Centro de Investigação em Digitalização e Robótica Inteligente Grant uri icon


  • 10.2 Summary in English for general dissemination purposes CeDRI Research Centre in Digitalization and Intelligent Robotics is an inter-disciplinary research unit that clusters together researchers from Electronics, Computer Science and Mathematics to develop and apply scientific knowledge related to robotics, intelligent systems, and information and communication technologies in the scope of the digitalization and automation of industrial systems, contributing to the development of the scientific and technological system and promoting the competitiveness of the socioeconomic system. A special emphasis is devoted to regions of low population and economy density, characterized by small scale SMEs and a rarefied local industrial system, whose competiveness is strongly affected by the difficulties to access industrial innovation. In the era of the 4th industrial revolution, CeDRI aims for applied research on developing innovative approaches to industrial cyber-physical systems, combining scalable data connectivity and computing power e.g., Internet of Things, Machine-to-Machine, Big data and Cloud computing, intelligent systems and data analytics e.g., Multi-agent systems, machine learning and data analysis techniques, and digital-physical conversion e.g., artificial vision and intelligent robotics. The general objectives of CeDRI for 2018-2022 are: 1. To contribute to the development of science and technology in industrial embedded and cyber-physical systems, intelligent systems and data analytics, intelligent and collaborative robotic systems, and modelling, simulation and optimization for decision support; 2. To contribute to the transfer and dissemination of scientific and technological knowledge through the participation in international events and networks and implementation of proof-of-concept systems, promoting the industrial and technological innovation; 3. To supervise research work leading to PhD and MSc on the aforementioned topics. In order to implement the strategic programme, CeDRI includes 18 integrated members with PhD, 8 integrated members that are PhD students or fellowship researchers, and 5 collaborators in the scope of the partnerships with other research units, particularly INESC-TEC and ALGORITMI. The management of CeDRI is performed according to the FCT multi-annual funding program rules, through a flexible organization based on a Coordination Board composed of three senior researchers, one of which is the Coordinator, a Scientific Council and an External Advisory Board. The later includes three well known experts in the CeDRI fields, from academia and industry: Duncan McFarlane Cambridge University, UK, Stamatis Karnouskos SAP, Germany and Armando W. Colombo Hochschule Emden - Leer, Germany. CeDRI believes that can contribute with solid applied research on digitalization and intelligent robotics fields towards the development of more intelligent, efficient, adaptive, customized and sustainable industrial processes. 10.3 Summary in English for evaluation CeDRI Research Centre in Digitalization and Intelligent Robotics is an inter-disciplinary research unit that clusters together researchers from Electronics, Computer Science and Mathematics to develop and apply scientific knowledge related to robotics, intelligent systems, and information and communication technologies in the scope of the digitalization and automation of industrial systems, contributing to the development of the scientific and technological system and promoting the competitiveness of the socioeconomic system. A special emphasis is devoted to regions of low population and economy density, characterized by small scale SMEs and a rarefied local industrial system, whose competiveness is strongly affected by the difficulties to access industrial innovation. The general objectives of CeDRI for 2018-2022 are: 1. To contribute to develop science and technology in industrial embedded and cyber-physical systems, intelligent systems and data analytics, intelligent and collaborative robotic systems, and modelling, simulation and optimization for decision support; 2. To contribute to the transfer of scientific and technological knowledge through dissemination, participation in international networks and implementation of proof-of-concept systems, aiming the industrial and technological innovation; 3. To supervise research work leading to PhD and MSc on the aforementioned topics. In order to implement the strategic programme, CeDRI includes 18 integrated members with PhD, 8 integrated members that are PhD students or fellowship researchers, and 5 collaborator members which strengthen the partnership with other research units, particularly INESC-TEC and ALGORITMI. The team members work in a collaborative way on the research topics mentioned above, improving the cooperation and synergies among them to contribute with research to solve practical problems, producing business opportunities, enhancing quality of life and contributing to boost the economy. In the era of the 4th industrial revolution, CeDRI aims to apply research on developing innovative industrial cyber-physical systems solutions, combining scalable data connectivity and computing power e.g., Internet of Things, Machine-to-Machine, edge and cloud computing, and Big data, intelligent systems and data analytics e.g., Multi-agent systems, machine learning and data analysis techniques, and digital-physical conversion e.g., artificial vision, intelligent and collaborative robotics. The envisaged research is supported by a strong and incremental participation in industry, national and European funded projects, with particular emphasis to H2020, FP9 and Portugal 2020 programs, particularly aligned with the application of the digitalization to modernize the existing industrial processes. The partnerships established with other R&D institutions, namely INESC TEC and ALGORITMI, strengths the collaborative