lines growth inhibition by Leccinum vulpinum Watling and Suillus granulatus (L.) Roussel 2013
- Gamma irradiation combined with freezing of Macrolepiota procera preserves tocopherols, one of the most powerful natural antioxidants 2013
- Gamma irradiation preserves palmitoleic acid, a bioactive omega-7 unsaturated fatty acid, in Macrolepiota procera fresh samples 2013
- Gonoderma luicidium methanolic extract: chemical characterization in phenolic compounds and study of growth inhibitory activity in human tumor cell lines 2013
- Growth inhibitory activity of Coprinopsis atramentaria extract, phenolic acids and protected acetylated glucuronides on human tumor and non-tumor cell lines 2013
- Influência da simbiose micorrízica no potencial antioxidante de fungos e plantas de Pinus pinaster 2013
- Inhibitory activity of Coprinopsis atramentaria extract, organic acids and their possible methylated synthesized metabolites on growth of human tumor cell lines 2013
- Propriedades nutricionais, químicas e bioativas de duas espécies de cogumelos silvestres do género Leccinum, provenientes do Nordeste Transmontano 2013
- Protective effect of electron beam irradiation in tocopherols integrity: evaluation by HPLC-fluorescence detection 2013
- Susceptibility to biofilm formation by clinical isolates from patients with urinary tract infection: development of a multifactorial predictive model 2013
- Synergistic effects between wild mushroom extracts and standard antibiotics against multi-resistant bacteria 2013
- Synthesis of acetylated glucuronide derivatives of p-hydroxybenzoic and cinnamic acids, two compounds commonly found in wild mushrooms 2013
- Uma contribuição para o inventário químico e nutricional de cogumelos silvestres comestíveis do Nordeste Transmontano 2013
- Cogumelos silvestres Portugueses: valorização como alimentos funcionais e fonte de nutracêuticos 2012
- Avaliação da bioatividade do corpo frutífero e esporos de Ganoderma lucidum 2012
- Análise de nutrientes em espécies de cogumelos silvestres dos géneros Amanita e Russula. 11º Encontro Nacional de Química dos Alimentos. 2012
- Atividade e moléculas antioxidantes de cogumelos silvestres comestíveis do género Agaricus 2012
- Chemical characterization and bioactivity of the most widely appreciated cultivated mushrooms: studies in fruiting bodies and mycelia 2012
- Potencial antioxidante de espécies de cogumelos silvestres comestíveis dos géneros Amanita e Russula 2012
- Add-value of Lactarius deliciosus and Macrolepiota procera wild mushrooms due to their nutritional and nutraceutical potential 2012
- An overview of the nutrients and non-nutrients present in the wild mushroom species most appreciated in the Northeast of Portugal 2012
- Analysis of phenolic, polysaccharidic and lipidic fractions of mushrooms from northeast Portugal. Planta Medica. 2012
- Antioxidant activity of gamma irradiated Lactarius deliciosus L. from Northeast Portugal 2012
- Antioxidants in Pinus Pinaster and mycorrhizal fungi during the early steps of symbiosis 2012
- Atividade e moléculas antioxidantes de cogumelos silvestres comestíveis do género Agaricus. 2012
- Ação antimicrobiana de extratos fenólicos de cogumelos silvestres contra Neisseria gonorrhoeae 2012
- Bioactivity of Morchella esculenta (L.) Pers. phenolic extracts: A comparative study between samples from Portugal and Serbia. 2012
- Caracterização e atividade antioxidante da fração fenólica de Coprinopsis atramentaria e Xerocomus chrysenteron, dois cogumelos silvestres do Nordeste de Portugal. 11º Encontro Nacional de Química dos Alimentos. 2012
- Caracterização fenólica e avaliação da atividade antiproliferativa de Fistulina hepatica e Suillus collinitus em linhas celulares tumorais humanas 2012
