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Pereira, Eliana Andreia Pires Castilho
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publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Physical, Nutritional, and Chemical Profile of Innovative Bakery Products. Austin Journal of Nutrition and Food sciences. 2023
- Evaluation of antimicrobial and antioxidant activities of alginate edible films incorporated with plant extracts. Coatings. 2023
- Lavandula stoechas L., Artemisia dracunculus L., and Ocimum basilicum L. polyphenolic extracts as functional food ingredientes . Food Science and Technology International. 2023
- Reuse of fruits and vegetables biowaste for sustainable development of natural ingredientes. Food Bioscience. 2023
- From Tradition to Health: Chemical and Bioactive Characterization of Five Traditional Plants. Molecules. 2022
- Comparative study on the phenolic composition and in vitro bioactivity of medicinal and aromatic plants from the Lamiaceae family. Food Research International. 2022
- [36] Chemical composition and bioactive characterization of Impatiens walleriana Hook.f.. Molecules. 2021
- Macroalgae as an Alternative Source of Nutrients and Compounds with Bioactive Potential. Proceedings. 2020
- [13] Effects of gamma irradiation on cytotoxicity and phenolic compounds of Thymus vulgaris L. and Mentha x piperita L... Current Opinion in Food Science. 2016
- Descontaminação e conservação de plantas aromáticas e medicinais por irradiação. Vida Rural . 2014
- Chemical characterization of Ginkgo biloba L. and antioxidant properties of its extracts and dietary supplements. Food Research International. 2013
- Bioactivity and chemical characterization in hydrophilic and lipophilic compounds of Chenopodium ambrosioides L.. Journal of Functional Foods. 2013
- Bryonia dioica, Tamus communis and Lonicera periclymenum fruits: Characterization in phenolic compounds and incorporation of their extracts in hydrogel formulations for topical application. Food Research International. 2013
- Chemical composition of wild and commercial Achillea millefolium L. and bioactivity of the methanolic extract, infusion and decoction. Food Chemistry. 2013
- [3] Relevance of the mention to antioxidant properties in yogurts label: in vitro evaluation and chromatographic analysis. Antioxidants. 2013
- [2] Towards chemical and nutritional inventory of Portuguese wild edible mushrooms in different habitats. Food Chemistry. 2011
artigo de conferência
- Basil and eucalyptus as a source of essential oils with bioactive properties 2022
- Bread freezing as a new alternative to consumption 2022
- Caracterização dos resíduos de Brassica oleracea L. para obtenção de um potencial ingrediente natural 2022
- Characterization of the biological residue Brassica oleracea L. to obtain a potencial natural ingredient 2022
- Comparative analysis of the chemical composition of different portuguese bread 2022
- Evaluación de las semillas de chía como nuevo ingrediente de alimentos de base cereal 2022
- Extraction optimization of bioactive compounds from Thymus ulgaris L.: comparison of heat-assisted and ultrasound-assisted extractions 2022
- Hydroethanolic extract of Ocimum basilicum 'cinnamon' as a natural preservative for the food industry 2022
- Natural ingredients obtained from Brassica oleracea L. waste 2022
- Non-conventional edible plants: Tradescantia zebrina bosse and Althernanthera brasiliana L. 2022
- Plantas condimentares do género Thymus como uma alternativa natural para conservação de alimentos 2022
- Risk benefits of new ingredients added to novel cereal-based formulations 2022
- The potential of aromatic extracts to enhance the sensory perception of bread 2022
- Thymus mastichina L. As a natural alternative for food preservation: study of bioactivities and phenolic profile 2022
- Valorization of apple by-products into flour: nutritional and chemical characterization and evaluation of bioactive properties 2022
- Plant Extracts as Potential Bioactive Food Additives. Biology and Life Sciences Forum. 2021
- Bio-residues of Ilex paraguariensis a. St. Hil. as a source of phenolic compounds with preservative potential 2021
- Bioactive profile of the extract of the petals of Impatiens walleriana as a natural food coloring alternative 2021
- Chemical characterization and bioactive properties of Impatiens Balsamina L. flowers 2021
- Effect of Sage (Salvia officinalis L.) Extract on the Survival of Staphylococcus aureus in Portuguese Alheira Sausage during Maturation 2021
- Evaluation of macroalgae as a source of nutrients for nutraceutical foods 2021
- Exploration of pineapple bio-waste as a low-cost material for natural ingredients with health benefits for application in the food industry 2021
- Ilex paraguariensis A. St. -Hil.: a promising source of phenolic compounds with bioactive properties 2021
- In vitro bioactive potential of several macroalgae species 2021
- Malpighia emarginata DC. as a source of nutrients and bioactive compounds 2021
- Nutritional and chemical characterization of biowastes from the agri-food sector: the particular case of Malpighia emarginata DC (acerola) 2021
- Optimization of heat-assisted extraction of bioactive compounds from Thymus vulgaris L. 2021
- Phenolic and bioactive profile of Impatiens genus flowers in the search for a promising natural colourant with applicability in the food industry 2021
- Pineapple peel as a source of bioactive compounds with health benefits and potential application in the food industry 2021
