The consumption of mushrooms is increasing
all over the world as a result of their sensorial and nutritional
qualities. Among their nutrients, mushrooms present
high levels of macro- and micro-elements. The qualitative
composition in these elements is, however, often unknown.
Mushrooms are known also as being very perishable products.
Gamma rays or electron-beam irradiation has been
applied to improve their shelf life and decrease health hazards
caused by microorganisms. In addition, the effects of
irradiation on the physicochemical and nutritional parameters
of wild mushrooms have been studied by our research
group. Nevertheless, the effects on essential macro- and
micro-elements of these natural matrices are still unknown.
The effects of gamma and electron-beam irradiation on the
macro- and micro-elements profiles were evaluated in Boletus
edulis, Hydnum repandum and Macrolepiota procera. The same elements were detected in the three species with
some quantitative differences. The profiles obtained allowed
the definition of proper dietary intakes, thus preventing
undesirable effects derived from consuming mushrooms
in quantities that exceed threshold levels of these minerals.
The applied irradiation doses did not show a systematic
effect on the macro- and micro-elements profiles, except
for the 10 kGy. Accordingly, irradiation treatment, using
gamma rays or electron beam up to 6 kGy, is a suitable technique
to disinfest and/or decontaminate wild mushrooms,
independently of their species or physical state.