- Characterization of phenolic and polysaccharidic extracts of Ganoderma lucidum by chromatographic techniques 2012
- Chromatographic analysis of macro and micronutrients in the most widely appreciated cultivated mushrooms 2012
- Chromatographic techniques to obtain the biomolecules profile of inedible wild mushrooms with antioxidant value 2012
- Combined effects of ¿-irradiation and storage times on sugars composition of Lactarius deliciosus: comparison through linear discrimant analysis 2012
- Combined effects of γ-irradiation and storage times on sugars composition of Lactarius deliciosus: comparison through linear discrimant analysis 2012
- Efeito da radiação gama nas propriedades físicas e químicas de amostras de Lactarius deliciosus L. silvestres 2012
- Efeito da radiação gama nos níveis de tocoferóis em Lactarius deliciosus. 11º Encontro Nacional de Química dos Alimentos. 2012
- Effects of gamma irradiation on physical parameters of Lactarius deliciosus wild edible mushroom 2012
- Effects of gamma irradiation on the fatty acids profile of Lactarius deliciosus wild mushroom 2012
- Effects of gamma rays on sugars composition of wild mushrooms from the Northeast of Portugal 2012
- Gamma irradiation protects oleic acid from oxidation: an experiment in Lactarius deliciosus wild mushroom 2012
- Ganoderma lucidum methanolic extract: chemical characterization in phenolic compounds and study of growth inhibitory activity in human tumour cell lines 2012
- Influência da radiação gama nas propriedades físicas de Lactarius deliciosus 2012
- Mushroom extract increases p53 expression and causes cell cycle arrest and apoptosis in a breast cancer cell line 2012
- Phenolic acids in the wild mushroom Ganoderma lucidum and synthesis of some possible metabolites. 2012
- Phenolic extract from the fruiting body and spores of a medicinal mushroom - Ganoderma lucidum: investigating their antioxidant potential and antitumor cell growth inhibitory effects 2012
- Potencial antioxidante de Pleurotus eryngii: comparação entre amostras silvestres e cultivadas 2012
- Potencial antioxidante de espécies de cogumelos silvestres comestíveis dos géneros Amanita e Russula.. 11º Encontro Nacional de Química dos Alimentos. 2012
- Tumour cell growth inhibitory potential of mushroom extracts from the genus Suillus 2012
- Valorização de espécies silvestres de cogumelos do Nordeste Transmontano do ponto de vista nutricional. 11º Encontro Nacional de Química dos Alimentos. 2012
- Water soluble polysaccharidic and ethanolic fractions of wild edible mushrooms: chemical composition and bioactivity evaluation. 2012
- A study of the antitumour potential of three Portuguese wild mushrooms 2011
- Análise metabolómica dirigida em cogumelos silvestres do género Boletus. 2011
- Bioactive and chemical properties of edible mycorrhizal mushrooms from Northeast Portugal 2011
- Bioactivity and chemical characterization of Fistulina hepatica extracts. 2011
- Caracterização química de fungos micorrízicos e plantas de Castanea sativa ao longo dos primeiros estádios de simbiose in vitro 2011
- Caracterização química de fungos micorrízicos e plantas de Pinus pinaster ao longo dos primeiros estádios de simbiose 2011
- Caracterização química e propriedades antioxidantes de cogumelos silvestres comestíveis provenientes de diferentes habitats. 2011
- Clitocybe alexandri extract induces apoptosis in a lung cancer cell line: identification of phenolic acids with cytotoxic potential 2011
- Clitocybe alexandri extract induces apoptosis in a lung cancer cell line: identification of phenolic acids with cytotoxic potential. 2011
- Comparative study between phenolic and polysaccharidic extracts of Suillus collinitus: chemical characterization and growth inhibitory activity in human tumour cell lines. 2011
