Evaluation of the chemical interactions in co-culture elements of Castanea sativa Miller mycorrhization uri icon


  • In the early steps of mycorrhizal associations an oxidative burst might occur through the rapid production of high amounts of reactive oxygen species in response to external stimuli, increasing the production of antioxidants in plant and/or mycelia. Herein, the effect of mycorrhizal association among Pisolithus arhizus or Paxillus involutus and Castanea sativa Miller (stems and roots) was studied for different co-culture periods, defined for a better comprehension of the chemical interactions in the early stages of mycorrhization (6, 24 and 72 h). Knowledge on the specificities of plant-host interaction provided information about the most suitable fungus to be included in the development of new management strategies, and the fungal species that induced the strongest response with increasing antioxidant activity (free radical scavenging activity, reducing power and lipid peroxidation inhibition) and production of antioxidant compounds (phenolics and tocopherols) and sugars. P. involutus seemed to be the most adequate fungus to mycorrhize with C. sativa. Considering bioactive compounds production, P. arhizus was more efficient since allowed an increase in the contents of sugars and tocopherols in all co-culture elements.

data de publicação

  • janeiro 1, 2013