- Plants from Lamiaceae family as a source of essential oils with bioactive properties 2021
- Red Algae as a source of nutrients with antioxidant potential 2021
- Study of aromatic and medicinal plants as potential natural ingredients for the food industry 2021
- Tradescantia zebrina Bosse: study of the phenolic composition and bioactive properties of a potential natural coloring ingredient 2021
- [11] Macroalgae as na alternative source of nutrientes and compounds with bioactive potential 2020
- Evaluación del perfil fenólico individual de Calluna vulgaris (L.) y de su potencial bioactivo 2019
- Extrato de Gomphrena globosa L. como corante natural em biscoitos: efeito em diferentes parâmetros físicos 2019
- Healthy novel extruded gluten-free snacks based on legumes and rice: bioactivity evaluation 2019
- Influence of the harvest stage on the phenolic composition and bioactive properties of Cynara cardunculus L. var. altilis heads 2019
- Natural colorants in cookies: evaluation of the incorporation effects on the physico-chemical composition. 11th Encontro Nacional de Cromatografia. 2019
- Otimização de processos de extração de antocianinas a partir de cálices de Hibiscus sabdariffa L. para produção de corantes alimentares naturais 2019
- Otimização do processo de extração utilizando folhas de Ocimum basilicum var. purpurascens para a obtenção de um ingrediente corante 2019
- Targeted metabolites’ analysis of Hibiscus sabdariffa L. calyces from Guinea-Bissau (West Africa) 2019
- The use of seaweed in daily diets as a source of nutrientes 2019
- Calluna vulgaris (L.) Hull: composição nutricional e caracterização do perfil fenólico. 14º Encontro de Química dos Alimentos. 2018
- Maximização da extração de antocianinas de Hibiscus sabdariffa por diferentes métodos para obtenção de corantes alimentares 2018
- Avaliação do perfil fenólico de duas plantas comummente utilizadas na medicina tradicional, após aplicação de irradiação ionizante 2018
- Caracterização do perfil fenólico de Ocimum basílícum var. purpurascens e avaliação do seu potencial bioativo 2018
- Caracterização química e nutricional de grãos de Chenopodium quinoa Willd (quinoa): uma boa alternativa para produtos alimentares nutritivos 2018
- Caraterização química e nutricional de uma espécie de elevado interesse na indústria alimentar: Ocimum basílicum var. purpurascens 2018
- Determinação do perfil químico e nutricional dos frutos de Rubus ulmifolius Schott 2018
- Effects of gamma radiation on phenolic composition of medicinal plants: Aloysia Citrodora L. and Mentha X Piperita L. Infusions 2018
- Effects of gamma radiation on phenolic composition, cytotoxicity, antibacterial and virucidal activities of two medicinal plants 2018
- Extrusão - um método viável no desenvolvimento de novas formulações sem glúten à base de leguminosas e arroz 2018
- Frutos de Rubus ulmifolius Schott como uma fonte de compostos fenólicos e propriedades bioativas 2018
- Hibiscus sabdariffa L. calyces as a source of anthocyanins rich extracts to be used as a natural food colouring agente 2018
- Hibiscus sabdariffa L. como uma fonte de nutrientes, compostos bioativos e agentes corantes 2018
- How gamma radiation affects antimicrobial potential of medicinal plants: Mentha x piperita L. as a case study 2018
- Optimization and comparison of maceration and ultrassound assisted extraction systems for the production of a colorant extract from Hibiscus sabdariffa L. flowers 2018
- Caracterização química e bioatividades de Hibiscus sabdariffa L. 2017
- Efeitos de radiação ionizante no perfil fenólico de Melissa officinalis L. e de Melittis melissophyllum L.. 2017
- Improving the bioactivity of medicinal plants using gamma radiation: Thymus vulgaris L. infusions as a case-study 2017
- Influence of ionizing radiation on the free sugars content of several aromatic and medicinal plants 2017
- Influência da origem geográfica no perfil fenólico de Lavandula pedunculata (Mill.) Cav. 2017
- The impact of extrusion on the organics acids composition of gluten-free snacks based on rice, bean and carob flour blends 2017
- The role of chamomile phenolic compounds in the development of dairy functional foods 2017
- Tocopherols content in gluten-free extruded composite flours of rice and different legumes 2017
- Uso de tecnologia hurdle na conservação de plantas medicinais: impacto na composição fenólica da alcária 2017
- Efeitos da radiação gama nas propriedades antioxidantes e composição fenólica de infusões de Thymus vulgaris L.. 2016
- Irradiação como uma técnica de preservação de nutrientes: efeitos comparativos entre radiação gama e feixe de elecrões em Arenaria montana L 2016
- Irradiação como uma técnica de preservação de nutrientes: efeitos comparativos entre radiação gama e feixe de elecrões em Arenaria montana L.. 2016
- Efeitos da radiação gama nas propriedades antioxidantes e composição fenólica de infusões de Thymus vulgaris L. 2016
- Aplicação de radiação gama a Ginkgo biloba L. e avaliação da sua composição química através de técnicas cromatográficas 2016
- Avaliação dos efeitos da irradiação na composição química e bioatividade de plantas usadas na indústria farmacêutica e/ou alimentar 2016
- Chromatographic methods to obtain the biomolecules profile of some aromatic plants irradiated with electron beam 2016
- Effects of gamma and electron beam irradiation in the antioxidante potential of methanolic extracts and infusions of Arenaria Montana L 2016
