Bioacessibility studies related to antioxidant phenolic extracts from two edible species of the genus Hericium Artigo de Conferência uri icon


  • Mushrooms are rich sources of nutrients, but also of bioactive molecules such as phenolic compounds. Phenolic acids are among the major low molecular weight bioactive components usually found in mushroom species, contributing to their antioxidant properties [1]. Following the ingestion, these molecules have to be released from the food matrix and further transformed by the organism, to became accessible and exert their bioactive properties [2]. Several in vitro methodologies have been developed in arder to evaluate the bioacessibility of bioactive compounds, proving to be easy, cheap and reproducible, being possible to evaluate the digestivo stability of the food constituents [3]. Herein, two wild edible mushroom species originated from Northeast Portugal (Herícium erinaceus (Buli.) Persoon and Hericium coralloides (Scop.) Pers.), were analysed for their nutritional value, detailed chemical composition and antioxidant properties. Furthermore, in arder to evaluate the bioaccessibiljty of the compounds responsible for the mushrooms antioxidant properties, a digestion of the dry powder and phenolic extracts was performed under in vitro conditions. The Hericium species showed similar chemical profiles (except for tocopherols), varying only in the concentration of these compounds. The phenolic extracts presented the highest antioxidant activity that is in agreement with the highest concentration in phenolic acids found in those samples before in vitro digestion. This means that after in vitro gastrointestinal digestion, the bioactive compounds can suffer structural changes (losing the OH groups responsible for the antioxidant activity) that decreased the antioxidant properties. Nevertheless, they are bioaccessible and still display antioxidant activity.

data de publicação

  • janeiro 1, 2015