Contributo para o perfil epidemiológico das principais doenças da criação de abelhas melíferas na região centro de Portugal Artigo de Conferência uri icon


  • Existem várias doenças que afetam as crias de abelhas melíferas e é fundamental reconhecer as mais importantes devido aos prejuízos económicos que podem originar. -Na região de Leiria, a atividade apícola é predominantemente não profissional, porém é a maior do país relativamente ao número de apicultores (38% do total nacional) (Programa Apícola Nacional, 2010).
  • The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of the honey bee brood diseases at the Central Region of Portugal through the seven last years. Bee brood samples were collected and analysed at the Laboratory of Honey Bee Pathology at Escola Superior Agrária de Bragança (LPAESAB). Samples were processed for epidemiological characterization of diseases of honey bee brood. In general, only the prevalence of varroatosis increased over the years. Also, the results attained show that varroatosis, chalkbrood and American Foulbrood, occur through the years and seasons. The diagnosis of chalkbrood were higher (P<0, 05) during summer than in the autumn and winter. The varroatosis and chalkbrood are both the major diseases of the honey bee brood presenting the higher concerns at regional and national level. Positive cases of varroatosis are probably indicative of a failure in acaricide treatment and effectiveness. We conclude that higher efforts are needed in order to define the strategies for the control of honey bee brood diseases in Portugal.

data de publicação

  • janeiro 1, 2015