- Effects of gamma radiation in mycotoxin decontamination of Aloysia citrodora Paláu 2016
- Effects of gamma radiation in mycotoxin descontamination of Aloysia citrodora Paláu 2016
- Extraction and detection of mycotoxins in medicinal and aromatic plants: a case study with Aloysia citrodora P. 2016
- Irradiation as nutrient´s preservation technique: comparative effects of gamma and electron beam in Arenaria Montana L. 2016
- Irradiation as nutrient´s preservation technique: comparative effects of gamma and electron beam in Arenaria Montana L. 2016
- Irradiação como técnica de preservação de nutrientes: estudo comparativo entre radiação gama e feixe de eletrões em Arenaria montana L. 2016
- Irradiação como uma técnica de preservação de nutrientes: efeitos comparativos entre radiação gama e feixe de eletrões em Arenaria montana L. 2016
- The impact of gamma irradiation on the cytotoxic properties and phenolic composition of Thymus vulgaris L. and Menta x piperita L. 2016
- Tratamento de Melissa officinalis L. com irradiação gama e feixe de eletrões aumenta a concentração de compostos fenólicos 2016
- A comparison of the nutritional contribution of twenty-six widely used condimets 2015
- Effects of gamma irradiation on the phenolic compounds of Ginkgo biloba L. 2015
- Electron beam irradiation as a method for preservation of the chemical composition of medicinal and aromatic plants 2015
- Extraction and detection of mycotoxins in medicinal and aromatic plants: a case study with Aloysia citrodora P 2015
- Extraction and detection of mycotoxins in medicinal and aromatic plants: a case studywith Melissa officinalis L. 2015
- Gamma irradiation as an alternative to preserve the chemical and bioactive characteristics of plants widely consumed as infusions 2015
- Improving the antioxidant activity of medicinal and aromatic plants by applying electron beam irradiation 2015
- Invisible light, visible results: gamma irradiation effects on aromatic, edible and medicinal plants 2015
- Irradiação com feixe de eletrões como um método de preservação da composição química de plantas aromáticas e medicinais 2015
- Irradiação gama como uma alternativa segura para preservar as características químicas e bioativas de plantas utilizadas para fins medicinais 2015
- Phenolic compounds among the bioactive molecules in Ginkgo biloba L. 2015
- Antioxidant potential and phenolic compounds characterization of Arenaria montana L. 2014
- Effects of gamma and electron-beam irradiation on the antioxidant potential of Melissa officinalis L. infusions 2014
- Effects of gamma irradiation on antioxidant potential and chemical composition of Ginkgo biloba L.: a comparative study of 1 and 10 kGy doses 2014
- Evaluation of antioxidant activity of Tropaeolum majus L. flowers processed by ionizing radiation 2014
- Impact of gamma irradiation on chemical composition of Melissa officinalis L. 2014
- Impact of gamma irradiation on nutritional composition and antioxidant activity of Aloysia citriodora Paláu and Melittis melissophyllum L. 2014
- Irradiação gama como uma alternativa para preservação das características químicas e bioativas de plantas usadas em infusões 2014
- A comparative study between antioxidant properties of Ginkgo biloba L. infusion and dietary supplements 2013
- Avaliação da atividade antioxidante da planta Ginkgo biloba L. – infusão e suplementos dietéticos 2013
- Bioactivity of Chenopodium ambrosioides L.: antioxidant and antitumour potential, and detailed characterization in bioactive compounds 2013
- Hydrophilic and lipophilic compounds in Arenaria montana L. and Chenopodium ambrosioides L. and bioactivity of their infusions and methanolic extracts 2013
- Tocopherols in Ginkgo biloba L.: A comparative study between infusion and dietary suplements 2013
- Uma contribuição para o inventário químico e nutricional de cogumelos silvestres comestíveis do Nordeste Transmontano 2013
- Wild Ginkgo biloba L. infusion supplies a higher amount of tocopherols than dietary supplements based on the same plant 2013
- Atividade e moléculas antioxidantes de cogumelos silvestres comestíveis do género Agaricus 2012
- Avaliação da atividade antioxidante e análise cromatográfica de açúcar e tocoferóis em iogurtes com fruta: pêssego, ananás, ameixa e manga 2012
- Relevância da informação "antioxidante" no rótulo de iogurtes de amora 2012
- Atividade e moléculas antioxidantes de cogumelos silvestres comestíveis do género Agaricus. 2012
- Avaliação da atividade antioxidante e análise cromatográfica de açúcar e tocoferóis em iogurtes com fruta: pêssego, ananás, ameixa e manga. 2012
- Chromatographic techniques to obtain the biomolecules profile of inedible wild mushrooms with antioxidant value 2012
- Relevância da informação “antioxidante” no rótulo de iogurtes de amora. 11º Encontro Nacional de Química dos Alimentos. 2012
- Relevância da informação “antioxidante” no rótulo de iogurtes de amora. 2012
- Caracterização química e propriedades antioxidantes de cogumelos silvestres comestíveis provenientes de diferentes habitats. 2011
- Contribuição para a inventariação química e nutricional de cogumelos silvestres do Nordeste de Portugal 2011
- Potencial nutracêutico de cogumelos silvestres comestíveis do género Agaricus. 2011
artigo de revista
- A Critical Review of Risk Assessment Models for Listeria monocytogenes in Dairy Products. Foods. 2023
- Polyphenol Composition by HPLC-DAD-(ESI-)MS/MS and Bioactivities of Extracts from Grape Agri-Food Wastes. Molecules. 2023