development of joint R&D projects, as well as the joint supervision of PhD students. The developed research usually culminates in software demos and industrial prototypes, which usually renders patents and products' deployment leading to the creation of start-up or spin-off companies. The strong partnerships with the Collaborative Laboratory “Montanhas de Investigação” and Brigantia-EcoPark reinforce, respectively, the use of digital and robotics technologies in the area of Mediterranean mountain territories to improve efficiency and sustainability, and the creation of start-up or spin-off companies by providing incubation facilities. The proposed research activity is supported by a good publication record and very good visibility in the international community, confirmed by the publications in journals and conferences with high technical-scientific recognition, the participation and chairing in Technical Committees and standardization bodies, the organization of international scientific events, the award of several “best paper” in international conferences and the supervision and evaluation of PhD works in foreign institutions. The strategy of CeDRI will continue focusing on supervising research work leading to PhD and MSc, foreseeing a significant increase of the actual number of PhD students supervised by CeDRI's members. The established partnerships with the doctoral program in Electrical and Computer Engineering at Faculty of Engineering of University of Porto, and the doctoral programs in Informatics and Industrial and Systems Engineering at University of Minho, allow a joint collaboration in the advanced training of human resources. Likewise, the memorandums of understanding with INESC TEC and ALGORITMI research units support the joint supervision of PhD students from CeDRI in the above mentioned doctoral programs. The visibility and outreach of most significant R&D projects where CeDRI is participating will be used to attract PhD students in Portugal and abroad, mainly exploring the international connections from Portuguese speaking countries. Attracting young students, from Bachelor and Master programs, to scientific research will also contribute to the achievement of the proposed objectives. The management of CeDRI is performed according to the FCT multiannual funding program rules, through a flexible organization based on a Coordination Board, a Scientific Council and an External Advisory Board. The Coordination Board is composed of three senior researchers, one of which is the Coordinator, and the external Advisory Board is composed by three well recognized experts in the field, representing academia and industry: Duncan McFarlane Cambridge University, UK, Stamatis Karnouskos SAP, Germany and Armando W. Colombo Hochschule Emden - Leer, Germany. CeDRI believes that can contribute with solid applied research on digitalization and intelligent robotics fields towards the development of more intelligent, efficient, adaptive, customized and sustainable industrial processes.
  • O Centro de Investigação em Digitalização e Robótica Inteligente CeDRI é uma unidade de investigação interdisciplinar que reúne investigadores das áreas da Eletrónica, Informática e Matemática, com o objetivo de desenvolver e aplicar conhecimento científico em robótica, sistemas inteligentes e tecnologias de informação e comunicação, no contexto da digitalização e automação de sistemas industriais, contribuindo para o desenvolvimento do sistema tecnológico e científico, e promovendo a competitividade do sistema socioeconómico. O CeDRi coloca um foco especial em regiões de baixa densidade populacional e económica, caracterizadas por PMEs de pequena escala e um sistema industrial local escasso, cuja competitividade é fortemente afetada por dificuldades no acesso à inovação industrial. Na era da 4ª revolução industrial, o CeDRI conduzirá investigação aplicada no desenvolvimento de abordagens inovadoras em sistemas ciber-físicos industriais, combinando conectividade de dados e computação escalável e.g., Internet das Coisas, Machine-to-Machine, Big data e Computação em nuvem, sistemas inteligentes e análise de dados e.g., Sistemas multiagente, machine learning e técnicas de análise de dados, e conversão digital-física e.g., visão artificial e robótica inteligente. São objetivos gerais do CeDRI para 2018-2022: 1. Contribuir para o desenvolvimento da ciência e tecnologia em sistemas embebidos e ciber-físicos industriais, sistemas inteligentes e análise de dados, sistemas robóticos inteligentes e colaborativos, e modelação, simulação e otimização para suporte à decisão; 2. Contribuir para a transferência e disseminação de conhecimento científico e tecnológico através da participação em redes internacionais e implementação de protótipos, promovendo a inovação industrial e tecnológica; 3. Supervisionar trabalhos de investigação conducentes a doutoramentos e mestrados nas áreas antes mencionadas. De forma a concretizar o programa estratégico, o CeDRI inclui 18 membros integrados doutorados, 8 membros integrados estudantes de doutoramento ou bolseiros e 5 membros colaboradores no quadro de parcerias com outras unidades de investigação, como o INESC-TEC e o ALGORITMI. A gestão do CeDRI é realizada de acordo com as regras de financiamento plurianual da FCT, através de uma organização flexível baseada numa Comissão de Coordenação composto por três investigadores seniores, um dos quais é o Coordenador, num Conselho Científico e num Comité Consultivo Externo. Este inclui três reputados especialistas das áreas do CeDRI, oriundos da academia e indústria: Duncan McFarlane Cambridge University, Reino Unido, Stamatis Karnouskos SAP, Alemanha e Armando W. Colombo Hochschule Emden - Leer, Alemanha. O CeDRI crê que pode contribuir com sólida investigação aplicada em digitalização e robótica inteligente, direcionada ao desenvolvimento de processos industriais mais inteligentes, eficiente, adaptativos e costumizáveis.

date/time interval

  • January 1, 2020