Tourism demand in Northern Portugal: application of a multivariate model Artigo de Conferência uri icon


  • The northern region of Portugal has revealed some potential in the tourism sector over the last few years and capable of attracting tourist to this region. The reason of being of this work is to qualify the flow of tourists that come to the study region and verify the determining factors that influence tourist demand. Thus the main aim of this work is to model tourist demand in the Northern Region of Portugal using econometric models based on stochastic general linear model. With that in mind, the tourism temporal series “Monthly Nights in Hotels in the Northern Region of Portugal”, recorded for the period Jan. 1996 - Dec. 2009, taking into consideration the main countries of origin of tourists. The results obtained revealed that the model found produced satisfactory results, guarantying the basic hypothesis of the general linear model, showing its capabilities to explain the behaviour of tourist demand in the Northern region of Portugal. JEL-Codes: C01; C02; C22.


  • Fernandes, P.O.
  • Natália Sofia dos Santos

data de publicação

  • janeiro 1, 2011