An ICT platform to support cultural heritage in rural communities: the Viv@vó – living in the grandma's house case study
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The present work was developed under the Viv@vó Project: "Living in the Grandma's House", with the reference NORTE-01-0145-FEDER the North, Notice 02/SAICT/2016 deep marked hermetism between the cultural patrimony and the and experience new situations. This new work, there is a greater concern of the offer pt the dynamics of the tourists. Also, knowing that it is of elders-based knowledge, ICT can and must the access to future he . the developed infrastructure, both Web and Mobile and storage process of the grandma’s the creation and promotion of the grandma's a rural communities where exits precious’s FEDER-023637, financed by the Regional Operational Program of 2016.
Tourism and manly experience and cultural heritage tourism are growing in tourist’s interests. Rural
regions have an untapped potential for this slice of tourism industry. Also, rural regions have an
enormous collection of ancestral knowledge. Unfortunately, all this knowledge typically is elderscentered
and it lack effective processes of digitalization, storage and providing systems for that all
this heritage can be perpetuated through future generations. From this base-thinking it was created a
project case study limited to the Portuguese Northeast region, named Viv@vó – living in the
grandma's house. This paper presents this project and what it has been achieved during the project
development process.