Body composition comparison between gender in institutionalized elderly
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Este estudo teve como objetivo averiguar sobre a existência de diferenças entre
sexos, da composição corporal de idosos institucionalizados.
The purpose of this Study was to compare the body composition differences between gender in institutionalized elderly.
The purpose of this study was to compare the body composition differences between gender in institutionalized elderly. The sample was composed by 23 sedentary subjects, with 85,05 (±7,21) years, 8 males and 15 females. The height (m), body mass (kg), BMC (kg/m2), body fat and water percentage, visceral fat level, free fat and bone mass (kg) and basal metabolic rate (Kcal) were evaluated in each individual. A TANITA BC-545 was used for body composition variables access. This balance allows to evaluate the described variables with bio impedance technic. Height presented a mean of 1.50 (±0.12) meters, body mass of 64.52 (±15.90) kg, fat mass percentage of 31.21 (±10.45) % and water 47.21 (±6.99) %, free fat mass was 41.96 (±10.53) kg and bone mass 3.04 (±3.72) kg, the basal metabolic rate was 1283.25 (±280.78) kcal. Mann-Witney test allowed to compare the differences between groups with a significance level of 5%. Significant statistical differences were observed between gender in height (F=14.50; p=0.002), fat mass percentage (F=91.00; p=0.047) and water (F=14.00; p=0.0085) and basal metabolic rate (F=18.00; p=0,0053) all variables presented a high mean in males, only fat mass percentage mean was higher in females. Males presented a different body composition in comparison with females.