- Use of Bio-Waste of Ilex paraguariensis A. St. Hil. (Yerba mate) to Obtain an Extract Rich in Phenolic Compounds with Preservative Potential. Foods. 2023
- Dynamic Maceration of Acerola (Malpighia emarginata DC.) Fruit Waste: An Optimization Study to Recover Anthocyanins. Agronomy. 2023
- Evaluation of Antimicrobial and Antioxidant Activities of Alginate Edible Coatings Incorporated with Plant Extracts. Coatings. 2023
- Reuse of fruits and vegetables biowaste for sustainable development of natural ingredients. Food Bioscience. 2023
- Pineapple by-products as a source of bioactive compounds with potential for industrial food application. Food & Function. 2022
- Comparative evaluation of physicochemical profile and bioactive properties of red edible seaweed Chondrus crispus subjected to different drying methods. Food Chemistry. 2022
- Comparative study on the phenolic composition and in vitro bioactivity of medicinal and aromatic plants from the Lamiaceae family. Food Research International. 2022
- From tradition to health: chemical and bioactive characterization of five traditional plants. Molecules. 2022
- [37] ß-Carotene colouring systems based on solid lipid particles produced by hot melt dispersion. Current Opinion in Food Science. 2021
- Study on the Potential Application of Impatiens balsamina L. Flowers Extract as a Natural Colouring Ingredient in a Pastry Product. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2021
- Development of a Natural Preservative from Chestnut Flowers: Ultrasound-Assisted Extraction Optimization and Functionality Assessment. Chemosensors. 2021
- Red Seaweeds as a Source of Nutrients and Bioactive Compounds: Optimization of the Extraction. Chemosensors. 2021
- Characterization of Kefir Produced in Household Conditions: Physicochemical and Nutritional Profile, and Storage Stability. Foods. 2021
- Chemical Composition and Bioactive Characterisation of Impatiens walleriana. Molecules. 2021
- Eggplant Fruit (Solanum melongena L.) and Bio-Residues as a Source of Nutrients, Bioactive Compounds, and Food Colorants, Using Innovative Food Technologies. Applied Sciences. 2021
- Recovery of Anthocyanins from Passion Fruit Epicarp for Food Colorants: Extraction Process Optimization and Evaluation of Bioactive Properties. Molecules. 2020
- Healthy novel gluten-free formulations based on beans, carob fruit and rice: Extrusion effect on organic acids, tocopherols, phenolic compounds and bioactivity. Food Chemistry. 2019
- Rubus ulmifolius Schott as a Novel Source of Food Colorant: Extraction Optimization of Coloring Pigments and Incorporation in a Bakery Product. Molecules. 2019
- Ocimum basilicum var. purpurascens leaves (red rubin basil): a source of bioactive compounds and natural pigments for the food industry. Food & Function. 2019
- Optimization of heat- and ultrasound-assisted extraction of anthocyanins from Hibiscus sabdariffa calyces for natural food colorants. Food Chemistry. 2019
- Optimization of the Extraction Process to Obtain a Colorant Ingredient from Leaves of Ocimum basilicum var. purpurascens. Molecules. 2019
- Exploring the chemical and bioactive properties of Hibiscus sabdariffa L. calyces from Guinea-Bissau (West Africa). Food & Function. 2019
- Rubus ulmifolius Schott fruits: A detailed study of its nutritional, chemical and bioactive properties. Food Research International. 2019
- Effects of gamma radiation on the bioactivity of medicinal and aromatic plants: Mentha x piperita L., Thymus vulgaris L. and Aloysia citrodora Paláu as case studies. Food & Function. 2018
- Evaluation of gamma-irradiated aromatic herbs: Chemometric study of samples submitted to extended storage periods. Food Research International. 2018
- How gamma and electron-beam irradiations modulate phenolic profile expression in Melissa officinalis L. and Melittis melissophyllum L.. Food Chemistry. 2018
- Phenolic Composition and Bioactivity of Lavandula pedunculata (Mill.) Cav. Samples from Different Geographical Origin. Molecules. 2018
- Extensive profiling of three varieties of Opuntia spp. fruit for innovative food ingredients. Food Research International. 2017
- Is Gamma Radiation Suitable to Preserve Phenolic Compounds and to Decontaminate Mycotoxins in Aromatic Plants? A Case-Study with Aloysia citrodora Paláu. Molecules. 2017
- Electron-beam irradiation as an alternative to preserve nutritional, chemical and antioxidant properties of dried plants during extended storage periods. Current Opinion in Food Science. 2017
- Electron-beam irradiation as an alternative to preserve nutritional, chemical and antioxidant properties of dried plants during extended storage periods. Current Opinion in Food Science. 2017
- Gamma irradiation as a safe alternative to preserve the chemical and bioactive characteristics of plants used for therapeutic purposes. Revista de Ciências Agrárias. 2017
- Hibiscus sabdariffa L. as a source of nutrients, bioactive compounds and colouring agents. Food Research International. 2017
- Infusions of gamma irradiated Aloysia citrodora L. and Mentha x piperita L.: Effects on phenolic composition, cytotoxicity, antibacterial and virucidal activities. Food Research International. 2017
- Infusions from Thymus vulgaris L. treated at different gamma radiation doses: Effects on antioxidant activity and phenolic composition. Current Opinion in Food Science. 2016
- Electron beam and gamma irradiation as feasible conservation technologies for wild Arenaria montana L.: Effects on chemical and antioxidant parameters. Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies. 2016
