In vitro culture of Coriandrum sativum Artigo de Conferência uri icon


  • Coriander (coriandrum sativumL.) is a plant from the Umbellifera family. In Portugal, the use of coriander plants in gastronomy is very common, like in all the countries in the Mediterranean area. This plant species has also several other applications than as an aromatic plant, such as medicinal, being recommended for dyspeptic complaints, loss of appetite, convulsion, insomnia and anxiety. Moreover, the essential oils and various extracts from coriander have been shown to possess antibacterial, antioxidant, antidiabetic, anticancerous and antimutagenic activities among others, it has also been used as a flavoring agent in food products, perfumes and cosmetics. To study the potential use of this plant all over the year it is Necessary to establish an in vitro system production and to evaluate the better conditions for its growth. In vitro coriander cultures were started from seeds of Coriandrum sativum from a commercial origin. Seeds were inoculated in MS medium containing different concentration Of IBA and BAP. After 6 months of in vitro culture, the plants were separated in two lots named Lot A and B differentiated by their pigmentation (clones with differentiation in flavonoids accumulation), being lot B the less pigmented and lot A the one who presented an higher purple coloration, under the same in vitro growth conditions(nutrition, temperature and light). The growth rates of both lots were determined through fresh and dried weights and evaluating how pigmentation affects these parameters. The mdedium with better growth rates was MS with 0,1mg/L BA and 0,1mg/L BAP; The B lot grew better but have the stationary phase after 3 weeks while the A lot was still growing after 4 weeks but grew slower comparing wit lot B. These results will be used in further studies concerning the essential oils production in each lot.

data de publicação

  • janeiro 1, 2010