publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Nonlinear Analysis of the Hand and Foot Force-Time Profiles in the Four Competitive Swimming Strokes. Journal of Human Kinetics. 2023
- Understanding the importance of drag coefficient assessment for a deeper insight into the hydrodynamic profile of swimmers. Journal of Human Kinetics. 2023
- Association between the dry-land strength & power and the kick start kinetics in elite male and female swimmers. Sports Biomechanics. 2022
- Smartpaddle® as a New Tool for Monitoring Swimmers’ Kinematic and Kinetic Variables in Real Time. Open Sports Sciences Journal. 2022
- V¿O2 kinetics and tethered strength influence the 200-m front crawl stroke kinematics and speed in young male swimmers. Frontiers in Physiology. 2022
- Effect of High-Volume Training on Psychological State and Performance in Competitive Swimmers. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2022
- The Effects of 32 Weeks of Multicomponent Training with Different Exercises Order in Elderly Women’s Functional Fitness and Body Composition. Medicina. 2022
- Measuring power, force, velocity, and mechanical effectiveness in Football: theoretical considerations 2022
- Normative data of the start in the 50 m events at the 2021 LEN European Championships and understanding its relationship with the final race 2022
- The Effects of 32 Weeks of Multicomponent Training with Different Exercises Order in Elderly Women's Functional Fitness and Body Composition. Medicina. 2022
- Effects of chronical age, relative age and maturation status on accumulated training load and perceived exertion in sub-elite young football players . Biology of Sport (ISSN: 0860021X). 2021
- The association between external training load, perceived exertion and total quality recovery in sub-elite youth football. Sports (Basel). 2021
- Sprint Kayaking Performance Enhancement by Isometric Strength Training Inclusion: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Sports. 2021
- Arm-pull thrust in human swimming and the effect of post-activation potentiation. Scientific Reports. 2020
- The Effectiveness of a Dry-Land Shoulder Rotators Strength Training Program in Injury Prevention in Competitive Swimmers. Journal of Human Kinetics. 2020
- Cardiovascular and perceived effort in different head-out water exercises: effect of limbs’ action and resistance equipment 2019
- Neuromuscular and motor patterns in breaststroke technique 2019
- Schoolbag weight carriage in Portuguese children and adolescents: a cross-sectional study comparing possible influencing factors 2019
- Start and turn performances of elite sprinters at the 2016 European Championships in swimming. Sports Biomechanics. 2019
- The age-related changes and sex difference in master swimming performance 2019
- Aerodynamics of a wheelchair sprinter racing at the 100m world record pace by CFD. AIP Conference Proceedings. 2018
- Avaliação das assimetrias propulsivas em nado livre: ferramenta e diagnóstico para o processo de treino 2018
- Warm-up for Sprint Swimming. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. 2017
- A Comparison of Experimental and Analytical Procedures to Measure Passive Drag in Human Swimming. PLOS ONE. 2017
- Can a Halliwick swimming programme develop water competence, static and dynamic balance in disabled participants? 2017
- Cardiorespiratory, metabolic and energy expenditure adaptations in head-out aquatic exercises: differences between young and elderly women. 2017
- Cardiovascular effort in different head-out aquatic exercise routines: influence of limbs action and floating equipment. 2017
- Comparison by computer fluid dynamics of the drag force acting upon two helmets for wheelchair racers. AIP Conference Proceedings. 2017
- Comparison of fractal dimension among swimmers with different levels of expertise. 2017
- Comparison of kinematics and joint forces between seated-down and standing positions in water cycling. 2017
- Complementing Warm-up with Stretching Routines: Effects in Sprint Performance 2017
- Effects of 10min vs. 20min passive rest after warm-up on 100m freestyle time-trial performance: A randomized crossover study 2017
- Prevalência de alterações posturais em crianças e jovens praticantes de futebol: um estudo descritivo. Current Opinion in Food Science. 2017
- Velocidade segmentar na técnica de crol. 2017
- Warm-up for Sprint Swimming: Race-Pace or Aerobic Stimulation? A Randomized Study 2017
- A mechanical speedo-meter to assess swimmer¿s intra-cyclic velocity: validation at front-crawl and backstroke. 2016
- A mechanical speedo-meter to assess swimmer¿s intra-cyclic velocity: validation for breaststroke and butterfly stroke. 2016
- Analysis of the Aerodynamics by Experimental Testing of an Elite Wheelchair Sprinter. Current Opinion in Food Science. 2016
- Comparação do coeficiente de arrasto calculado com recurso a três formas distintas de medição da área de secção transversa do tronco em nadadores. 2016
- Comparison of performance, energetics, kinematics and efficiency of master versus elite swimmers. 2016
- Comparison of the World and European Records in the 100m Dash by a Quasi-Physical Model. Procedia Engineering. 2016
- Effect of a specific concurrent water and dry-land training over a season in young swimmers’ performance. Current Opinion in Food Science. 2016
- Effects of a swimming program on infants' heart rate response 2016
- Energetics, Biomechanics, and Performance in Masters' Swimmers: A Systematic Review 2016
- Estudo piloto de comparação da cinemática clássica e parâmetros não lineares nas três variantes do nado crol: completo, só com membros superiores e só com membros inferiores. 2016
- Modeling of the performance and biomechanics in the 100m dash: comparison of the World and European records.. Procedia Engineering. 2016
- Modelling performance and biomechanics of young swimmers. 2016
- Relationship between performance, dry-land power and kinematics in master swimmers 2016
- Association Between Force-Time Curve Characteristics and Vertical Jump Performance in Trained Athletes 2015
- Effect of Gender, Energetics, and Biomechanics on Swimming Masters Performance 2015
- Alterações na cinemática angular do movimento básico de Hidroginástica ¿Balanço Lateral¿ induzidas pelo incremento do ritmo musical 2015
- Alterações na cinemática angular do movimento básico de Hidroginástica “Balanço Lateral” induzidas pelo incremento do ritmo musical 2015
- Changes of the energetic profile in masters' swimmers over a season 2015
- Descrição dos parâmetros de força e flexibilidade em crianças e jovens praticantes de futebol.. Estudos em Desenvolvimento Motor Da Criança VIII. 2015
- Fractal dimension and human aquatic locomotion 2015
- Hydrodynamic analysis of different finger positions in swimming: A computational fluid dynamics approach. Journal of Applied Biomechanics. 2015
- Modelação da performance e dos fatores biomecânicos determinantes em nadadores jovens.. Revista Egitania Sciencia - ICESP Special Edition . 2015
- Physiological adaptations to training in competitive swimming: a systematic review.. Journal of Human Kinetics. 2015
- Predição de desvios posturais a partir do grau de associação entre assimetrias em crianças e jovens futebolistas. Revista Egitania Sciencia - ICESP Special Edition . 2015