- Effects of gamma irradiation on cytotoxicity and phenolic compounds of Thymus vulgaris L. and Mentha x piperita L.. Current Opinion in Food Science. 2016
- Extending the use of irradiation to preserve chemical and bioactive properties of medicinal and aromatic plants: A case study with four species submitted to electron beam. Food Research International. 2015
- Analytical Methods Applied to Assess the Effects of Gamma Irradiation on Color, Chemical Composition and Antioxidant Activity of Ginkgo biloba L. Food Analytical Methods. 2015
- Gamma irradiation as a practical alternative to preserve the chemical and bioactive wholesomeness of widely used aromatic plants. Food Research International. 2015
- Gamma irradiation improves the extractability of phenolic compounds in Ginkgo biloba L. Food Research International. 2015
- Bioactivity and phytochemical characterization of Arenaria Montana L.. Food & Function. 2014
- Descontaminação e conservação de plantas aromáticas e medicinais por irradiação 2014
- Bioactivity and chemical characterization in hydrophilic and lipophilic compounds of Chenopodium ambrosioides L.. Journal of Functional Foods. 2013
- Bryonia dioica, Tamus communis and Lonicera periclymenum fruits: characterization in phenolic compounds and incorporation of their extracts in hydrogel formulations for topical application. Food Research International. 2013
- Chemical characterization of Ginkgo biloba L. and antioxidant properties of its extracts and dietary supplements. Food Research International. 2013
- Chemical composition of wild and commercial Achillea millefolium L. and bioactivity of the methanolic extract, infusion and decoction. Food Chemistry. 2013
- Relevance of the mention to antioxidant properties in yogurts label: in vitro evaluation and chromatographic analysis. Antioxidants. 2013
- Towards chemical and nutritional inventory of Portuguese wild edible mushrooms in different habitats. Food Chemistry. 2012
- Biomolecule Profiles in Inedible Wild Mushrooms with Antioxidant Value. Molecules. 2011
capítulo de livro
- [4] Gamma and electron beam for food processing 2024
- Edible flowers for non-alcoholic beverages 2023
- High-added-value compounds from agro-food industry wastewater 2023
- Non-Alkaloid Nitrogen Containing Compounds 2023
- Flavonoids: A Group of Potential Food Additives with Beneficial Health Effects 2022
- Determination of Antioxidant Compounds in Foodstuff 2017
- Determination of Antioxidant Compounds in Foodstuff 2016
- Valorização de produtos de montanha do ponto de vista nutricional e bioativo: Estudos de caso em plantas, cogumelos e frutos secos 2016
- Gamma and electron beam for nutrients and bioactives conservation in chestnuts, mushrooms, and dry plants 2015
- Gamma and electron beam for nutrients and bioactives conservation in chestnuts, mushrooms, and dry plants
- Resíduo da extração de Cucurbita pepo L. como fonte promissora de fibras e proteínas 2023
- Elaboration of films from plant residues: a more sustainable alternative to the environment 2023
- Antimicrobial activity of an edible film incorporated with oregano essential oil 2023
- Antimicrobial activity of an edible film incorporated with oregano essential oil. 2023
- Elaboration of films from plant residues: a more sustainable alternative to the environment. 2023
- Risk benefits of new ingredients added to novel cereal-based formulations 2023
- Thymus como uma alternativa natural para conservação de alimentos 2022
- Antioxidant activity of alginate edible films containing plant extracts 2022
- Development of innovative bakery products: bread with different types of flour 2022
- Basil and eucalyptus as a source of essential oils with bioactive properties 2022
- Optimization of the extraction of bioactive compounds from Thymus vulgaris L.: comparison of heat-assisted and ultrasound-assisted techniques 2022
- Optimization of the extraction of bioactive compounds from Thymus vulgaris L.: comparison of heat-assisted and ultrasound-assisted techniques. 2022
- Evaluación de las semillas de chía como nuevo ingrediente de alimentos de base cereal 2022
- The Juglans regia leaves as multifunctional cosmeceutical ingredients: hydroethanolic versus eutectic solvents extracts 2022
- Algarroba, una elcción saludable en la nueva gastronomía 2022
- Bread freezing as a new alternative to consumption 2022
- Comparative analysis of the chemical composition of different Portuguese bread 2022
- The potential of aromatic extracts to enhance the sensory perception of bread 2022
- Hydroethanolic extract of Ocimum basilicum 'cinnamon' as a natural preservative for the food industry 2022
- Natural ingredients obtained from Brassica Oleracea L. waste 2022
- Natural ingredients obtained from Brassica oleracea L. waste. 2022
- Risk/benefits of new ingredients added to novel Cereal-based formulations 2022
- Thymus mastichina L. as a natural alternative for food preservation: Study of bioactivities and phenolic profile 2022
- Valorization of apple by-products into flour: Nutritional and chemical characterization and evaluation of bioactive properties 2022
- Thymus mastichina L. and Thymus vulgaris L.: natural preservatives and health promoters 2021
- Clitoria ternatea L.: a promising source of blue anthocyanins 2021
- Thymus vulgaris L. and Thymus vulgaris L.: natural preservatives and heath promoters. 2021
- Breads enriched with different flours: a new solution for healthier diets 2021
