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Rodrigues, Paula Cristina Azevedo
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publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
artigo de conferência
- Contamination by aflatoxins in different food matrices produced and consumed in Mozambique 2023
- Isolation of filamentous fungi from different food matrices from Angola and Mozambique 2023
- Mixture of bee bread with honey: nutritional and microbiological characterization 2023
- Stability evaluation of a bee bread and honey mixture 2023
- Pilot study of the air mycobiota of a cheese factory 2022
- Bee bread preservation methods: physico-chemical and microbial stability throughout storage 2021
- Aplicação de frutos de Lonicera caerulea L. var. Kamtschatica no desenvolvimento de corantes alimentares com propriedades bioativas 2019
- Bee pollen nutritional value and microbiological stability: influence of preservation techniques 2019
- Efeito de uma cultura starter e de leveduras nativas na produção de Ocratoxina A por Penicillium nordicum em produtos cárneos 2017
- Extraction and detection of mycotoxins in medicinal and aromatic plants: a case study with Aloysia citrodora P 2015
- Effect of Gamma radiation on mycotoxins solutions 2013
- Effect of gamma-radiation in the survival of Aspergillus parasiticus in chestnuts 2011
- Effect of γ-radiation in the survival of Aspergillus parasiticus in chestnuts 2011
- Characterisation of mycoflora and aflatoxigenic fungi from portuguese almonds: from production to commercialization 2009
- Micotoxinas: contributos da micoteca da Universidade do Minho (mum) para a segurança alimentar 2009
- Macrofungos micorrízicos em ecossistemas de Castanea sativa Mill. do Nordeste Transmontano ¿ Projecto Agro 689 2007
- Macrofungi from Castanea sativa Mill. and Quercus pyrenaica Wild.: Evaluation of mycorrhizal vs nonmycorrhizal fungi biodiversity ¿ Project AGRO 689 2006
- Macrofungos em ecossistemas de Castanea sativa Mill. e Quercus pyrenaica Wild. ¿ Projecto AGRO 689 2006
- Produção e caracterização de um antissoro policlonal para detecção de ds-RNA 1998
artigo de revista
- Plant extracts as biocontrol agents against Aspergillus carbonarius growth and ochratoxin A production in grapes. International Journal of Food Microbiology. 2023
- Desenvolvimento e caracterização de bebida láctea fermentada elaborada com leite de cabra Serrana. Revista de Ciências Agrárias. 2023
- Field trials with fungicides and nutrient solution in chestnut trees: incidence of rots and Gnomoniopsis smithogilvyi in post-harvest nuts. Revista de Ciências Agrárias. 2023
- The generally recognized as safe (GRAS) microalgae Haematococcus pluvialis (wet) as a multifunctional additive for coloring and improving the organoleptic and functional properties of foods. Food & Function. 2023
- Manual de boas práticas: amêndoa e avelã 2022
- Incidence and diversity of the fungal genera Aspergillus and Penicillium in Portuguese almonds and chestnuts 2013
- Interacção in vitro entre macrofungos micorrízicos de Castanea sativa e o patógeno Phytophthora cinnamomi 2006
- Estudos e perspectivas futuras das micorrizas e da indução de micorrização in vitro e ex vitro de Castanea sativa Mill. 2005
- The genetics of non-host disease resistance in wheat to barley yellow rust. Theoretical and Applied Genetics. 2004
- Mixture of bee bread with honey – nutritional and microbiological characterization 2023
- Nutritional Composition, Bioactivity and Microbiological Stability of Bee Bread During the Preservation Process 2022
- Increasing nutritional and bioactive properties of "Económicos" with chestnut flour 2022
- Nutraceutical formulations: Addition of natural ingredients as preservatives 2021
- Bee bread preservation methods: Physico-chemical and microbial stability throughout storage 2021
- Natural food preservatives: application of rosemary, basil and sage in yogurts as aviable alternative to artificial ones, using sustainable, low cost and efficient processes 2021
- Perfil físico e estabilidade de fiambres conservados com um revestimento natural 2019
- Physicochemical profile and stability of ham wrapped in an edible coating 2019
- Underpinning CIMO’s Culture Collection – bring together in-house repositories of relevant microorganisms. 2019
- Ingredientes naturais como agentes conservantes: aplicação em formulações nutracêuticas. 2019
- Desenvolvimento e Aplicação de um Revestimento Conservante Natural para Fiambres; Perfil Físico-Químico e Estabilidade 2019
- Desenvolvimento e Aplicação de um Revestimento Conservante Natural para Fiambres; Perfil Físico-Químico e Estabilidade. 2019
- Bee pollen nutritional value and microbiological stability: influence of preservation techniques 2019
- Preservation techniques and their impact on bee pollen chemical and microbiological composition 2019
- The impact of preservation techniques on bee pollen nutritional value, microbiological stability, and antioxidant properties 2019
- Corantes naturais de origem vegetal aplicados no setor da pastelaria 2018
- Evaluation of the bioactive properties of a secondary metabolite produced by Penicillium nordicum 2017
- Effects of gamma radiation in mycotoxin descontamination of Aloysia citrodora Paláu 2016
- Effect of gamma irradiation in mycotoxin decontamination of Aloysia citrodora Paláu 2016
- Levels of hygiene and safety quality indicators along the processing stages of a Portuguese traditional dry-fermented sausage (Linguiça) 2015
- Extraction and detection of mycotoxins in medicinal and aromatic plants: a case study with Aloysia citrodora P.. 2015
- Produção e caracterização de um antissoro policlonal para detecção de ds-RNA 1998
co-investigador principal no
- Promover a saúde das abelhas para uma agricultura sustentável concedido pelo Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia 2017 - 2020
- Integral assessment of risk-based intervention strategies to improve the microbial safety of Portuguese traditional sausages concedido pelo Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia 2013 - 2015
nome completo
- P Rodrigues
- Paula Rodrigues
- Paula Cristina Azevedo Rodrigues