selected publications
academic article
- Visitors' Satisfaction in Natural Areas: The Case of Vinhais Biological Park. International Conference on Tourism Research. 6:9-16. 2023
- COVID-19 Time Series Forecasting - Twenty Days Ahead. Procedia Computer Science. 196:1021-1027. 2022
- Firefighters exposure to fire emissions: Impact on levels of biomarkers of exposure to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and genotoxic/oxidative-effects. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 383:121179-121179. 2020
- Stator Winding Fault Detection Using External Search Coil and Artificial Neural Network. MATEC Web of Conferences. 322:01054. 2020
- Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons at fire stations: firefighters’ exposure monitoring and biomonitoring, and assessment of the contribution to total internal dose. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 323:184-194. 2017
- Assessment of health benefits related to air quality improvement strategies in urban areas: An Impact Pathway Approach. Journal of Environmental Management. 183:694-702. 2016
- Firefighters exposure biomonitoring: Impact of firefighting activities on levels of urinary monohydroxyl metabolites. International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health. 219:857-866. 2016
- A comparison of linear and non linear models to forecast the tourism demand in the North of Portugal. Revista de Ciencias Administrativas: Teoría y praxis, 2014, 2. 2014
- Atitudes do consumidor em relação às práticas do marketing em Portugal. BMC Health Services Research. 9:143-156. 2014
- Automatic system of reading numbers. International Journal on Signal & Image Processing, Vol. 5, Issue 2. 2014
- Detection of Alzheimer's Disease Electroencephalogram Temporal Events. International Journal of Reliable and Quality E-Healthcare (Q3). 2:44-61. 2013
- Tourism Time Series Forecast - Different ANN Architectures with Time Index Input. 4th Conference of Enterprise Information Systems - Aligning Technology, Organizations and People (Centeris 2012). 1558:445-454. 2013
- Comparison Of Artificial Neural Network Architectures In The Task Of Tourism Time Series Forecast. International Journal of Biological, Veterinary, Agricultural and Food Engineering. 2012
- A Insolação como parâmetro de entrada em modelo baseado em redes neuronais para previsão de série temporal do turismo 2011
- Modelação da procura turística em Portugal: regressão linear versus redes neuronais artificiais. Revista Turismo & Desenvolvimento, nº 13, 2010. 2010
- Modelling tourism demand: a comparative study between artificial neural networks and the Box-Jenkins methodology. Romanian Journal of Economic Forecasting. 9:30-47. 2008
- On the use of prosodic labelling in corpus-based linguistic studies of spontaneous speech. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (Subseries of Lecture Notes in Computer Science) (JIF=0,402 Q2). 2807:388-393. 2003
- Optimization, Learning Algorithms and Applications. OL2A 2022. Ed. 1754 CCIS. 2022
- Optimization, Learning Algorithms and Applications: Second International Conference, OL2A 2022 2022
- International Conference on Optimization, Learning Algorithms and Applications: book of abstracts 2021
- Optimization, Learning Algorithms and Applications. First International Conference, OL2A 2021. Ed. 1488. 2021
- Optimization, learning algorithms and applications: first International Conference, OL2A 2021 2021
- Combinação de Diferentes Proxies para Aferir a Qualidade da Informação Financeira. Ed. III. 2020
- XXX Jornadas Luso-Espanholas de Gestão Científica. Cooperação transfronteiriça: desenvolvimento e coesão territorial: livro de atas. Ed. 1. 2020
- XXX Jornadas Luso-Espanholas de Gestão Científica. Cooperação transfronteiriça: desenvolvimento e coesão territorial: livro de atas. Ed. 1. 2020
- Forecasting and Estimation of Medical Tourism Demand in India. Ed. 171. 2020