- The Effects of Different Warm-up Volumes on the 100-m Swimming Performance: A Randomized Crossover Study 2015
- Comparison of performance, energetics, kinematics and efficiency of master versus elite swimmers. 2014
- Does Warm-Up Have a Beneficial Effect on 100-m Freestyle?. International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance. 2014
- Estabilidade da performance e fatores determinantes em nadadores jovens com recurso à análise de clusters. 2014
- Resposta fisiológica aguda em diferentes condições de salto na aula de natação para bebés. 2014
- Warm-up and performance in competitive swimming 2014
- “Young” masters vs. elite swimmers: comparison of performance, energetics, kinematics and efficiency 2014
- A mechanical speedo-meter to assess swimmer’s horizontal intra-cyclic velocity: validation at front-crawl and backstroke 2013
- A mechanical speedo-meter to assess swimmer’s horizontal intra-cyclic velocity: validation for breaststroke and butterfly stroke 2013
- Characterization of speed fluctuation and drag force in young swimmers: A gender comparison. Human Movement Science. 2013
- Effects of Concurrent Training on Explosive Strength and VO2max in Prepubescent Children 2013
- Is the underwater gliding test a valid procedure to estimate the swimmers’ drag? 2013
- Jogos aquáticos nas sessões de actividades aquáticas na primeira infância 2013
- Jogos aquáticos nas sessões de atividades aquáticas na primeira infância. 2013
- Longitudinal Study in Male Swimmers: A Hierachical Modeling of Energetics and Biomechanical Contributions for Performance. JOURNAL OF SPORTS SCIENCE & MEDICINE. 2013
- Longitudinal comparison of young swimmers’ anthropometrics, hydrodynamics, kinematics and efficiency by cluster analysis 2013
- Longitudinal study in male swimmers: a hierarchical modeling of energetics and biomechanical contributions for performance. 2013
- Observação e caracterização técnica em natação pura desportiva: 200 m bruços 2013
- Proposal of a deterministic model to explain swimming performance. 2013
- Shoulder Rotator Cuff Balance, Strength, and Endurance in Young Swimmers During a Competitive Season 2013
- The Interaction Between Intra-Cyclic Variation of the Velocity and Mean Swimming Velocity in Young Competitive Swimmers 2013
- Deep and Shallow Water Effects on Developing Preschoolers’ Aquatic Skills 2012
- How Informative are the Vertical Buoyancy and the Prone Gliding Tests to Assess Young Swimmers' Hydrostatic and Hydrodynamic Profiles?. Journal of Human Kinetics. 2012
- 100m and 200m front crawl performance prediction based on anthropometric and physiological measurements. International SportMed Journal. 2012
- A adaptação ao meio aquático com recurso a situações lúdicas 2012
- Analysis of the determinant kinematical parameters for performance in the 200-m freestyle swimming event 2012
- Análise dos parâmetros cinemáticos determinantes do desempenho na prova de 200 m nado livre 2012
- Applying Anaerobic Critical Velocity in Non-Elite Swimmers 2012
- Contributo dos factores antropométricos, bioenergéticos e biomecânicos para a performance de nadadores de elite no pico de forma na época de verão. 2012
- Estimate the trunk transverse surface area to assess swimmer¿s drag force based on gender and competitive level. 2012
- Estimating the Trunk Transverse Surface Area to Assess Swimmer's Drag Force Based on their Competitive Level. Journal of Human Kinetics. 2012
- High Level Swimming Performance and its Relation to Non-Specific Parameters: A Cross-Sectional Study on Maximum Handgrip Isometric Strength 2012
- High level swimming performance and its relationship to non-specific parameters: a cross-sectional study on maximum handgrip isometric strength 2012
- How informative are the vertical buoyancy and the prone gliding tests to assess young swimmers hydrostatic and hydrodynamic profiles? 2012
- Linking Selected Kinematic, Anthropometric and Hydrodynamic Variables to Young Swimmer Performance. Pediatric Exercise Science. 2012
- Longitudinal interventions in elite swimming: a systematic review based on energetics, biomechanics and performance 2012
- Longitudinal interventions in elite swimming: a systematic review based on energetics, biomechanics and performance. 2012
- Longitudinal interventions in elite swimming: a systematic review based on energetics, biomechanics, and performance 2012
- Physical Fitness Differences Between Prepubescent Boys and Girls 2012
- Pico da carreira desportiva em nadadores de nível mundial: Análise das idades dos participantes nos Jogos Olímpicos de Pequim 2008 2012
- Tarefas alternativas para o ensino e aperfeiçoamento das partidas e das viragens em natação 2012
- Tracking the performance, energetics and biomechanics of International versus National level swimmers during a competitive season. 2012
- Effects of Pilates-Based Exercise on Life Satisfaction, Physical Self-Concept and Health Status in Adult Women 2011
- 13th FINA World Championship finals: stroke kinematical and race times according to performance, gender and event 2011
- Comparison of young swimmer’s active drag coefficient using three methods to compute trunk transverse surface area 2011
- Contributo dos factores antropométricos, bioenergéticos e biomecânicos para a performance de nadadores de elite no pico de forma na época de verão 2011
- Head-out aquatic exercise “sailer’s jigs” kinematics at increasing musical cadence 2011
- Morphometric Study for Estimation and Validation of Trunk Transverse Surface Area To Assess Human Drag Force on Water. Journal of Human Kinetics. 2011
- Preditores antropométricos, bioenergéticos e biomecânicos dos 200 m Crol em época de Inverno. 2011
- Relationships between head-out aquatic exercise kinematics and musical cadence: Analysis of the side kick. International SportMed Journal. 2011
- Somatotype is More Interactive with Strength than Fat Mass and Physical Activity in Peripubertal Children 2011
- Tarefas alternativas para o ensino e aperfeiçoamento das técnicas simultâneas de nado 2011
- The Hydrodynamic Study of the Swimming Gliding: a Two-Dimensional Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Analysis 2011
- The effect of wearing a cap on the swimmers passive drag 2011
- The influence of musical cadence into aquatic jumping jacks kinematics. JOURNAL OF SPORTS SCIENCE & MEDICINE. 2011
- The relationships between front crawl performance and hydrodynamics in young female swimmers 2011
- Validation of an integrated system to assess horizontal intra-cyclic velocity with a mechanical speedo-meter 2011
- Validation with videometry of an integrated system to assess horizontal intra-cyclic velocity with a mechanical speedo-meter 2011
- Validação de equações preditivas da área de secção transversa do tronco 2011
- Validação de equações preditivas da área de secção transversa do tronco para avaliação do arrasto hidrodinâmico de nadadores. 2011
- A model for active drag force exogenous variables in young swimmers 2010
- Can 8 weeks of training in female swimmers affect active drag? 2010
- Can 8-weeks of Training Affect Active Drag in Young Swimmers?. JOURNAL OF SPORTS SCIENCE & MEDICINE. 2010
- Infants¿ Behaviours During Aquatic Activities 2010
- Longitudinal study in 3,000 m male runners: Relationship between performance and selected physiological parameters. JOURNAL OF SPORTS SCIENCE & MEDICINE. 2010
