publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- The use of the EUROHIS-QOL-8 to Assess The Perception of Quality of Life at Termas de Chaves. International Conference on Tourism Research. 2023
- Using Virtual Reality in the Development of an Index-Engine of Physical and Emotional Sustainability. Procedia Computer Science. 2021
- As dinâmicas do mercado do mel em Portugal.. Revista Portuguesa de Zootecnia. 2018
- Caracterização multidimensional do RCAAP. Revista Eletrônica de Comunicação, Informação & Inovação em Saúde. 2017
- BMI and the perception of the importance given to sexuality in obese and overweight people. BMC Health Services Research. 2016
- Profile of tourist entertainment activities practitioner of Alto Trás-os-Montes region. GESTIN. 2016
- Tourism destination factors choice for Alto Trás-os-Montes´region (Portugal): A multivariate analysis . Revista Anais Brasileiros de Estudos Turísticos. 2016
- Atitudes do consumidor em relação às práticas do marketing em Portugal. BMC Health Services Research. 2014
- Atitudes do consumidor em relação às práticas do marketing em Portugal. BMC Health Services Research. 2014
- Tourism Time Series Forecast - Different ANN Architectures with Time Index Input. 4th Conference of Enterprise Information Systems - Aligning Technology, Organizations and People (Centeris 2012). 2013
- Tourism Time Series Forecast - Different ANN Architectures with Time Index Input. 4th Conference of Enterprise Information Systems - Aligning Technology, Organizations and People (Centeris 2012). 2013
- Tourism Time Series Forecast - Different ANN Architectures with Time Index Input. 4th Conference of Enterprise Information Systems - Aligning Technology, Organizations and People (Centeris 2012). 2013
- Dimensions of Portuguese Corporate Social Responsibility: A Multivariate Analysis.. XVI Congreso Internacional de la Academia de Ciencias Administrativas. 2012
- Financial Indicators for Municipalities: A Quantitative Analysis. Revista Enfoques. 2009
artigo de conferência
- Determinants of firm profitability: the case of portuguese meat manufacturing sector between 2014 – 2020 2023
- Residents' perceptions towards cross-border tourism. International Workshop Tourism and Hospitality Management. 2023
- Causes and effects of tax evasion in Ghana 2022
- Os sistemas de avaliação de desempenho e os resultados organizacionais das escolas secundárias portuguesas 2022
- Outdoor tourism demand segmentation: a case study from North of Portugal 2022
- A experiência turística dos praticantes de percursos pedestres 2021
- Encouraging innovation and relational Trends in thermal tourism: a peninsular northwest perspective 2021
- Innovative approaches of regional policy of rural tourism development 2021
- Monitoring of outdoor tourism demand. North of Portugal 2021
- Reputação do Instituto Superior Politécnico do Kwanza-Sul na perspetiva do estudante e o perfil do estudante satisfeito 2021
- Satisfaction, loyalty and profile of Chaves thermal Spa customers. International Conference on Tourism Research. 2021
- Demand and supply of outdoor tourism activities in Northern Portugal: a survey-based approach 2020
- Rural tourism destination competitiveness in Portugal 2020
- The pandemic Covid-19 and the online selling process in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs): a preliminary perspective 2020
- A reputação do Instituto Superior Politécnico do Kwanza-Sul na perspetiva do estudante e o perfil do estudante satisfeito 2019
- An ICT platform to support cultural heritage in rural communities: the Viv@vó ¿ living in the grandma's house case study 2019
- An ICT platform to support cultural heritage in rural communities: the Viv@vó – living in the grandma's house case study 2019
- Factors that impact employee performance: The empirical case of two telecommunication companies in Palestine 2019
- Guest's Satisfaction: Application of the Importance-Performance Analysis 2019
- Guests’ satisfaction: Application of the importance-performance analysis. International Conference on Tourism Research. 2019
- India’s medical tourism analysis and forecasting 2019
- QR code: ferramenta de comunicação e as formas de perceção criativa no turismo cemiterial 2019
- Spatial and temporal concentration of tourism demand in northern Portugal: regional policy recommendations to promote tourism competition and portofolio diversity 2019