- Contribuição para a inventariação química e nutricional de cogumelos silvestres do Nordeste de Portugal 2011
- Edible mycorrhizal mushrooms as sources of bioactive phenolic compounds. 2011
- Influence of mycorrhizal symbiosis in antioxidant potential of fungi and seedlings. 2011
- Nutritional and nutraceutical potential of saprotrophic and mycorrhizal wild edible mushrooms from Northeast Portugal 2011
- Phenolic and polysaccharidic extracts of Suillus collinitus: chemical characterization, growth inhibitory activity and induction of cell cycle arrest in a breast cancer cell line. I Encontro Nacional de Bromatologia, Hidrologia e Toxicologia. 2011
- Phenolic compounds and antioxidant activity of fruiting body and spores of wild Ganoderma lucidum. 2011
- Phenolic profile in edible and non edible wild mushrooms from Northeast Portugal 2011
- Potencial nutracêutico de cogumelos silvestres comestíveis do género Agaricus. 2011
- Propriedades antioxidantes da simbiose micorrízica de Pinus pinaster com Pisolithus arhizus. 2011
- Saprotrophic and mycorrhizal will edible mushrooms from Portuguese mycoflora as a source of nutrients and nutraceuticals. 2011
- Screening of the antimicrobial activity of wild mushrooms phenolic extracts against clinical isolates 2011
- Tocoferóis e propriedades antioxidantes de fungos ectomicorrízicos in vivo e in vitro. 2011
- Mycorrhizal inoculation of chestnut seedlings: Effect on survival and growth after transplantation. Acta Horticulturae. 2010
- Antioxidant activity and growth inhibitory activity of Portuguese wild mushrooms 2010
- Antioxidants in Portuguese wild mushrooms: a phenolic profile 2010
- Bioactive properties of Clitocybe alexandri 2010
- Bioactive properties of Lepista inversa 2010
- Effects of wild plants essential oils on the growth of Phytophthra cinnamomi and Castanea sativa 2010
- In vitro culture of Coriandrum sativum 2010
- In vitro growth inhibitory activity of the Portuguese wild mushroom Clitocybe alexandri in human tumour cell lines 2010
- Phenolic acids profile and antioxidant properties of wild edible mushrooms from North-eastern Portugal 2010
- Phytochemical characterization of wild edible Boletus sp. from Northeast Portugal 2010
- Tocopherols composition of Portuguese wild mushrooms with antioxidant capacity 2009
- Biodiversity of macrofungi associated with chestnut in the North East of Portugal 2009
- Effects of wild plant essential oils in the growth control of Phytophthora cinnamomi abd the host Castanea sativa Mill 2009
- Selected nutrients in portuguese wild mushrooms analysed by gas chromatography and high performance liquid chromatography 2009
- In vitro cultures of Brassica oleracea L. Var. Costata DC: potential plant bioreactor for antioxidant phenolic compounds 2008
- Efeito de extractos de raízes eliciadas de Castanea sativa no crescimento do fungo ectomicorrízico Pisolithus tinctorius 2007
- Macrofungi associated with sweet chestnut: a source of income for rural populations in Northeast of Portugal 2007
- Macrofungi diversity associated with Quercus pyrenaica in Parque Natural de Montesinho. 2007
- Macrofungi in Castanea sativa ecosystems on the North-Eastern Trás-os-Montes. 2007
- Macrofungos em ecossistemas de Castanea sativa Mill. do Nordeste Transmontano 2007
- Macrofungos micorrízicos em ecossistemas de Castanea sativa Mill. do Nordeste Transmontano ¿ Projecto Agro 689 2007
- Macrofungos micorrízicos em ecossistemas de Castanea sativa Mill. do Nordeste Transmontano – Projecto Agro 689 2007
- Diversidade de macrofungos num povoamento misto de Pseudotsuga sp., Pinus sp. e Quercus sp. 2006
- In vitro evidences of mycoparasitism of the ectomycorrhizal fungus Pisolithus tinctorius by Hypholoma fasciculare 2006