- Maxilla bone pre-surgical evaluation aided by 3D models obtained by Rapid Prototyping. Biodental Engineering. 2010
- Modelling Swimming Hydrodynamics to Enhance Performance~!2009-07-05~!2009-11-01~!2010-04-20~!. Open Sports Sciences Journal. 2010
- Modelling swimming hydrodynamics to enhance performance. Open Sports Sciences Journal. 2010
- Modificações no perfil bioenergético e biomecânico de nadadores entre dois períodos "pré-taper" 2010
- Novas tendências para o ensino da técnica de crol. Proposta metodológica 2010
- Physiological determinants of performance in Breaststroke swimming events. 2010
- Preliminary attempt to develop a path-flow analysis model for swimming performance in children. Open Sports Sciences Journal. 2010
- Relationships between dry land strength, power variables and short sprint performance in young competitive swimmers 2010
- Tarefas alternativas para o ensino e aperfeiçoamento das técnicas alternadas de nado 2010
- The Evolution of Swimming Science Research: Content analysis of the ¿Biomechanics and Medicine in Swimming¿ Proceedings Book from 1971 to 2006. 2010
- Tracking the performance of world-ranked swimmers 2010
- d A surgical training model manufacture using rapid prototyping technology. Innovative Developments in Design and Manufacturing. 2010
- A eficiência propulsiva e a performance em nadadores não experts 2009
- Comparison Of 2d Kinematical Images Reconstruction In Breaststroke Swimming: Dual Media Versus Separated Recording Plans. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. 2009
- Monitoring swimming sprint performance during a training cycle 2009
- Net heart rate to prescribe physical activity in middle-aged to older active adults. JOURNAL OF SPORTS SCIENCE & MEDICINE. 2009
- Physiological assessment of head-out aquatic exercises in healthy subjects: A qualitative review. JOURNAL OF SPORTS SCIENCE & MEDICINE. 2009
- Propulsive efficiency and non- expert swimmers performance 2009
- The Effect Of Finger Spread On The Propulsive Force Production In Swimming. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. 2009
- Estudo comparativo das adaptações fisiológicas agudas durante a execução de três variantes de um exercício básico de hidroginástica 2008
- Predicting the intra-cyclic variation of the velocity of the centre of mass from segmental velocities in butterfly stroke: A pilot study. JOURNAL OF SPORTS SCIENCE & MEDICINE. 2008
- Estudo da relação entre variáveis fisiológicas, biomecânicas e o rendimento de corredores portugueses de 3000 metros 2007
- Physiological adaptations to head-out aquatic exercises with different levels of body immersion 2007
- Assessment of time limit at lowest speed corresponding to maximal oxygen consumption in the four competitive swimming strokes 2006
- Estudo comparativo das adaptações fisiológicas agudas durante a exercitação em imersão ao nível do apêndice xifóide e da articulação coxo-femoral 2006
- Factores biomecânicos e bioenergéticos limitativos do rendimento em natação pura desportiva 2006
- Relationships between energy cost, swimming velocity and speed fluctuation in competitive swimming strokes 2006
- Time limit at the minimum velocity of VO2max and intracyclic variation of the velocity of the centre of mass 2006
- Estudo de diversos conceitos de eficiência da locomoção humana no meio aquático 2005
- Estudo da relação entre o custo energético e a mecânica gestual mariposa 2004
- A habilidade motora aquáticas básica “propulsão”: proposta de abordagem durante a adaptação ao meio aquático 2003
- A problemática da respiração no ensino da natação 2003
- Comparação da variação da actividade neuromuscular, da creatina quinase e da força isométrica voluntária entre dois protocolos exaustivos e inabituais 2003
- Análise tridimensional da cinemática da técnica de mariposa: comparação de diferentes modelos respiratórios 2002
- Considerações biomecânicas sobre a utilização da corrida na água como meio de treino da resistência 2002
- Factores cineantropométricos determinantes em natação pura desportiva 2002
- Fatores cineantropométricos determinantes em natação pura desportiva 2002
- Natação para bebés: a necessidade de uma acção conscientemente dirigida 2002
- A produção de força e os seus factores condicionantes em crianças pré-pubertárias. Corpus. 2001
- Actividade física habitual em crianças pré-púberes. Diferenças entre rapazes e raparigas. Revista Portuguesa de Ciências do Desporto. 2001
artigo de conferência
- Variações da carga de treino entre titulares e não titulares durante um microciclo padrão em escalões de formação sub-15, sub-17 e sub-19 de uma academia de futebol subelite 2023
- Análise do desempenho individual em jogadores de basquetebol juvenil durante um jogo regional 2021
- Análise longitudinal da performance de jovens futebolistas de formação através de indicadores de carga interna e carga externa 2021
- Wearable sensors, devices and electronics for training load and match load monitoring: a short review 2021
- Analysis of the resistive forces acting on a world-ranked wheelchair sprinter at different speeds. Motricidade. 2019
- Assessment of the upper-limbs propulsive force at front crawl. Motricidade. 2019
- Avaliação das assimetrias propulsivas nas técnicas de nado alternadas 2019
- Can the summer break affect critical and maximal instantaneous velocity of young swimmers?. Motricidade. 2019
- Efeito da cadência musical na força propulsiva num exercício base de hidroginástica 2019
- Kinematic measurement of wheelchair racing using smartphones sensors. Motricidade. 2019
- Non-Linear properties of front crawl swimming propulsive forces: a pilot study 2019
- Progression of world records in master swimming. ACSM's Health and Fitness Journal. 2019
- The use of minimal equipment to elicit post-activation potentiation over a warm-up routine in competitive swimming. Motricidade. 2019
- A comparison of the evidence produced in sport science and swimming between 2013 and 2017 2018
- Avaliação das assimetrias propulsivas em nado livre: ferramenta e diagnóstico para o processo de treino 2018
- Comparison of the anthropometrics, kinematics and kinetics in young swimmers of different competitive levels 2018
- Estimativa da potência mecânica e custo energético à velocidade do recorde do mundo nas provas de velocidade em cadeiras de rodas 2018
- Is leg kicking workout position affecting kinematic and hydrodynamic variables in front-craw? 2018
- Swimming speed in men’s 100-m freestyle con¿rms the fairness of the Paralympic Classi¿cation System: a meta-analysis 2018
- Are wearable heart rate monitors accurate to estimate energy cost during low-intensity resistance exercise? 2017
- Associative Study Between Anthropometrics, Physical Activity, Daily Life Activities Independency and Malnutrition Risk in Institutionalized Elderly 2017
- CFD comparison of friction and pressure drag road and time trial helmets for wheelchair racing 2017
- Changes in classical kinematics and non-linear parameters after a maximal 100-m front-crawl bout 2017
- Comparison of fractal dimension among swimmers with different levels of expertise 2017
- The kinetics of a wheelchair sprinter racing the 100m final at the 2016 paralympic games 2017
- World ranked swimmers: analysis of the finalists ´ ages between 2000 and 2016 olympic games 2017
- Analysis of the aerodynamics by experimental testing of an elite wheelchair sprinter. Procedia Engineering. 2016
