selected publications
academic article
- The Role of Information and Communication Technologies in the Creation and Support of Touristic Routes. EDUCATION EXCELLENCE AND INNOVATION MANAGEMENT THROUGH VISION. 2019
- Touristic Experiences- The 'Living in the Grandma's House' Project. PROCEEDINGS OF THE INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP TOURISM AND HOSPITALITY MANAGEMENT (IWTHM2019). 2019
- The Role of Gamification in Material and Immaterial Cultural Heritage. INNOVATION MANAGEMENT AND EDUCATION EXCELLENCE THROUGH VISION, VOLS I -XI. 2018
- Vila Nova de Foz Côa. 542-543. 2009
- Cultural tourism in the Northern East region of Portugal. 305-325. 2007
conference paper
- Côa Valley’s medicinal plants as potential cosmetic ingredients: cytotoxic and antioxidant assessment. 1-1. 2023
- The potential for ICT in new museums - the case of the Douro museum. Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies. 167-177. 2022
- Reengineering the way tourists interact with heritage: A conceptual iot based model. International Conference on Tourism Research. 166-167. 2021
- 360º integrated model for the management of wellbeing holistic experiences in tourist destinations. 4-10. 2021
- A importância do turismo para o desenvolvimento dos territórios de baixa densidade: o caso do Município de Mirandela. 1-18. 2021
- Digitization and Gamification in Cultural Heritage: : The portuguese context in the framework of national and international policies and some practical examples. Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies, CISTI. 1-7. 2021
- Digitization and gamification in cultural heritage: the portuguese context in the framework of national and international policies and some practical examples. Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies, CISTI. 1-7. 2021
- Do public tourism organizations embrace and report social responsibility?. 515-536. 2021
- Nómadas digitais - um novo alvo para o destino terras de Trás-os-Montes. 250-250. 2021
- O potencial da gastronomia nos territórios de baixa densidade: o caso de Mirandela. 1267-1280. 2021
- Analysis of the economic impact of Torre de Moncorvo’s medieval fair for local development. 331-336. 2020
- O potencial do turismo criativo nos territórios de baixa densidade: o projeto Viv@vó 2020
- The economic impact of Torre De Moncorvo’s wine and taste festival. 6182-6191. 2020
- The importance of cultural events for the promotion of the territory: the case study of the medieval fair in Torre de Moncorvo 2020
- The potential of gastronomic tourism in the portuguese municipality of Mirandela. International Conference of Applied Business and Management (ICABM2020). 333-343. 2020
- Using data analytics to understand visitors online search interests: the case of Douro Museum. 331-341. 2020
- Using mobile apps and a digital restaurant menu to promote heritage in rural regions. 8179-8184. 2020
- An ICT platform to support cultural heritage in rural communities: the Viv@vó – living in the grandma's house case study. 5011-5023. 2019
- Analysis of the economic impact of Torre de Moncorvo’s medieval fair for local development. 31-32. 2019
- Organização e gestão de eventos: o caso do InnoEvent Bragança 2018 2019
- The Role of Information and Communication Technologies in the Creation and Support of Touristic Routes. 5024-5034. 2019
- The Territory Museums Role in the Promotion of Destinations with the support of ICT Platforms. 7196-7202. 2019
- Using data analytics to understand visitors online search interests: the case of Douro Museum. 161-162. 2019
- Gastronomia e culinária da terra quente transmontana - património identitário e recurso turístico. 82-83. 2018
- The role of gamification in material and immaterial cultural heritage. 6121-6129. 2018
- Using a mobile application to support tourist’s information and services needs: the case of Cabo Verde Islands. 37-46. 2018
- Grande Rota Mariana de Trás-os-Montes a Fátima 2017
- Grande rota Mariana de Trás-os-Montes 2017
- O uso de Sistemas de Informação Geográfica (SIG) na criação de rotas turísticas: a rota da Misericórdia em Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro 2017
- Proposta de uma rota turístico-religiosa: Bragança-Mirandela 2016
- A importância da atribuição do galardão de Reserva Mundial de Surf na Ericeira 2015
- A ubiquidade e a contextualização no acesso à informação e serviços turísticos. 240-241. 2013
- An ubiquitous approach to tourism and tourists information needs in the Douro Valley Heritage site. 3rd International Conference on Tourism and Hospitality Management. 70-76. 2013
- Exortar a esperança em tempos de crise 2013
- Religious tourism: devotion or business opportunity?. European Journal of Tourism, Hospitality and Recreation. 2012
- Religious tourism: ambiguity or a business opportunity?. V International Tourism Congress - The Image and Sustainability of Tourism Destinations. 39-39. 2011
journal article
- Análise da adequabilidade do destino terras de Trás-os-Montes face ao nicho de mercado nómadas digitais. European Journal of Applied Business Management. 13-28. 2022
- Boosting Cultural Heritage in Rural Communities Through an ICT Platform: The Viv@vó Project. IBIMA Business Review. 1-12. 2019
- A Irmandade de Nossa Senhora dos Remédios. COMMUNIO - Revista Internacional Católica. 101-110. 2014
- O Santuário de Nossa Senhora dos Remédios, em Lamego. Revista Santuários. 17-25. 2014
- Histórias de um culto: a Nossa Senhora dos Remédios, em Lamego. Revista Angulo. 2011
- O Santuário de Nossa Senhora dos Remédios: devoção ou turismo? 2011