- Strategy map for protection of the biosphere reserve of the Iberian Meseta 2019
- Trust and perceived risk in consumer behaviour: A preliminary study in electronic commerce 2019
- Audiobooks business model - Technologic challenges, case study 2018
- Crowdfunding non-commercial initiatives in a Belarus platform 2018
- Cured database of sustained speech parameters for chronic laryngitis pathology 2018
- Implementation of balanced ScoreCard: Simplify strategic thinking development in Portuguese SMEs. Proceedings of the European Conference on Entrepreneurship and Innovation. 2018
- Implementation of balanced ScoreCard: Simplify strategic thinking development in Portuguese SMEs. Proceedings of the European Conference on Entrepreneurship and Innovation. 2018
- Marketing strategy implementation in machine construction industry: Belarus vs Portugal 2018
- Satisfaction and loyalty of customers in a financial institution: A case study 2018
- Satisfaction and loyalty of customers of a financial institution: a case study 2018
- The effects of costumer satisfaction, service quality and perceived value on behavioural intentions in retail industry. 23rd International Scientific Conference on Economic and Social Development. 2017
- Análise crítica das principais alterações e previsíveis impactos da transposição da diretiva 2013/34/UE para Portugal 2016
- Modelação da procura turística em Moçambique 2016
- Diretiva 2013/34/U. E. : principais alterações e previsíveis impactos da sua transposição 2015
- Modelação da procura turística para Moçambique 2015
- Responsabilidade social empresarial: uma análise multivariada aplicada a empresas portuguesas cotadas 2015
- Tourism demand modeling and forecasting with artificial neural network models: the Mozambique case study 2015
- A atitude dos enfermeiros do Distrito de Bragança face ao Idoso 2014
- O balanced scorecard como instrumento de monitorização do desempenho estratégico de uma PME 2014
- CSR of portuguese companies listed on Euronext Lisbon: a multivariate analysis 2013
- Comparison of methodologies of CSR index: application to the PSI 20 companies. Proceedings of the European Conference on Research Methods in Business and Management Studies. 2013
- Tourism revenue for the North Region of Portugal: an econometric analysis 2013
- Factores chave que influenciam a satisfação dos alunos de uma IES: estudo de caso da ESTiG 2012
- Responsabilidade social empresarial: uma análise multivariada aplicada a empresas portuguesas cotadas 2012
- Importance-performance analysis as a tool in evaluating higher education service quality: the empirical results of ESTiG (IPB) 2011
- Nova abordagem da metodologia de redes neuronais artificiais para a previsão de séries temporais de turísmo: a data como Índice. Aplicação à região da Madeira 2010
- New approachof the ANN methodology for forecasting time series: use of time index 2009
- O Impacto da variável páscoa na previsão da procura turística 2009
- Comportamento da procura turística: região Norte de Portugal 2007
- Can a new teaching methodology improve student's results? A microeconometric evaluation from a Portuguese Polytechnic School 2006
artigo de revista
- SOCIOCULTURAL DETERMINANTS OF CREATIVE TOURISM: A RESIDENTS’ PERSPECTIVES. Revista Brasileira de Gestao e Desenvolvimento Regional. 2023
- SOCIOCULTURAL DETERMINANTS OF CREATIVE TOURISM: A RESIDENTS’ PERSPECTIVES. Revista Brasileira de Gestao e Desenvolvimento Regional. 2023
- Impacto dos sistemas de incentivo ao investimento na estrutura de capitais e nos resultados: o caso das empresas portuguesas 2023
- Sustainable practices in daily life and in the context of tourism,Práticas de sustentabilidade no quotidiano e no âmbito do turismo. Journal of Tourism and Development. 2023
- The application of sustainable practices in tourism: the case of olive-growing in the region of Trás-os-Montes. Journal of Tourism Sustainability and Well-being. 2023
- The importance-satisfaction matrix as a strategic tool for termas de chaves thermal spa priority improvements. Journal of Tourism Sustainability and Well-being. 2023
- The use of a geographic information system to increase outdoor tourism. European Journal of Applied Business Management. 2022
- Outdoor tourism in the North of Portugal from the perspective of tourist entertainment companies (TEC). European Journal of Applied Business Management. 2021