- XXX Jornadas Luso-Espanholas de Gestão Científica. Cooperação transfronteiriça. Cooperação transfronteiriça: desenvolvimento e coesão territorial: livro de atas - Vol. I 2020
- XXX Jornadas Luso-Espanholas de Gestão Científica. Cooperação transfronteiriça: desenvolvimento e coesão territorial: livro de atas - Vol. II 2020
- XXX Jornadas Luso-Espanholas de Gestão Científica. Cooperação transfronteiriça: desenvolvimento e coesão territorial: livro de atas - Vol. IV 2020
- XXX Jornadas Luso-Espanholas de Gestão Científica: livro de resumos 2020
- Levels of urinary biomarkers of exposure and potential genotoxic risks in firefighters risks 2018
- Análise e síntese de fala - modelização paramétrica de sinais para sistemas TTS 2013
- Prosody generation model for TTS systems - segmental durations and F0 contours with fujisaki model 2012
- Accuracy Optimization in Speech Pathology Diagnosis with Data Preprocessing Techniques 2024
- Automatic Speech Recognition for Portuguese: A Comparative Study 2024
- Comparative Analysis of Windows for Speech Emotion Recognition Using CNN 2024
- Deep Learning and Machine Learning Techniques Applied to Speaker Identification on Small Datasets 2024
- ECG and sEMG Conditioning and Wireless Transmission with a Biosignal Acquisition Board 2024
- Natural Parks Image: An Analysis of Tripadvisor Reviews. 373-383. 2024
- Development of a Analog Acquisition and Conditioning Circuit of Surface Electromyogram and Electrocardiogram Signals. 19-34. 2022
- Image Processing of Petri Dishes for Counting Microorganisms. 763-775. 2022
- Smart Data Driven System for Pathological Voices Classification. Communications in Computer and Information Science. 2022
- Vocal Acoustic Analysis 2022
- Early Detection of Electroencephalogram Temporal Events in Alzheimer's Disease 2021
- Electroencephalogram Signal Analysis in Alzheimer's Disease Early Detection 2021
- Optimization of Glottal Onset Peak Detection Algorithm for Accurate Jitter Measurement. 123-137. 2021
- Honey bees repellent device: preliminary experimental research with the bees hearing sensitivity 2019
- A Comparative Study Between Artificial Neural Network and Multiple Linear Regression to modelling and Forecast the Tourism Demand in Mozambique 2017
- Automatic determination of pauses in speech for classification of stuttering disorder. 132-149. 2017
- Early detection of electroencephalogram temporal events in Alzheimer's disease. 112-131. 2017
- Alzheimer's electroencephalogram event scalp and source localization. 33-49. 2016
- Forecasting of a Non-Seasonal Tourism Time Series with ANN 2014
- Jitter, Shimmer and HNR classification within gender, tones and vowels in healthy voices 2014
- Alzheimer's disease recognition with artificial neural networks 2013
- Alzheimer’s disease recognition with artificial neural networks. 102-119. 2013
- Nova abordagem da metodologia de redes neuronais artificiais para a previsão de séries temporais de turismo: a data como índice. Aplicação à região da Madeira. 63-75. 2011
- A project of speech input and output in an e-commerce application 2002
- Acoustic characterisation of the tonic syllable in portuguese. 120-128. 2002
conference paper
- Residents´Perceptions Towards Cross-border Tourism. 131-139. 2023
- Residents¿ Perceptions Towards Cross-border Tourism. 129-139. 2023
- Residents’ Perceptions Towards Cross-border Tourism. 129-139. 2023
- Data Acquisition System for a Wearable-Based Fall Prevention. 701-710. 2023
- Residents' perceptions towards cross-border tourism. International Workshop Tourism and Hospitality Management. 129-139. 2023
- Visitors´ Satisfaction in Natural Areas: The Case of Vinhais Biological Park. 9-16. 2023
- Data Acquisition, Conditioning and Processing System for a Wearable-based Biostimulation. 223-230. 2022
- Voice Pathologies - The Most Comum Features and Classification Tools 2021
- COVID-19 Time Series Prediction. Procedia Computer Science. 973-980. 2021