- Arrasto aerodinâmico no uso de capacete em provas de cadeiras de rodas 2016
- Body composition comparison between gender in institutionalized elderly 2016
- CFD analysis of head and helmet aerodynamic drag to wheelchair racing 2016
- CFD comparison of friction and pressure drag between road and time trial helmets for wheelchair racing 2016
- Changes in classical kinematics and non-linear parameters after a maximal 100-m front-crawl bout 2016
- Comparison of the fractal dimension among swimmers with different levels of expertise 2016
- Diferenças de força dos membros inferiores por preferencia lateral em futebolistas Sub-17 2016
- Do the strength levels predict the motor coordination in young basketball players? 2016
- Physical fitness in youth basketball players in pre and post season under a strength program effect 2016
- The changes in fractal dimension after a maximal exertion in swimming 2016
- Comparison of classical kinematics, variability and nonlinear parameters for the four competitive swimming strokes 2015
- Segmental Asymmetry and its relationship with lower limbs strengh and range of motion in young soccer players. 2015
- Anaerobic critical velocity of master swimmers 2014
- Estabilidade da performance e factores determinantes em nadadores jovens com recurso à análise de clusters. 2014
- Fractal analysis of human aquatic locomotion: an exploratory and descriptive study 2014
- Partial contribution of rolling friction and drag force to total resistance of an elite wheelchair athlete 2014
- Variability in young swimmer’ performance and its determinant factors: a two-year follow-up 2014
- A swimmer`s classsification system based in kinematics, anthropometrics and hydrodynamics 2013
- Análise longitudinal da performance e factores determinantes em nadadores pré-púberes durante uma época desportiva. 2013
- Young swimmers’ kinematic and hydrodynamic detraining between a two seasons’ break 2013
- Baby swimming and motor skills achievement 2012
- Baby swimming and motor skills achievement. 2012
- Biomechanics and energetics as determinant factors of competitive swimming performance: exploratory approaches to link selected variables 2012
- Is underwater gliding test a valid procedure to estimate the swimmer's drag? 2012
- Linking selected variables with direct and indirect effect on young swimmer's performance 2012
- Longitudinal study in male elite swimmers: variation on performance, energetics and biomechanics profiles 2012
- Observação da técnica de bruços: implicações cinemáticas e musculares 2012
- Observação do comportamento em nadadoras gémeas em 200m bruços: implicação muscular: estudo piloto 2012
- Relationships between kinematics and neuromuscular parameters in breaststroke 2012
- 13th FINA World Championship finals: stroke kinematical and race times according to performance, gender and event 2011
- Análise comparativa da postura ortostática entre mulheres fisicamente activas e sedentárias 2011
- Análise de variáveis preditivas do deslize aquatic através de um modelo de path-analysis 2011
- Análise dos Fatos utilizados no 13º Campeonato do Mundo FINA 2011
- Análise em tempo-real da variação intra-cíclica da velocidade de atletas: uma abordagem baseada em labview® 2011
- Análise longitudinal das modificações no perfil biomecânico de nadadores de elite e o seu impacto na performance ao longo da época desportiva 2011
- Caracterização cinemática do movimento básico de hidroginástica "polichinelo" a diferentes ritmos de execução 2011
- Comparação do coeficiente de arrasto calculado com recurso a três formas distintas de medição da área de secção transversa do tronco de nadadores 2011
- Comparison of young swimmer’s active drag coefficient using three methods to compute trunk transverse surface area 2011
- Conception, development and validation of a software interface to assess human¿s horizontal intra-cyclic velocity with a mechanical speedo-meter 2011
- Conception, development and validation of a software interface to assess human’s horizontal intra-cyclic velocity with a mechanical speedo-meter 2011
- Contributos da análise computacional de fluidos e avaliação experimental na optimização da técnica na natação 2011
- Dinâmica computacional de fluidos: análise do coeficiente de arrasto durante o deslize subaquático 2011
- Effects of a 26-week shallow water head-out aquatic exercise program on the anthropometrics, body composition and physiological response of healthy middle-aged women 2011
- Effects of a 26-weeks shallow water head-out aquatic exercise program in the anthropometrics, body composition and physiological response of healthy middle-age women 2011
- Effects of a 26-weeks shallow water head-out aquatic exercise programme in the anthropometrics, body composition and physiological response of healthy middle-age women 2011
- Estudo preliminar da cinemática da locomoção de jovens adultos transportando mochilas com computador pessoal em saco com uma alça ao ombro. X Congresso Ibero-americano em Engenharia Mecânica. CIBEM 2010. 2011
- Head-out aquatic exercise “sailor’s jigs” kinematics at increasing musical cadence 2011
- Kinematical and neuromuscular assessment of the rowing exercise in the upright position with barbell to improve muscle strength and muscle endurance in group fitness classes 2011
- Monitoring the elite swimmer’s performance and energetical profile throughout a training season 2011
- Preditores antropométricos, bioenergéticos e biomecânicos dos 200 m crol num momento determinante da época de inverno 2011
- Tentativa preliminar para desenvolver um modelo de análise (path-flow) da performance em jovens nadadoras 2011
- The effect of wearing a cap on the swimmers passive drag. Sports Biomechanics. 2011
- The effect on swimmer’s hydrodynamic drag wearing two swimsuits 2011
- The relationship between front crawl performance and hydrodynamics in young female swimmers. Sports Biomechanics. 2011
- Validation of an integrated system to assess horizontal intra-cyclic velocity with a mechanical speedo-meter. Sports Biomechanics. 2011
- Validation with videometry of an integrated system to assess horizontal intra-cyclic velocity with a mechanical speedo-meter 2011
- Validação de equações preditivas da área de secção 2011
- 13th FINA world Championship: analysis of swimsuits used by elite male swimmers 2010
- A path-flow analysis model for active drag force determinant variables in age-group swimmers. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. 2010
- A surgical training model manufacture using rapid prototyping technology 2010
- Análise descritiva das idades dos nadadores dos jogos olímpicos de Pequim 2008 2010
- Comparação electromiográfica do passe e do remate em Futsal 2010
- Computational fluid dynamics applied to competitive swimming: the role of finger position 2010
- Computational fluid dynamics: the analysis of drag coefficient during the gliding phase 2010
- Computing and validating trunk transverse surface area equations to assess swimmers drag force 2010
- Computing and validating trunk transverse surface area equations to assess swimmer’s drag force 2010
- Establishing the changes in elite swimmers’ energetic and biomechanical profile during a winter season 2010
- Estudo da marcha de crianças em idade escolar que transportam mochilas às costas usando cinemática 2010