- Productivity measurement: the case of nature tourism firms in Portugal. Journal of Spatial and Organizational Dynamics. 2020
- Real GDP growth rates and healthcare spending – comparison between the G7 and the EM7 countries 2020
- O QR Code como ferramenta de divulgação da cultura e promoção da cidade de Salvador (Brasil). Procedia Computer Science. 2019
- O QR Code e as formas de perceção criativa no turismo cemiterial. Procedia Computer Science. 2019
- The determinants of innovation in micro and small enterprises in the northeast of Brazil. Quality - Access to Success. 2019
- Agency theory approach of the relationship between performance, compensation and value creation in the companies listed on Euronext Lisbon. Contaduria y Administracion. 2018
- A Comparative Study Between Artificial Neural Network and Multiple Linear Regression to modelling and Forecast the Tourism Demand in Mozambique. GESTIN. 2017
- A competitividade turística entre as regiões brasileiras. Revista Anais Brasileiros de Estudos Turísticos. 2017
- Caracterização multidimensional do RCAAP. Revista Eletrônica de Comunicação, Informação & Inovação em Saúde. 2017
- Internationalization of higher education institutions: the case study of the Polytechnic Institute of Bragança. Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology. 2017
- La contribución de la animación turistica en la elección y la experiencia turística. Estudios y Perspectivas en Turismo. 2017
- The teachers’ satisfaction in higher education institutions as key factor of the strategic management and of the organizational competitiveness. Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology. 2017
- Tourism development index applied to the Northern Region of Portugal. Journal of Tourism and Development. 2017
- Toward a quality measure of angolan public higher education institutions to enhance organizational performance. Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology. 2017
- Contingent factors that influence the use of management accounting practices in the portuguese textile and clothing sector. The International Journal of Management Science and Information Technology. 2016
- Critical analysis of the main changes and expected impacts of transposition of directive 2013/34/UE for Portugal. GESTIN. 2016
- El desarrollo sostenible: nuevos retos para la contabilidad y la gestión. AECA. 2016
- Esclerose múltipla e qualidade de vida: contributos para a melhoria das práticas de saúde. Millenium. 2016
- Importance and satisfaction of service quality offered by economics and administrative sciences faculty (QafQaz University) from the perception of students. Journal QafQaz University - Economics and Administration. 2016
- Perfil do visitante praticante de atividades de animação turística da região alto Trás-os-Montes. GESTIN. 2016
- Student satisfaction in higher education: a portuguese case study. Revista Ciencias Administrativas Teoría y Praxis. 2016
- Competitividade de destinos turísticos: o caso das ilhas de Cabo Verde. Pasos: Revista de Turismo y Patrimonio Cultural. 2015
- Identification of critical success factors that maximise customers’ satisfaction: multivariate analysis. BMC Health Services Research. 2015
- Serão as políticas institucionais mandatórias, assim tão mandatórias? Qual o grau de cumprimento? O caso da Biblioteca Digital do IPB. PontodeAcesso. 2015
- A comparison of linear and non linear models to forecast the tourism demand in the North of Portugal. Revista de Ciencias Administrativas: Teoría y praxis. 2014
- Atitudes do consumidor em relação às práticas do marketing em Portugal. BMC Health Services Research. 2013
- Corporate social responsibility for the PSI 20 portuguese companies. Responsibility and Sustainability Review. 2013
- The innovation-driven economies and entrepreneurial activity through a cluster analysis. Journal of Global Entrepreneurship. 2013
- The portuguese consumer sentiment index toward marketing mix in crisis context. BMC Health Services Research. 2013
- An empirical analysis of the dimensions of corporate social responsibility in Portugal. Revista Mexicana de Economia Y Finanzas Nueva Época REMWF (The Mexican Journal of Economics and Finance). 2012
- CSR of top portuguese companies: relation between social performance and economic performance. International Journal of Biological, Veterinary, Agricultural and Food Engineering. 2012