- Macrofungi from Castanea sativa Mill. and Quercus pyrenaica Wild.: Evaluation of mycorrhizal vs nonmycorrhizal fungi biodiversity ¿ Project AGRO 689 2006
- Macrofungi from Castanea sativa Mill. and Quercus pyrenaica Wild.: Evaluation of mycorrhizal vs nonmycorrhizal fungi biodiversity – Project AGRO 689 2006
- Macrofungos em ecossistemas de Castanea sativa Mill. e Quercus pyrenaica Wild. ¿ Projecto AGRO 689 2006
- Macrofungos em ecossistemas de Castanea sativa Mill. e Quercus pyrenaica Wild. – Projecto AGRO 689 2006
- Project AGRO 689: In vitro mycorrhization of Castanea sativa and Pinus pinaster plants 2006
- Signalling process during the early contact of ectomycorrhizal fungi Pisolithus tinctorius with Castanea sativa roots 2006
- Traditional knowledge and uses of plant and fungi in the North-eastern Portugal: Potential Sources for Pharmacological Research 2006
- In vitro culture conditions of Colletotrichum gloeosporioides for spore production: a) Effect of medium composition and light on spore production 2005
- In vitro culture conditions of Colletotrichum gloeosporioides: b) Effect of temperature shock on spore production 2005
- In vitro interaction of Amanita muscaria and Phytophthora cinnamomi: possible biocontrol effect 2005
- Effect of soil tillage on diversity and abundance of macrofungi associated with chestnut tree in the Northeast of Portugal. Acta Horticulturae. 2005
- Avaliação do estado de micorrização de plantas inoculadas e não inoculadas de Castanea sativa Mill. cinco anos após inoculação in vitro: relação entre a diversidade de carpóforos e a diversidade de morfotipos em plantas inoculadas e não inoculadas 2005
- Caracterização do sistema antioxidativo no estabelecimento da associação micorrízica Castanea sativa Mill. / Amanita muscaria 2005
- Comunidade macrofúngica associada a Castanea sativa Mill. no Nordeste Transmontano 2005
- Diversidade de macrofungos comestíveis e não comestíveis num povoamento misto de Pseudotsuga sp., Pinus sp. e Quercus sp. 2005
- Estudo da comunidade macrofúngica associada a Quercus pyrenaica Willd. no Parque Natural de Montesinho 2005
- Estudo da comunidade macrofúngica associada a souto (Castanea sativa), pinhal (Pinus pinaster) e carvalhal (Quercus pyrenaica), no Nordeste Transmontano 2005
- Estudos e perspectivas futuras da micorrização in vitro e ex vitro de Castanea sativa Mill. 2005
- Interacção in vitro entre macrofungos micorrízicos de Castanea sativa e o patógeno Phytophthora cinnamomi 2005
- Macrofungi associated with Castanea sativa in the Northeast of Portugal. Temperature and rainfall effect on fungal fructification 2005
- Macrofungos em ecossistemas de Castanea sativa Mill. do Nordeste Transmontano 2005
- Micorrização in vitro de germinantes de Pinus pinaster: estudos histológicos e de crescimento 2005
- Micorrização ¿in vitro¿ de germinantes de Pinus pinaster 2005
- Micorrização “in vitro” de germinantes de Pinus pinaster 2005
- ROS involvement during the initial stages of ectomycorrhiza establishment in Castanea sativa Mill. 2005
- Study of the macrofungi community associated with pinus (Pinus pinaster), chestnut (Castanea sativa) and oak (Quercus pyrenaica), in the Northeast of Portugal 2005
- Characterization of the oxidative system on Castanea sativa Mill. in association with the ectomycorrhizal fungi Pisolithus tinctorius and Amanita muscaria during the early stages of contact 2004
- Effect of soil tillage on diversity and abundance of macrofungi associated with chestnut tree in the Northeast of Portugal 2004
- Effect of soil tillage on diversity and relative abundance of macrofungi associated with chestnut in the northeast of Portugal 2004
- Extracção de nutrientes minerais do solo, de povoamentos de Castanea sativa Mill., pela colheita de cogumelos silvestres comestíveis 2004
