Is leg kicking workout position affecting kinematic and hydrodynamic variables in front-craw?
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Swimming training includes leg kicking workouts, whereas
swimmerschoose betweenhead out (RO) or headin (HI) position
holding afllitter kick board. Ourobjective was to characterize
andanalyse differences between the t\vo legkicking positions in
Swimming Vdocity (Y, 1n m/s), lntra-cyclic variation of the
horizontal velocity (dv, dimensionless), Active Drag (D, in N),
Hydrodynamic Coefficient (CD •. dimensionless), Mechanical
Power (P, in W) andfrontal surfacearea (FSA, ia m2). Thirteen
swimmers (15.3 ± 2,9 years~old) participated in thisstudy.
Frontal surface area was calculated according to the proposal of
Morais et aI. (201l)byphotogrammetry. Aftefa standard warmup,
swimmers performed 4x25mbouts at maximum velocity as
follows: i) 2XcrawI HO Ieg-kick; ii) 2XcrawI HI Ieg-kick. ln the
first bout ofeach the V and the dv were measured usingaspeedmeter
cable that Was attached to lhe swimmer's hip (Barbosaet
aI., 2013). In the secondbout CD was obtained through the
velocity perturbation method (Kolmogorov and Duplishcheva,