- Comparison of artificial neural network architectures in the task of tourism time series forecast 2012
- Empirical study on the student satisfaction in higher education: importance-satisfaction analysis 2012
- Modelação da procura turística em Portugal. Journal of Tourism and Development [Revista Turismo & Desenvolvimento]. 2012
- A Insolação como parâmetro de entrada em modelo baseado em redes neuronais para previsão de série temporal do turismo 2011
- Modelação e caracterização da procura turística : o caso da região Norte de Portugal. Polytechnical Studies Review . 2011
- Aplicação da metodologia de Box-Jenkins à procura turística na Lituânia. Revista Egitania Sciencia. 2010
- Modelação da procura turística em Portugal: regressão linear versus redes neuronais artificiais. Journal of Tourism and Development. 2010
- Financial indicatores for municipalities: a quantitative analysis. Revista Enfoques: Ciencia Política y Administración Pública. 2009
- Modelling tourism demand: a comparative study between artificial neural networks and the Box-Jenkins methodology. Romanian Journal of Economic Forecasting. 2008
- Pode uma nova metodologia de ensino melhorar resultados? Avaliação microeconométrica do sucesso escolar 2008
- A região Norte de Portugal e a preferência da procura turística: Litoral versus Interior. Revista Portuguesa de Estudos Regionais. 2003
capítulo de livro
- Determinants of firm profitability: the case of portuguese meat manufacturing sector between 2014 - 2020 2023
- Motivation, satisfaction and loyalty in outdoor tourism 2023
- Spatial and temporal concentration of tourism demand in northern Portugal: regional policy recommendations to promote tourism competition and portofolio diversity 2019
- Turnout - outdoor tourism development in the northern region of Portugal 2019
- Análise da Satisfação dos Participantes em Eventos no Concelho de Mirandela. Um Contributo para a Tomada de Decisão na Gestão de Eventos 2018
- Importance-performance analysis in the hospitality business: the example of a three star hotel 2018
- Satisfação e Lealdade dos Estudantes que Frequentam os Cursos Técnicos Superiores Profissionais: o Caso do Instituto Politécnico de Bragança 2017
- Sexual self-awareness and body Image 2016
- Serão as políticas institucionais mandatórias, assim tão mandatórias? Qual o grau de cumprimento? O caso da Biblioteca Digital do IPB 2015
- A reputação do Instituto Superior Politécnico do Kwanza-Sul na perspetiva do estudante e o perfil do estudante satisfeito 2014
- Corporate social responsibility for the PSI 20 portuguese companies 2013
- An empirical analysis of the dimensions of corporate social responsibility in Portugal 2012
- Animação turística como fator implícito da procura turística 2012
- CSR of top portuguese companies: relation between social performance and economic performance 2012
- Modelos de eleição de um destino turístico: uma abordagem conceptual 2012
- Financial indicatores for municipalities: a quantitative analysis 2009
- A região Norte de Portugal e a preferência da procura turística: Litoral versus Interior 2003
- The Impact of Smart Tourism on Tourist Experiences 2024
- IV Encontro Internacional de Língua Portuguesa e Relações Lusófonas: livro de atas 2023
- A importância dos recursos de base tecnológica nas empresas face à pandemia 2022
- III Encontro Internacional de Língua Portuguesa e Relações Lusófonas - LUSOCONF2021: livro de resumos 2021
- Combinação de Diferentes Proxies para Aferir a Qualidade da Informação Financeira 2020
- XXX Jornadas Luso-Espanholas de Gestão Científica. Cooperação transfronteiriça. Cooperação transfronteiriça: desenvolvimento e coesão territorial: livro de atas - Vol. I 2020
- XXX Jornadas Luso-Espanholas de Gestão Científica. Cooperação transfronteiriça: desenvolvimento e coesão territorial: livro de atas - Vol. II 2020
- XXX Jornadas Luso-Espanholas de Gestão Científica. Cooperação transfronteiriça: desenvolvimento e coesão territorial: livro de atas - Vol. IV 2020
- Código de boas práticas de higiene pessoal e de fabrico a aplicar no projeto “Viver na Casa da Avó” 2019
- II Encontro Internacional de Língua Portuguesa e Relações Lusófonas: livro de resumos 2019
- Manual sobre rotulagem de géneros alimentícios: Projeto “Viver na Casa da Avó” 2019