- Evolution in swimming science research: content analysis of the "Biomechanics and Medicine in Swimming" Proceeding books from 1971 to 2006 2010
- Evolution on Swimming Science Research: content analysis of the “Biomechanics and Medicine in Swimming” Proceedings Books from 1971 to 2006 2010
- Is front crawl swimming performance affected by hydrodynamic drag in young swimmers? 2010
- Kinematical characterisation of a basic head-out aquatic Exercise during an incremental protocol 2010
- Kinematical characterization of a basic head-out aquatic exercise during an incremental protocol 2010
- Kinematical characterization of the basic head-out aquatic exercise “Sailor’s Jigs” 2010
- Kinematical characterization of the head-out aquatic exercise "sailor's jigs" 2010
- Modificações no perfil bioenergético e biomecânico de nadadores entre dois períodos "pré-taper" 2010
- Stability and prediction of 100-m breaststroke performance during elite swimmers career 2010
- Stability and prediction of 100-m breaststroke performance during the careers of elite swimmers 2010
- Swimsuits used by elite male swimmers in the 13th FINA world Championship: analysis of freestyle events 2010
- The effect of depth on drag during the gliding phase in swimming. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. 2010
- The evolution of swimming science research: Content analysis of the “Biomechanics and Medicine in Swimming” Proceedings Books from 1971 to 2006 2010
- The gliding phase in swimming: the effect of water depth 2010
- Tracking the 2004-2008 Olympic cycle performance in long distance freestyle events 2010
- Tracking the freestyle performance from children to adult age 2010
- A prototipagem rápida na modelação de patologias 2009
- Aerobic training response in young swimmers of different level. JOURNAL OF SPORTS SCIENCE & MEDICINE. 2009
- Análise longitudinal da performance em natação pura desportiva: abordagem exploratória 2009
- Assessment of heart rate in infants from 6 to 36 months old during aquatic activities. JOURNAL OF SPORTS SCIENCE & MEDICINE. 2009
- Comparação cinemática e neuromuscular de um exercício de abdominais no solo e na fitball 2009
- Comparação dos procedimentos metodológicos de reconstrução cinemática 2d na técnica de bruços – Duplo meio / planos seprados 2009
- Computer simulation in biomedical applications 2009
- Constrangimento mecânico provocado pela válvula aquatrainer® associada ao sistema de oximetria directa (K4 B2) na cinemática de bruços 2009
- Constrangimento mecânico provocado pela válvula aquatrainer® associada ao sistema de oximetria directa (K4 B2) na cinemática de crol 2009
- Continuos incremental field test to estimate velocity and maximal oxygen consumption in non-expert runners. JOURNAL OF SPORTS SCIENCE & MEDICINE. 2009
- Estudo preliminar das variáveis dinâmicas e cinemáticas de diferentes saltos de impulsão vertical 2009
- Evolution in swimming "science" research 2009
- Evolution in swimming “science” research. Motricidade. 2009
- Longitudinal assessment of elite swimmers performance leading to 2008 Beijing Olympic Games. JOURNAL OF SPORTS SCIENCE & MEDICINE. 2009
- Longitudinal assessment of swimming performance in the 200 m freestyle event 2009
- Maxilla bone pre-surgical evaluation aided by 3D models obtained by rapid prototyping 2009
- Path-flow analysis model for anthropometric, hydrodynamic and biomechanical variables in age-group swimmers. JOURNAL OF SPORTS SCIENCE & MEDICINE. 2009
- Preliminary attempt to develop a path-flow analysis model for swimming performance in children 2009
- The determination of drag in the gliding phase in swimming 2009
- The relationship of anthropometrical characteristics and front crawl performance in male age-group swimmers. JOURNAL OF SPORTS SCIENCE & MEDICINE. 2009
- Training evaluation in male age-group swimmers. JOURNAL OF SPORTS SCIENCE & MEDICINE. 2009
- Estudo preliminar da cinemática da locomoção de crianças em idade escolar transportando mochilas às costas 2008
- A mecânica da braçada enquanto factor predictivo do custo energético em nadadores de elite 2007
- Economia de nado e tempo limite à velocidade mínima de vo2max: novas descobertas 2007
- Performance diagnosis in swimming. European Journal of Sport Science. 2007
- Predicting deep-water tethered running force from kineanthropometrical characteristics of the runner 2007
- Swimming bioenergetics: integrating biomechanical and physiological data into a coherent biophysical model for performance and training 2007
- The influence of kineanthropometrical profile in deep-water tethered running 2007
- Acute effects of the use of a biofeedback system for the technical training in breaststroke swimming. Revista Portuguesa de Ciências do Desporto. 2006
- Assessment of time limit at VO2max velocity in the 4 competitive swimming techniques. Revista Portuguesa de Ciências do Desporto. 2006
- Energy cost and intra-cyclic variation of the velocity of the centre of mass in backstroke 2006
- Energy cost and intra-cyclic variation of the velocity of the centre of mass in breaststroke. Revista Portuguesa de Ciências do Desporto. 2006
- Energy cost and intra-cyclic variation of the velocity of the centre of mass in front crawl.. Revista Portuguesa de Ciências do Desporto. 2006
- Relationship between energy cost, swimming velocity, speed fluctuation in competitive swimming strokes. Revista Portuguesa de Ciências do Desporto. 2006
- Relationships between energy cost, swimming velocity and speed fluctuation in elite butterfliers 2006
- Serão os nadadores de elite do século XXI mais económicos do que os do século XX? 2006
- Bioenergetical profile of elite swimmers 2005
- Aportaciones desde la biomecánica de la natación de competición 2004
- Estudo da relação entre o custo energético e a mecânica gestual em Mariposa 2004
- Estudo piloto da resposta bioenergética a diferentes ritmos na técnica de Mariposa 2004
- Estudo piloto da resposta bioenergética a diferentes ritmos respiratórios na técnica de mariposa. Revista Portuguesa de Ciências do Desporto. 2004
- O efeito de um programa de treino de força em raparigas e rapazes pré-púberes. Revista Portuguesa de Ciências do Desporto. 2004
- Speed fluctuation as a determinant factor of energy cost in Butterfly stroke 2004
- Speed fluctuation as a determination factor of energy cost in butterfly stroke 2004
- Stroke rate and stroke length in a typical swimming time limit test at VO2max. European Journal of Sport Science. 2004
- Avaliação da aptidão física referenciada ao critério do Fitnessgram em crianças de 10 a 12 anos em ambos os sexos da cidade de Bragança. Investigação em Exercício e Saúde. 2003
- Characterisation of hand’s velocity in butterfly stroke according to the breathing technique 2003
- Comparative Study of the Response of Kinematical Variables from the Hip and the Center of Mass in Butterfliers 2003
- Comparison of a 10 weeks resistance strength training program on prepubescent girls and boys. 8th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Sciences: ECSS. 2003
- Time Limit at vV02max and V02max Slow Component in Swimming: a pilot study of University Students 2003
- Variação da actividade neuromuscular, da força isométrica máxima voluntária e da creatina quinase após exercício exaustivo e inabitual do tipo excêntrico 2003
- A abordagem da habilidade motora aquática básica “equilíbrio” no processo de adaptação ao meio aquático 2002