- Nutrição mineral em plantas micorrizadas e não micorrizadas de Castanea sativa Mill com o fungo Pisolithus tinctorius: I. Teores de N, P e K ao longo de 90 dias de micorrização in vitro. 2004
- Use of chlorophyll-SPAD meter on potato and sorghum 2002
- Effect of mycorrhyzal inoculation on tolerance of Castanea sativa Mill plants to Phytophthora cinnamomi infection 2001
artigo de revista
- Chemical composition and evaluation of antioxidant, antimicrobial and antiproliferative activities of Tuber and Terfezia truffles. Food Research International. 2021
- Exquisite wild mushrooms as a source of dietary fiber: Analysis in electron-beam irradiated samples. Current Opinion in Food Science. 2015
- Nutritional characterisation of Pleurotus ostreatus (Jacq. ex Fr.) P. Kumm. produced using paper scraps as substrate. Food Chemistry. 2015
- A comparative study of chemical composition, antioxidant and antimicrobial properties of Morchella esculenta (L.) Pers. from Portugal and Serbia. Food Research International. 2013
- Effects of different processing technologies on chemical and antioxidant parameters of Macrolepiota procera wild mushroom. Current Opinion in Food Science. 2013
- Study of chemical changes and antioxidant activity variation induced by gamma-irradiation on wild mushrooms: comparative study through principal component analysis. Food Research International. 2013
- Effect of gamma and electron beam irradiation on the physico-chemical and nutritional properties of mushrooms: a review. Food Chemistry. 2012
- Toward the Antioxidant and Chemical Characterization of Mycorrhizal Mushrooms from Northeast Portugal. Journal of Food Science. 2011
- Compounds from wild mushrooms with antitumor potential. ACAMC. 2010
- In vitro cultures of Brassica oleracea L. var. costata DC: potential plant bioreactor for antioxidant phenolic compounds 2009
- Screening of antioxidant phenolic compounds produced by in vitro shoots of Brassica oleracea L. var. costata DC.. Combinatorial Chemistry & High Throughput Screening. 2009
- Interacção in vitro entre macrofungos micorrízicos de Castanea sativa e o patógeno Phytophthora cinnamomi 2006
- Micorrização in vitro de germinantes de Pinus pinaster: estudos histológicos e de crescimento. A Pantorra. 2006
- Estudos e perspectivas futuras das micorrizas e da indução de micorrização in vitro e ex vitro de Castanea sativa Mill. 2005
- A 31P nuclear magnetic resonance study of phosphate levels in roots of ectomycorrhizal and nonmycorrhizal plants of Castanea sativa Mill.. Trees - Structure and Function. 1999
capítulo de livro
- Integrated approaches for socio-economic boosting of the sustainable production and consumption of Montesinho mushrooms 2022
- Phenolic compounds as mycorrhization signaling molecules in micropropagated chestnut (Castanea sativa Mill.) seedlings 2022
- Mycorrhization and micropropagation of chestnut (Castanea sativa Mill.) seedlings as tools to obtain high added-value phenolic compounds 2022
- Mycorrhization and micropropation of chestnut (Castanea sativa Mill.) seedlings as tools to obtain high addedvalue phenolic compounds 2022
- MiChesnut3 - Perfil fenólico de híbridos de castanheiro 2022
- MiChestnut3 ¿ Perfil fenólico de híbridos de castanheiro 2022
- MiChestnut3 – Perfil fenólico de híbridos de castanheiro 2022
- . Bioactive compounds and anti-inflammatory activity of Pleurotus eryngii and Suillus bellinii: A comparison between fruiting bodies and mycelia 2018
- Wild mushrooms as a possible source of nutraceuticals - Use of chromatographic techniques to obtain the species chemical profile 2017
- Bioactive properties and compounds in fruiting bodies and mycelia of Pleurotus eryngii (DC.) Quél and Suillus bellinii (Inzenga) Watling 2017
- Nutritional values, chemical characterization and cytotoxicity in human tumor cell lines of desert truffles 2017
