Swimming bioenergetics: integrating biomechanical and physiological data into a coherent biophysical model for performance and training Artigo de Conferência uri icon


  • The purpose of the present paper is to synthesise a number of scientific contributions of our research group, into a coherent corpus of knowledge related to swimming biophysics, specially centred on the availability and use of energy in swimming. After an introductory part that intends to underline the relevance of this approach base on the conceptualization of the swimmer, and swimming action itself, as a thermodynamic system and its mechanical output, we will survey a number of studies and respective contributions for a more advanced understanding of swimming performance, that can be transferred into training and enhancement of swimmers’ working capacity. Most of the studies referred were conducted over samples of swimmers of both genders and of different types, from university/participative swimmers to Portuguese elite swimmers, crossing the large population of trained national level swimmers. Those swimmers were studied in the four different competitive swimming strokes, accomplishing progressive protocols based over distances of 200 m. Physiologic parameters like VO2 (and associated ventilatory and respiratory parameters), post exercise capillary blood [La-] peaks, and heart rate, were directly measured. Kinematical parameters were also measured in the different studies, ranging from simple semi-quantitative parameters, like stroke length (SL), and stroke frequency (SF), to more elaborated biomechanical data, like intracyclic speed fluctuations and propulsive segments kinematics. The focus of interest ranged from swimming economy of different strokes and genders (and of different technical alternatives of the same stroke), to the effects over energy cost of intracyclic speed fluctuations. Energetic input determinant factors, like swimming VO2 kinetics, including VO2 slow component, and VO2 time limit, and its determinants, will also be analysed.


  • Barbosa TM
  • J. Paulo Vilas-Boas
  • Fernandes RJ
  • Keskinen, K.L.

data de publicação

  • janeiro 1, 2007