- Tradescantia zebrina Bosse: study of the phenolic composition and bioactive properties of a potential natural coloring ingredient 2021
- Panes Enriquecidos con diferentes Harinas: una Nueva Solución Para Dietas más Saludables 2021
- . Effect of Sage (Salvia officinalis L.) Extract on the Survival of Staphylococcus aureus in Portuguese Alheira Sausage during Maturation 2021
- Effect of Sage (Salvia officinalis L.) Extract on the Survival of Staphylococcus aureus in Portuguese Alheira Sausage during Maturation. 2021
- Plant Extracts as Potential Bioactive Food Additives 2021
- Exploration of pineapple bio-waste as a low-cost material for natural ingredients with health benefits for application in the food industry 2021
- Phenolic and bioactive profile of Impatiens genus flowers in the search for a promising natural colourant with applicability in the food industry 2021
- Bioactive and phenolic profile of Impatiens walleriana Hook.f. petals extract: development of an alternative food ingredient 2021
- Nutritional and chemical characterization of biowastes from the agri-food sector: the particular case of Malpighia emarginata DC (acerola) 2021
- Optimization of heat-assisted extraction of bioactive compounds from Thymus vulgaris L. 2021
- Pineapple peel as a source of bioactive compounds with health benefits and potential application in the food industry 2021
- Valorização de bio-resíduos de Ilex paraguariensis A. St. Hil.: fonte de compostos fenólicos com potencial conservante 2021
- Bio-residues of Ilex paraguariensis a. St. Hil. as a source of phenolic compounds with preservative potential 2021
- Red algae as a source of nutrients with antioxidant potential. 2021
- Solanum melongena L. fruits as a good source of bioactive molecules with health benefits. 2021
- Chemical characterization and bioactive properties of Impatiens balsamina L. flowers 2021
- In vitro bioactive potential of several macroalgae species 2021
- Macroalgae as an alternative source of nutrientes and compounds with bioactives potential 2021
- Macroalgae as na alternative source of nutrientes and compounds with bioactives potential 2021
- Red Algae as a source of nutrients with antioxidant potential 2021
- Solanum melongena L. fruits as a good source of bioactive molecules with health benefits 2021
- Study of aromatic and medicinal plants as potential natural ingredients for the food industry 2021
- Plants from Lamiaceae family as a source of essential oils with bioactive properties 2021
- Las algas como prometedora fuente de nutrientes para la dieta 2020
- Targeted metabolites' analysis of Hibiscus sabdariffa L. calyces from Guinea-Bissau (West Africa) 2019
- Targeted metabolites’ analysis of Hibiscus sabdariffa L. calyces from Guinea-Bissau (West Africa) 2019
- Evaluacio´n del perfil feno´lico individual de Calluna vulgaris (L.) y de su potencial bioactivo. 2019
- Evaluacio´n del perfil feno´lico individual de Calluna vulgaris (L.) y de su potencial bioactivo 2019
- The use of seaweed in daily diets as a source of nutrientes 2019
- Apple pomace as a source of phenolic compounds with potential application in cosmetic products 2019
- Otimização do processo de extração utilizando folhas de Ocinum basilicum var purpurascens para a obtenção de um ingrediente corante 2019
- Influence of the harvest stage on the phenolic composition and bioactive properties of Cynara cardunculus L. var. altilis heads 2019
- Healthy novel extruded gluten-free snacks based on legumes and rice: bioactivity evaluation 2019
- Evaluación del perfil fenólico individual de Calluna vulgaris (L.) y de su potencial bioactivo 2019
- Extrato de Gomphrena globosa L. como corante natural em biscoitos: efeito em diferentes parâmetros físicos 2019
- Gamma irradiation as a safe alternative to preserve the chemical and bioactive characteristics of plants used for therapeutic purposes 2019
- Natural colorants in cookies: evaluation of the incorporation effects on the physico- chemical composition 2019
- Otimização de processos de extração de antocianinas a partir de cálices de Hibiscus sabdariffa L. para obtenção de corantes alimentares naturais 2019
- The use of seaweed in daily diets as a source of nutrients 2019
- Determinação do perfil químico e nutricional dos frutos de Rubus ulmifolius Schott. 2018
- Extrusão - um método viável no desenvolvimento de novas formulações sem glúten à base de leguminosas e arroz 2018
- Hibiscus sabdariffa L. calyces as a source of anthocyanins rich extracts to be used as a natural food colouring agent 2018
- Calluna vulgaris (L.) Hull: composição nutricional e caracterização do perfil fenólico 2018
- Determinação do perfil químico e nutricional dos frutos de Rubus ulmifolius Schott 2018
- Efeitos da radiação gama no perfil fenólico das infusões de Aloysia citrodora L. e Mentha x piperita L. 2018
- Caracterização química e nutricional de grãos de Chenopodium quinoa Willd (quinoa): uma boa alternativa para produtos alimentares nutritivos 2018
- Avaliação do perfil fenólico de duas plantas comummente utilizadas na medicina tradicional, após aplicação de irradiação ionizante 2018
- Caracterização do perfil fenólico de Ocimum basílícum var. purpurascens e avaliação do seu potencial bioativo 2018
- Caraterização química e nutricional de uma espécie de elevado interesse na indústria alimentar: Ocimum basílicum var. purpurascens 2018
- Efeitos da radiação gama no perfil fenólico das infusões de Aloysia citrodora L. e Mentha x piperita L 2018