- Comparison of a continuous and intermittent triangular protocols for direct VO2max assessement 2002
- Measurement of butterfly average resultant impulse per phase 2002
- Measurment of butterfly average resultante impulse per phase 2002
- Tempo limite ao VO2max: de novo parâmetro para o controlo do treino e avaliação de nadadores a nova categoria de treino 2002
- Comparison of muscle morphology, electromyographic activity and force production between prepubertal boys and girls 2001
- Effects of a 10 weeks training programs on prepubescent girls 2001
- Habitual physical activity pattern of prepubescent boys and girls 2001
- Lesão muscular esquelética induzida por diferentes protocolos de exercício físico exaustivo e inabitual. Investigação em Exercício e Saúde. 2001
- Muscle damage and hematological changes induced by eccentric exercise 2001
- Relationships between some well known indicators of aerobic resistance of swimmers 2001
- Strength training effects on pre-pubertal boys 2001
- Comparação da actividade electromiográfica e da força isométrica máxima após exercício exaustivo concêntrico e excêntrico 2000
- Análise da técnica de Mariposa com Inspiração lateral: repercussões cinemáticas 1999
- Extreme performance groups analysis of physical activity and body fat effects in pubertal children¿s physical fitness 1999
- Extreme performance groups analysis of physical activity and body fat effects in pubertal children’s physical fitness 1999
- Gender, socioeconomics status and maturation differences in pubertal children¿s physical activity 1999
- Gender, socioeconomics status and maturation differences in pubertal children’s physical activity 1999
artigo de revista
- Stability analysis and prediction of pacing in elite 1500 m freestyle male swimmers. Sports Biomechanics. 2023
- Analysis of upper limb propulsion in young swimmers in front-crawl through Statistical Parametric Mapping. Journal of Biomechanics. 2023
- Resultant equations for training load monitoring during a standard microcycle in sub-elite youth football: a principal components approach. PeerJ. 2023
- Comparison of swimming velocity between age-group swimmers through discrete variables and continuous variables by Statistical Parametric Mapping. Sports Biomechanics. 2023
- Association between the Upper Quarter Dynamic Balance, Anthropometrics, Kinematics, and Swimming Speed. Journal of Functional Morphology and Kinesiology. 2023
- The Impact of Multicomponent Exercise Protocols Order on the Maximum Voluntary Contraction of Older Women. Applied Sciences. 2023
- Using Statistical Parametric Mapping as a statistical method for more detailed insights in swimming: a systematic review. Frontiers in Physiology. 2023
- Anthropometric Measures, Muscle Resistance, and Balance in Physically Active, Aged Adults. Sports. 2023
- Identifying Differences in Swimming Speed Fluctuation in Age-Group Swimmers by Statistical Parametric Mapping: A Biomechanical Assessment for Performance Development. JOURNAL OF SPORTS SCIENCE & MEDICINE. 2023
- Profile of female swimmers competing in the 50 m events at the 2021 LEN European Championships. Current Opinion in Food Science. 2023
- Associations between Coronavirus and Immune Response, Cardiorespiratory Fitness Rehabilitation and Physical Activity: A Brief Report. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2023
- Race Analysis and Determination of Stroke Frequency – Stroke Length Combinations during the 50-M Freestyle Event. JOURNAL OF SPORTS SCIENCE & MEDICINE. 2023
- Agreement between Different Methods to Measure the Active Drag Coefficient in Front-Crawl Swimming. Journal of Human Kinetics. 2023
- Interaction of Kinematic, Kinetic, and Energetic Predictors of Young Swimmers’ Speed. International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance. 2023
- The drag coefficient variations across different speeds in able-bodied, transradial and transtibial amputee cyclists by numerical simulations. Motricidade. 2023
- Using Statistical Parametric Mapping to Compare the Propulsion of Age-Group Swimmers in Front Crawl Acquired with the Aquanex System. Sensors. 2022
- EMG Signal Processing for the Study of Localized Muscle Fatigue—Pilot Study to Explore the Applicability of a Novel Method. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2022
- Race analysis of the men’s 50 m events at the 2021 LEN European Championships. Sports Biomechanics. 2022
- Weekly Training Load across a Standard Microcycle in a Sub-Elite Youth Football Academy: A Comparison between Starters and Non-Starters. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2022
- Effect of Blood Flow Restriction Technique on Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness: A Systematic Review. Medicina. 2022
- Modeling the Major Influencing Factor on Match Running Performance during the In-Season Phase in a Portuguese Professional Football Team. Sports. 2022
- Wearables in Swimming for Real-Time Feedback: A Systematic Review. Sensors. 2022
- Effects of Isometric Strength and Plyometric Training on Running Performance: A Randomized Controlled Study. Current Opinion in Food Science. 2022
- Race level comparison and variability analysis of 100 m freestyle sprinters competing in the 2019 European championships. Current Opinion in Food Science. 2022
- Effect of Concurrent Resistance Training on Lower Body Strength, Leg Kick Swimming, and Sport-Specific Performance in Competitive Swimmers. Biology. 2022
- Aerodynamic analysis of human walking, running and sprinting by numerical simulations. Acta of Bioengineering and Biomechanics. 2022
- Effects of Chronological Age, Relative Age, and Maturation Status on Accumulated Training Load and Perceived Exertion in Young Sub-Elite Football Players. Biology of Sport (ISSN: 0860021X). 2022
- Integrating physical and tactical factors in football using positional data: a systematic review. PeerJ. 2022
- Profiling of elite male junior 50 m freestyle sprinters: Understanding the speed-time relationship. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports. 2022
- The Association between external training load, perceived exertion and total quality recovery in Sub-Elite youth football. Open Sports Sciences Journal. 2022
- Is There Any Effect of Symmetry on Velocity of the Four Swimming Strokes?. Symmetry. 2021
- The Effect of Concurrent Resistance Training on Upper Body Strength, Sprint Swimming Performance and Kinematics in Competitive Adolescent Swimmers. A Randomized Controlled Trial. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2021
- The effect of the start and finish in the 50 m and 100 m freestyle performance in elite male swimmers. Current Opinion in Food Science. 2021
- The role of the biomechanics analyst in swimming training and competition analysis. Sports Biomechanics. 2021
- Effects of Match Location, Quality of Opposition and Match Outcome on Match Running Performance in a Portuguese Professional Football Team. Entropy. 2021
- Assessment of the inter-lap stability and relationship between the race time and start, clean swim, turn and finish variables in elite male junior swimmers’ 200 m freestyle. Sports Biomechanics. 2021
- Numerical simulations of a swimmer’s head and cap wearing different types of goggles. Sports Biomechanics. 2021
- Quantifying Sub-Elite Youth Football Weekly Training Load and Recovery Variation. Applied Sciences. 2021