- Pleurotus species as a source of bio-preservatives 2017
- Leccinum vulpinum Watling: nutritional, antioxidant and antitumour potential 2016
- Two mushroom Leccinum species: similar chemical profiles, diferent impact in the antioxidante capacity 2016
- A importância dos ácidos fenólicos na atividade anti-inflamatória de cogumelos comestíveis 2016
- Potencial antitumoral de cogumelos silvestres do Nordeste Transmontano 2016
- A prospective study on bioactive properties of wild mushrooms mycelium grown in vitro under different conditions 2016
- Bioactivity and chromatographic análisis of nutrients and non-nutrients of two Leccinum species 2016
- Bioactivity and chromatographic analysis of nutrients and non-nutrients of two Leccinum species 2016
- Chromatographic techniques to obtain the biomolecules profile of wild Suillus granulates 2016
- Método de obtenção do éster metílico do ácido acetobromo Α-D-Glucurónico 2016
- Gamma irradiation at 2 kGy to preserve wild edible mushrooms: Effects on chemical parameters 2015
- Bioacessibility studies related to antioxidant phenolic extracts from two edible species of the genus Hericium 2015
- Effects of gamma irradiation in the antimicrobial activity of wild mushroom extracts 2015
- Extratos de cogumelos silvestres potenciam a ação de antibióticos contra bactérias multi- resistentes 2015
- Composição química, atividade antioxidante e estudos de biodisponibilidade em extratos fenólicos de dois cogumelos silvestres do género Hericium 2014
- Nutritional, antioxidant and antitumour properties of Leccinum vulpinum Watling 2014
- Nutritional, antioxidante and antitumor properties of Leccinum vulpinum Watling 2014
- Suillus granulatus (L.) Roussel as a source of bioactive compounds: comparative study between mushrooms from different origins 2014
- Cogumelos comestíveis: muito mais do que um alimento 2014
- Wild mushroom extracts as inhibitors of bacterial biofilm formation 2014
- Chemical composition of Morchella esculenta (L.) Pers. from Portugal and Serbia: A comparative study based on chromatographic techniques 2013
- Chromatographic analysis of nutraceuticals in the wild mushroom Suillus granulatus from different origins 2013
- Growth inhibitory activity of Coprinopsis atramentaria extract, phenolic acids and protected acetylated glucuronides on human tumor and non-tumor cell lines 2013
- Análise nutricional de espécies de cogumelos silvestres do género Boletus: Boletus porosporus e Boletus regius 2013
- A comparative study of chemical composition of Morchella esculenta (L.) Pers. from Portugal and Serbia 2013
- Agaricus albertii as a source of bioactive compounds: comparison between Portuguese and Serbian species 2013
- Antimicrobial activity of Ganoderma lucidum extract, p-hydroxybenzoic and cinnamic acids and their synthetic acetylated glucuronide methyl esters 2013
- Antioxidant and bioactive compounds of two wild edible mushrooms from Northeast of Portugal: Boletus poliporus and Boletus regius 2013
- Bioactive compounds in Gyromitra esculenta and Helvella lacunosa wild mushrooms from Northeast of Portugal 2013
- Chemical characterization and antioxidant activity of phenolic, polysaccharidic and lipidic fractions of Coprinopsis atramentaria, a wild edible mushroom from Northeast Portugal 2013
- Antioxidant activity of Macrolepiota procera wild mushroom submitted to different processing technologies 2013
- Antioxidant potential of fungi and seedlings during mycorrhizal induction 2013
- Synergistic effects between wild mushroom extracts and standard antibiotics against multi-resistant bacteria 2013
- Bioactivity of Morchella esculenta (L.) Pers. phenolic extracts: a comparative study between samples from Portugal and Serbia 2012