- Effects Of Gamma Radiation On Phenolic Composition Of Medicinal Plants: Aloysia Citrodora L. and Mentha X Piperita L. Infusions 2018
- Effects of gamma radiation on phenolic composition, cytotoxicity, antibacterial and virucidal activities of two medicinal plants 2018
- Frutos de Rubus ulmifolius Schott como uma fonte de compostos fenólicos e propriedades bioativas 2018
- Hibiscus sabdariffa L. calyces as a source of anthocyanins rich extracts to be used as a natural food colouring agente 2018
- How gamma radiation affects antimicrobial potential of medicinal plants: Mentha x piperita L. as a case study 2018
- Maximização da extração de antocianinas de Hibiscus sabdariffa por diferentes métodos para obtenção de corantes alimentares 2018
- Optimization and comparison of maceration and ultrasound Assited extraction sytems for the production of a colorant Extract from Hibiscus sabdariffa L. Flowers 2018
- Efeitos de radiação ionizante no perfil fenólico de Melissa officinalis L. e de Melittis melissophyllum L. 2017
- Influência da origem geográfica no perfil fenólico de Lavandula pedunculata (Mill.) Cav. 2017
- Influence of ionizing radiation on the free sugars content of several aromatic and medicinal plants 2017
- Caracterização química e bioatividades de Hibiscus sabdariffa L. 2017
- The role of chamomile phenolic compounds in the development of dairy functional foods 2017
- Efeito da radiação gama na bioatividade de plantas medicinais: infusões de Thymus vulgaris L. como caso de estudo 2017
- Efeitos de radiação ionizante no perfil fenólico de Melissa officinalis L. e de Melittis melissophyllum L 2017
- Efeitos de radiação ionizante no perfil fenólico de Melissa officinalis L. e de Melittis melissophyllum L.. 2017
- Hibiscus sabdariffa L. as a source of nutrients, bioactive compounds and colouring agents 2017
- Improving the bioactivity of medicinal plants using gamma radiation: Thymus vulgaris L. infusions as a case-study 2017
- Influência da origem geográfica no perfil fenólico de Lavandula pedunculata (Mill.) Cav 2017
- Irradiation as nutrient´s preservation technique: comparative effects of gamma and electron beam in Arnaria Montana L. 2017
- The impact of extrusion on the organics acids composition of gluten-free snacks based on rice, bean and carob flour blends 2017
- Tocopherols content in gluten-free extruded composite flours of rice and different legumes 2017
- Tocopherols content in gluten-free extruded composite flours of rice and different legumes. 2017
- Uso de tecnologia hurdle na conservação de plantas medicinais: Impacto na composição fenólica da alcária 2017
- Irradiação como uma técnica de preservação de nutrientes: efeitos comparativos entre radiação gama e feixe de elecrões em Arenaria montana L. 2016
- The impact of gamma irradiation on the cytotoxic properties and phenolic composition of Thymus vulgaris L. and Menta x piperita L. 2016
- Effects of gamma and electron beam irradiation in the antioxidante potential of methanolic extracts and infusions of Arenaria Montana L. 2016
- Effects of gamma radiation in mycotoxin descontamination of Aloysia citrodora Paláu 2016
- Aplicação de radiação gama a Ginkgo biloba L. e avaliação da sua composição química através de técnicas cromatográficas 2016
- Aplicação da Irradiação Gama em Ginkgo Biloba L. e Avaliação da sua Composição Química Através de Técnicas Cromatográficas 2016
- Avaliação dos efeitos da irradiação na composição química e bioatividade de plantas usadas na indústria farmacêutica e/ou alimentar 2016
- Chromatographic Methods To Obtain The Biomolecules Profile Of Some Aromatic Plants Irradiated With Electron Beam 2016
- Efeitos da radiação gama nas propriedades antioxidantes e composição fenólica de infusões de Thymus vulgaris L 2016
- Efeitos da radiação gama nas propriedades antioxidantes e composição fenólica de infusões de Thymus vulgaris L. 2016
- Effect of gamma irradiation in mycotoxin decontamination of Aloysia citrodora Paláu 2016
- Effects of gamma and electron beam irradiation in the antioxidant potential of methanolic extracts and infusions of Arenaria Montana L. 2016
- Effects of gamma and electron beam irradiation in the antioxidant potential of methanolic extracts and infusions of Arenaria Montana L.. 2016
- Impact of gamma irradiation in the cytotoxic properties and phenolic composition of Thymus vulgaris L. and Menta x piperita L. 2016
- Irradiação como técnica de preservação de nutrientes: estudo comparativo entre radiação gama e feixe de eletrões em Arenaria Montana L. 2016
- Tratamento de Melissa officinalis L. com irradiação gama e feixe de eletrões aumenta a concentração de compostos fenólicos 2016
- Irradiação com feixe de eletrões como um método de preservação da composição química de plantas aromáticas e medicinais 2015
- Gamma irradiation as an alternative to preserve the chemical and bioactive characteristics of plants widely consumed as infusions 2015
- Effects of gamma irradiation on the phenolic compounds of Ginkgo biloba L. 2015
- Improving the antioxidant activity of medicinal and aromatic plants by applying electron beam irradiation 2015
- A comparison of the nutritional contribution of twenty-six widely used condimets 2015
- A comparison ofthe nutritional contribution of twenty-six widely used condiments 2015
- A irradiação como tecnologia pós-colheita viável para conservação de cogumelos, vegetais e plantas aromáticas 2015
- Effects of gamma irradiation on the phenolic compounds of Ginkgo biloba L.. 2015
- Electron beam irradiation as a method for preservation of the chemical composition of medicinal and aromatic plants 2015