- Propulsive Force of Upper Limbs and its Relationship to Swim Velocity in the Butterfly Stroke. International Journal of Sports Medicine. 2021
- Monitoring Accumulated Training and Match Load in Football: A Systematic Review. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2021
- The transfer of dry-land strength & power into thrust in competitive swimming. Sports Biomechanics. 2021
- The effect of a six months multicomponent training in elderly’s body composition and functional fitness – A before-after analysis. Motricidade. 2021
- Inter-Limb Symmetry at Simultaneous and Alternated Arms Flexion by the Elbow during Water Fitness Sessions. Symmetry. 2020
- The Influence of the Coaches¿ Demographics on Young Swimmers¿ Performance and Technical Determinants. Frontiers in Psychology. 2020
- Interactional Response During Infants¿ Aquatic Sessions. Sports Medicine International Open. 2020
- The Drag Crisis Phenomenon on an Elite Road Cyclist—A Preliminary Numerical Simulations Analysis in the Aero Position at Different Speeds. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2020
- Energetic and Biomechanical Contributions for Longitudinal Performance in Master Swimmers. Journal of Functional Morphology and Kinesiology. 2020
- Estimation of an Elite Road Cyclist Performance in Different Positions Based on Numerical Simulations and Analytical Procedures. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology. 2020
- The Aerodynamics and Energy Cost Assessment of an Able-Bodied Cyclist and Amputated Models by Computer Fluid Dynamics. Medicina. 2020
- The Relationship between Isometric Force-Time Characteristics and Dynamic Performance: A Systematic Review. Sports. 2020
- Analysis of Cyclist’s Drag on the Aero Position Using Numerical Simulations and Analytical Procedures: A Case Study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2020
- Modelling the 200 m Front-Crawl Performance Predictors at the Winter Season Peak. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2020
- Data Modeling for Inter- and Intra-individual Stability of Young Swimmers’ Performance: A Longitudinal Cluster Analysis. Current Opinion in Food Science. 2020
- How does 11-week detraining affect 11-12 years old swimmers’ biomechanical determinants and its relationship with 100 m freestyle performance?. Sports Biomechanics. 2020
- Human thrust in aquatic environment: The effect of post-activation potentiation on flutter kick. Journal of Advanced Research. 2020
- Relationship between fear of falling and balance factors in healthy elderly women: A confirmatory analysis. Journal of Women & Aging. 2019
- Relationship between thrust, anthropometrics, and dry-land strength in a national junior swimming team. The Physician and Sportsmedicine. 2019
- Performance of disabled swimmers in protocols or tests and competitions: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Sports Biomechanics. 2019
- Are wearable heart rate measurements accurate to estimate aerobic energy cost during low-intensity resistance exercise?. PLOS ONE. 2019
- Skillful Swimming in Age-Groups Is Determined by Anthropometrics, Biomechanics and Energetics. Frontiers in Physiology. 2019
- A comparison of physical fitness by competitive levels in youth basketball players. Journal of Human Sport and Exercise. 2019
- Brief review: effects of isometric strength training on strength and dynamic performance. International Journal of Sports Medicine. 2019
- Effects of strength training on olympic time-based sport performance: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance. 2019
- Kinematic, coordinative and efficiency parameters of physically impaired swimmers at maximum aerobic power speed. Open Sports Sciences Journal. 2019
- Kinetic Analysis of Water Fitness Exercises: Contributions for Strength Development. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2019
- Maximal oxygen uptake, total metabolic energy expenditure, and energy cost in swimmers with physical disabilities. Current Opinion in Food Science. 2019
- Stability of pace and turn parameters of elite long-distance swimmers. Current Opinion in Food Science. 2019
- Contribution of limbs’ actions to the four competitive swimming strokes: a nonlinear approach. Journal of Sports Sciences. 2018
- Estimation of mechanical power and energy cost in elite wheelchair racing by analytical procedures and numerical simulations. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering. 2018
- The transfer of strength and power into the stroke biomechanics of young swimmers over a 34-week period. European Journal of Sport Science. 2018
- Assessment of passive drag in swimming by numerical simulation and analytical procedure. Journal of Sports Sciences. 2018
- The changes in classical and nonlinear parameters after a maximal bout to elicit fatigue in competitive swimming. Current Opinion in Food Science. 2018
- The variations on the aerodynamics of a world-ranked wheelchair sprinter in the key-moments of the stroke cycle. Current Opinion in Food Science. 2018
- Can concurrent teaching promote equal biomechanical adaptations at front crawl and backstroke swimming?. Acta of Bioengineering and Biomechanics. 2017
- Determinant Factors of Long-Term Performance Development in Young Swimmers. Current Opinion in Food Science. 2017
- Monitoring the biomechanics of a wheelchair sprinter racing the 100m final at the 2016 Paralympic Games. European Journal of Physics. 2017
- The Aging Influence on Cardiorespiratory, Metabolic and Energy Expenditure Adaptations in Head-Out Aquatic Exercises: Differences between Young and Elderly Women. Current Opinion in Food Science. 2017
- Variation of Linear and Nonlinear Parameters in the Swim Strokes According to the Level of Expertise. Current Opinion in Food Science. 2017
- Comparison of Classical Kinematics, Entropy, and Fractal Properties As Measures of Complexity of the Motor System in Swimming. Current Opinion in Food Science. 2016
- Modelling the relationship between biomechanics and performance of young sprinting swimmers. Current Opinion in Food Science. 2016
- Hydrodynamic profile of young swimmers: Changes over a competitive season. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports. 2015
- Cluster Stability as a New Method to Assess Changes in Performance and its Determinant Factors Over a Season in Young Swimmers. International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance. 2015
- Effects of protocol step length on biomechanical measures in swimming 2015
- A Comparison of Experimental and Analytical Procedures to Measure Passive Drag in Human Swimming. Current Opinion in Food Science. 2015
- Growth influences biomechanical profile of talented swimmers during the summer break. Current Opinion in Food Science. 2014
- Longitudinal intra- and inter-individual variability in young swimmers’ performance and determinant competition factors.. Motriz. Revista de Educacao Fisica. 2014
- Longitudinal modeling in sports: Young swimmers’ performance and biomechanics profile. Current Opinion in Food Science. 2014
- Young Swimmers’ Classification Based on Kinematics, Hydrodynamics, and Anthropometrics. Current Opinion in Food Science. 2014
- Effects of Body Fat and Dominant Somatotype on Explosive Strength and Aerobic Capacity Trainability in Prepubescent Children. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. 2013
