A comparison of the evidence produced in sport science and swimming between 2013 and 2017 Artigo de Conferência uri icon


  • Theaim wasto comparetheamount ofpapers published in "Sport sciences" andSwil11ming "science" between 2013 and 2017. A search was conducted on lhe 7th ofNovemher 2017 on the Web of Scíence®. The search aimed to retrieve originaland review articles in English under the "Sport sciences"category,between the 1st ofJanuary 20Bánd the 7th ofNbvember 2017. Another search was conducted .to retrieve onlythe "swimming" papers uhdei" the "Sport sciences" category. 11,338 oul of 13, 171 "Sport sciences" papers were retained for further analysis. 777 ou10f 898 pápers in "Swimming)) were retained as welJ. Papers not retaim:d are inother languages,abstracts~ editoriaIs, letters or proceeding papers. From the retained papers it waS extracted: (i) the type ofaccess (open or close); (ii) country ar territory ofthe authors; (iii) numberofpublications ih each year; (iv) R·indexin eachyear and; (v) averagecitations pedtem (ACI) in each year. "Swimming" represented6% ofthe total number ofpublications ln the "Sport sciences"category. The percentage af open-close access publications Was 15-85% in "Swimining" and 11-89%in "Sport sciences". Based on the number ofpublications, USA was the cauntry with the highest number of papers published (127 papers; 16.3% ofthe total amount), followed-up by Brazil (III; 14.3%) and!Austtalia (107; 13.8%). "Sport sciences"Was led by OSA (3,779; 33.3%), Australia (1,767; 15.6%) and England (1,727; 15.2%).Bot11 territorial tankings in ":Sportsciences"and "Swimming" featured countries ftom Africa, Asia, AusttalialOceania; Europe, North Arnerica and South Arnerica. The yearly numberof papers published in "Swimrning" ranged oetweell 178 (in 2015) and 136 (in 2017). ln "Sport sdenees" lhe numberranged between 2,718 (in2016) and 1,965 (in 2013). The H-index in "Swimming" decreased from 18 (ACI: 8.43) in 2013 to 3 (ACI: 0.32) in 2017. ln "Sport seienees", the H_index ranged between 52 (ACI: 12.61) in 2013 and 5 (ACI: 0.38) in 2017. As a conclusion, "Swirnming" is aniche topic in "'Sport sciences", representing only 6% ofthe total numberofpapers published.


  • Barbosa TM
  • Costa, M.J.

data de publicação

  • janeiro 1, 2018