- Electron beam irradiation as a method for preservation of the chemical composition of medicinal and aromatic plants 2015
- Extraction and detection of mycotoxins in medicinal and aromatic plants: a case study with Aloysia citrodora P.. 2015
- Invisible light, visible results: gamma irradiation effects on aromatic, edible and medicinal plants 2015
- Irradiação gama como uma alternativa segura para preservar as características químicas e bioativas de plantas utilizadas para fins medicinais 2015
- Phenolic compounds among the bioactive molecules in Ginkgo biloba L. 2015
- Effects of gamma irradiation on antioxidant potential and chemical composition of Ginkgo biloba L.: A comparative study of 1 and 10 kGy doses 2014
- Evaluation of antioxidant activity of Tropaeolum majus L. flowers processed by ionizing radiation 2014
- Impact of gamma irradiation on nutritional composition and antioxidant activity of Aloysia citriodora Paláu and Melittis melissophyllum L. 2014
- Impact of gamma irradiation on chemical composition of Melissa officinalis L. 2014
- Antioxidant potential and phenolic compounds characterization of Arenaria montana L. 2014
- Descontaminação e conservação de plantas aromáticas e medicinais por irradiação 2014
- Effects of gamma and electron-beam irradiation on the antioxidant potential of Melissa officinalis L. infusions 2014
- Irradiação de plantas aromáticas e medicinais: garantia de qualidade para a Indústria Alimentar e Farmacêutica 2014
- Irradiação gama como uma alternativa para preservação das características químicas e bioativas de plantas usadas em infusões 2014
- Tocopherols in Ginkgo biloba L.: A comparative study between infusion and dietary supplements 2013
- A comparative study between antioxidant properties of Ginkgo biloba L. infusion and dietary supplements 2013
- Bioactivity of Chenopodium ambrosioides L.: antioxidant and antitumour potential, and detailed characterization in bioactive compounds 2013
- Avaliação da atividade antioxidante da planta ginkgo biloba L. – infusão e suplementos dietéticos 2013
- Chemical characterization of Ginkgo biloba L. and antioxidant properties of its extracts and dietary supplements 2013
- Hydrophilic and lipophilic compounds in Arenaria montana L. and Chenopodium ambrosioides L. and bioactivity of their infusions and methanolic extracts 2013
- Relevance of the mention to antioxidant properties in yogurts label: in vitro evaluation and chromatographic analysis 2013
- Uma contribuição para o inventário químico e nutricional de cogumelos silvestres comestíveis do Nordeste Transmontano 2013
- Wild Ginkgo biloba L. infusion supplies a higher amount of tocopherols than dietary supplements based on the same plant 2013
- Avaliação da atividade antioxidante e análise cromatográfica de açúcar e tocoferóis em iogurtes com fruta: pêssego, ananás, ameixa e manga 2012
- Relevância da informação "antioxidante" no rótulo de iogurtes de amora 2012
- Atividade e moléculas antioxidantes de cogumelos silvestres comestíveis do género Agaricus 2012
- Chromatographic techniques to obtain the biomolecules profile of inedible wild mushrooms with antioxidant value 2012
- Relevância da informação “antioxidante” no rótulo de iogurtes de amora 2012
- Caracterização química e propriedades antioxidantes de cogumelos silvestres comestíveis provenientes de diferentes habitats 2011
- Contribuição para a inventariação química e nutricional de cogumelos silvestres do Nordeste de Portugal 2011
- Potencial nutracêutico de cogumelos silvestres comestíveis do género Agaricus 2011
- Potencial nutracêutico de cogumelos silvestres comestíveis do género Agaricus. 2011
investigador principal
co-investigador principal no
- Development of an efficient hypocholesterolemic formulation from mushroom bioresidues through a sustainable integrated strategy. concedido pelo Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia 2023 - 2026
- VALMEDALM – Valorization of Mediterranean almond orchards through the use of intercropping integrated strategies concedido pelo Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia 2022 - 2025
prémios e distinções
- [3] Prémio IACOBUS Publications 2022-2023. Comparative study on the phenolic composition and in vitro bioactivity of medicinal and aromatic plants from the Lamiaceae family. Food Research International, 2022., 2023
- [1] Distinção – Integração da 4ª edição do livro Mulheres na Ciência. Centro de Ciência viva, Lisboa, Portugal, outubro de 2022. https://www.cienciaviva.pt/mulheresnaciencia/home/?id=5168&ano=2023, 2023
- [5] Prémio concurso Promove 2022 - Ideias da Fundação “la Caixa”. “NATURE4FOOD - Matrizes naturais como fonte de ingredientes promissores para a indústria alimentar”. , 2022
- [2] Prémio IACOBUS Publications 2020-2021. Recovery of Anthocyanins from Passion Fruit Epicarp for Food Colorants: Extraction Process Optimization and Evaluation of Bioactive Properties., 2021
- [4] Prémio de melhor comunicação em painel, no XV Encontro Química dos Alimentos. Madeira, Portugal. 5-8 setembro de 2021. Comunicação intitulada: Exploration of pineapple bio-waste as a low-cost material for natural ingredients with health benefits for a, 2021
- [1] Prémio IACOBUS Publications 2019-2020. Rubus ulmifolius Schott as a Novel Source of Food Colorant: Extraction Optimization of Coloring Pigments and Incorporation in a Bakery Product, 2020
nome completo
- E Pereira
- Eliana Andreia Pires Castilho Pereira
- Eliana Pereira