- Effects of swim training on energetics and performance. International Journal of Sports Medicine. 2013
- Inclusão do equivalente do lactato sanguíneo O2 na regressão de intensidade de exercício VO2 aumenta o gasto energético de corrida e diminui sua precisão 2013
- The Influence of Anthropometric, Kinematic and Energetic Variables and Gender on Swimming Performance in Youth Athletes. Journal of Human Kinetics. 2013
- Tracking young talented swimmers: Follow-up of performance and its biomechanical determinant factors. Acta of Bioengineering and Biomechanics. 2013
- Energy cost and body centre of mass' 3D intracycle velocity variation in swimming. European Journal of Applied Physiology. 2012
- Tracking the performance, energetics and biomechanics of international versus national level swimmers during a competitive season. European Journal of Applied Physiology. 2012
- Stability of elite freestyle performance from childhood to adulthood. Journal of Sports Sciences. 2011
- Three-Dimensional CFD Analysis of the Hand and Forearm in Swimming. Journal of Applied Biomechanics. 2011
- Effects of musical cadence in the acute physiologic adaptations to head-out aquatic exercises. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. 2010
- Energetics and biomechanics as determining factors of swimming performance: Updating the state of the art. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport. 2010
- Kinematical changes in swimming front crawl and breaststroke with the AquaTrainer® snorkel. European Journal of Applied Physiology. 2010
- Modeling the Links Between Young Swimmers’ Performance: Energetic and Biomechanic Profiles. Pediatric Exercise Science. 2010
- Physical exercise and reduction of pain in adults with lower limb osteoarthritis: A systematic review. Journal of Back and Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation. 2010
- Swimming propulsion forces are enhanced by a small finger spread. Journal of Applied Biomechanics. 2010
- The influence of stroke mechanics into energy cost of elite swimmers. European Journal of Applied Physiology. 2008
- Evaluation of the energy expenditure in competitive swimming strokes. International Journal of Sports Medicine. 2006
- Is time limit at the minimum swimming velocity of VO2 max influenced by stroking parameters?. Perceptual and Motor Skills. 2006
- Energy cost and intracyclic variation of the velocity of the centre of mass in butterfly stroke. European Journal of Applied Physiology. 2005
- Relationships between energetic, stroke determinants, and velocity in butterfly. International Journal of Sports Medicine. 2005
capítulo de livro
- Methodological procedures for non-linear analyses of physiological and behavioural data in football 2022
- Theoretical concepts, mathematical models and methodological procedures for non-linear analyses of physiological and behavioural data in football 2021
- Efeito de um programa de 12 semanas de hidroginástica na postura corporal de mulheres de meia-idade 2016
- Efeitos de um programa de 12 semanas de Hidroginástica na postura corporal de mulheres de meia-idade 2016
- Preparação desportiva a longo prazo: um modelo operativo para a natação em Portugal 2016
- Running, swimming, cycling and triathlon. 2016
- Technologic Appliance and Performance Concerns in Wheelchair Racing ¿ Helping Paralympic Athletes to Excel 2015
- Technologic Appliance and Performance Concerns in Wheelchair Racing – Helping Paralympic Athletes to Excel 2015
- A biofísica da natação: contributo da biomecânica e da bioenergética para a melhoria da performance desportiva. 2012
- Evidências longitudinais para o controlo e melhoria da performance em nadadores de elite. 2012
- Modelling propelling force in swimming using numerical simulations 2012
- Biomechanics of competitive swimming strokes 2011
- Modelling hydrodynamic drag in swimming using computational fluid dynamics 2010
- Swimming simulation: a new tool for swimming research and practical applications 2009
- Análise dos parâmetros cinemáticos da técnica de crol em nadadores de águas abertas 2022
- Wearable sensors, devices and electronics for training load and match load monitoring: A short review 2021
- Individual Performance Analysis in Youth Basketball Players During a Regional Match-Play 2021
- Longitudinal assessment of physical performance in soccer players by internal and external load 2021
- Um estudo de caso de análise eletromiográfica dos músculos dos membros superiores num atleta de elite da prova de velocidade em cadeiras de rodas 2021
- Analysis of the resistive forces acting on a world-ranked wheelchair sprinter at different speeds 2019
- Abstracts of the International Congress of Research Center in Sports Sciences, Health Sciences & Human Development (2016) 2017
- Are Stretching Routines Harmful for Sprint Performance When Added to Warm-up 2016
- Arrasto aerodinâmico no uso de capacete em provas de cadeiras de rodas 2016
- CFD comparison of Friction and Pressure Drag Between Road and Time Trial Helmets for Wheelchair Racing 2016
- Comparação entre sexos da composição corporal em idosos institucionalizados. 2016
- Diferenças de força dos membros inferiores por preferência lateral em futebolistas Sub-17 2016
- Do the strength levels predict the motor coordination in young basketball players? 2016
- Lower limbs strength levels by lateral preference in under 17 soccer players . 2016
- Será a força preditora da coordenação motora em jovens basquetebolistas? 2016
- How can we monitor passive drag in competition settings? 2015
- Níveis de força ântero-posteriores nos membros inferiores em jovens futebolistas 2015
- Segmental asymmetries and its relationship with lower limbs' strength and range of motion in young soccer players 2015
- Modelling performance and biomechanics of young swimmers: a two year follow up. 2014
- Partial contribution of rolling friction and drag force to total resistance of an elite wheelchair athlete. 2014
- Predição de Desvios Posturais a Partir do Grau de Associação Eentre Assimetrias Posturais em Crianças e Jovens Futebolistas 2014
- Variability in young swimmer¿ performance and its determinant factors: a two-year follow-up. 2014
- Avaliação da aptidão física referenciada ao critério do Fitnessgram em crianças de 10 a 12 anos em ambos os sexos da cidade de Bragança 2003
- Variação da actividade neuromuscular, da força isométrica máxima voluntária e da creatina quinase após exercício exaustivo e inabitual do tipo excêntrico 2003
- Lesão muscular esquelética induzida por diferentes protocolos de exercício físico exaustivo e inabitual 2001
- Manual de referência FPN para o ensino e aperfeiçoamento técnico em natação: consulta rápida 2016
- Manual de referência FPN para o ensino e aperfeiçoamento técnico em natação: versão completa 2016
- Politica Desportiva FPN: natação pura 2016
- Manual de referência FPN para o Ensino e Aperfeiçoamento Técnico em Natação 2015
- As técnicas alternadas em natação pura desportiva: modelo biomecânico, modelo técnico, modelo de ensino 2011
- As técnicas simultâneas em natação pura desportiva 2009
- Modelos propulsivos: novas teorias velhas polémicas 2007
- Manual prático de actividades aquáticas e hidroginástica 2005
- Ensino da natação: uma perspectiva metodológica para a abordagem das habilidades motoras aquáticas básicas 2004