- Bioactivity of Morchella esculrnta (L.) Pers. phenolic extracts: a comparative study between samples from Portugal and Serbia 2012
- Análise de nutrientes em espécies de cogumelos silvestres dos géneros Amanita e Russula 2012
- Caracterização e atividade antioxidante da fração fenólica de Coprinopsis atramentaria e Xerocomus chrysenteron, dois cogumelos silvestres do Nordeste de Portugal 2012
- Potencial antioxidante de espécies de cogumelos silvestres comestíveis dos géneros Amanita e Russula 2012
- Ganoderma lucidum methanolic extract: chemical characterization in phenolic compounds and study of growth inhibitory activity in human tumour cell lines 2012
- Analysis of phenolic, polysaccharidic and lipidic fractions of mushrooms from northeast Portugal 2012
- Phenolic acids in the wild mushroom Ganoderma lucidum and synthesis of some possible metabolites 2012
- Caracterização química do processo de reconhecimento da simbiose entre Pinus pinaster e fungos micorrízicos 2012
- Phenolic extract from the fruiting body and spores of a medicinal mushroom - Ganoderma lucidum: investigating their antioxidant potential and antitumor cell growth inhibitory effects 2012
- Effects of gamma irradiation on the fatty acids profile of Lactarius deliciosus wild mushroom 2012
- Antioxidants in Pinus Pinaster and mycorrhizal fungi during the early steps of symbiosis 2012
- Characterization of phenolic and polysaccharidic extracts of Ganoderma lucidum by chromatographic techniques 2012
- Characterization of phenolic and polysaccharydic extracts of Ganoderma lucidum by chromatographic techniques 2012
- Chromatographic analysis of macro and micronutrients in the most widely appreciated cultivated mushrooms 2012
- Atividade e moléculas antioxidantes de cogumelos silvestres comestíveis do género Agaricus 2012
- Chromatographic techniques to obtain the biomolecules profile of inedible wild mushrooms with antioxidant value 2012
- Gamma irradiation protects oleic acid from oxidation: an experiment in Lactarius deliciosus wild mushroom 2012
- Influência da radiação gama nas propriedades físicas de Lactarius deliciosus 2012
- Nutritional and nutraceutical potential of saprotrophic and mycorrhizal wild edible mushrooms from Northeast Portugal 2011
- Caracterização química e propriedades antioxidantes de cogumelos silvestres comestíveis provenientes de diferentes habitats 2011
- Phenolic profile in edible and non edible wild mushrooms from Northeast Portugal 2011
- Análise metabolómica dirigida em cogumelos silvestres do género Boletus 2011
- Edible mycorrhizal mushrooms as sources of bioactive phenolic compounds 2011
- Potencial nutracêutico de cogumelos silvestres comestíveis do género Agaricus 2011
- Screening of the antimicrobial activity of wild mushrooms phenolic extracts against clinical isolates 2011
- Phytochemical characterization of wild edible Boletus sp. from Northeast Portugal 2010
- Antioxidants in Portuguese wild mushrooms: a phenolic profile 2010
- Bioactive properties of Clitocybe alexandri 2010
- Antioxidant activity and growth inhibitory activity of Portuguese wild mushrooms 2010
- . Selected nutrients in Portuguese wild mushrooms analysed by gas chromatography and high performance liquid chromatography 2009
- Selected nutrients in portuguese wild mushrooms analysed by gas chromatography and high performance liquid chromatography 2009
- Tocopherols composition of Portuguese wild mushrooms with antioxidant capacity 2009
- Optimal Schedule of Home Care Visits for a Health Care Center 2017
- Encontro de Investigadores da Universidade de São Tomé e Príncipe: livro de resumos 2015
- 1as. Jornadas de jovens investigadores da Escola Superior Agrária do Instituto Politécnico de Bragança 2011
- Micorrização in vitro de plantas micropropagadas de castanheiro: Castanea sativa Mill 1997