- Voice Pathologies: The Most Comum Features and Classification Tools. 1-6. 2021
- Clustering of Voice Pathologies based on Sustained Voice Parameters. 13th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies. 280-287. 2020
- Implementação de Técnica para a Detecção do Complexo QRS em Sinais de ECG 2020
- Artificial intelligence in the recrutment & selection: innovation and impacts for the human resources management. 96-104. 2019
- India's medical tourism analysis and forecasting. 4788-4796. 2019
- India’s medical tourism analysis and forecasting. 4788-4796. 2019
- Predicting sports results with artificial intelligence – a proposal framework for soccer games. 131-136. 2019
- Strategy map for protection of the biosphere reserve of the Iberian Meseta. 4816-4825. 2019
- Honey Bees Repellent Device: Preliminary Experimental Research with the Bees Hearing Sensitivity. 827-840. 2018
- Poluição do ar e potenciais impactos na saúde pública. 17-20. 2018
- Audiobooks business model - Technologic challenges, case study. 5139-5154. 2018
- Classification of control/pathologic subjects with support vector machines. 272-279. 2018
- Cured database of sustained speech parameters for chronic laryngitis pathology. 5164-5170. 2018
- Electroencephalogram hybrid method for alzheimer early detection. 209-214. 2018
- Harmonic to noise ratio measurement - selection of window and length. 280-285. 2018
- Estimativa dos gastos diretos dos participantes envolvidos nas provas da meia maratona e da maratona do Porto 2015 2017
- Vocal Acoustic Analysis - Classification of Dysphonic Voices with Artificial Neural Networks. 19-26. 2017
- A importância de eventos desportivos para o desenvolvimento turístico: o caso das provas da meia-maratona e da maratona do Porto 2016
- Alzheimer’s early prediction with electroencephalogram. Procedia Computer Science. 151-151. 2016
- Controlador de luz e temperatura para a criação de canários. 52-52. 2016
- Firefighters' Occupational Exposure to Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons at Portuguese Fire Stations 2016
- Modelação da procura turística em Moçambique. 18-18. 2016
- Modelação e previsão da procura turística em Moçambique: um estudo comparativo entre os modelos de redes neuronais artificiais e regressão linear múltipla 2016
- O desenvolvimento do turismo desportivo: o caso das provas da meia maratona e da maratona do Porto. XVII Encuentro de la Asociación Española de Contabilidad y Administración de Empresas, Bragança, 22 e 23 de setembro de 2016. Portugal. 2016
- Economic Evaluation Of Air Pollution Impacts On Human Health: An Overview Of Applied Methodologies. 181-192. 2015
- Electroencephalogram cepstral distances in alzheimer’s disease diagnosis. 142-142. 2015
- Modelação da procura turística em Moçambique 2015
- Modelação da procura turística para Moçambique. 126-127. 2015
- Placard eletrónico para jogos de futebol de salão 2015
- Protótipo de eletrocardiograma móvel 2015
- Tourism demand modeling and forecasting with artificial neural models: the Mozambique case study 2015
- Tourism demand modeling and forecasting with artificial neural network models: the Mozambique case study 2015
- Forecasting of a non-seasonal tourism time series with ANN. 724-734. 2014
- Protótipo de eletrocardiograma móvel 2014
- Didactic speech synthesizer – acoustic module, formants model. 356-359. 2013
- EEG discrimination with artificial neural networks. 236-241. 2013
- Evaluation of EEG spectralfeatures in Alzheimer disease discrimination 2013
- Pure-tone audiogram: measuring auditory sensitivity over the age. 293-296. 2013
- Alzheimer electroencephalogram temporal events detection by K-means. CENTERIS 2013 - Conference on ENTERprise Information Systems. 859-864. 2012
- Measure and comparison of speech pause duration in subjects with disfluency speech. CENTERIS 2013 - Conference on ENTERprise Information Systems. 812-819. 2012
- Measuring auditory sensitivity over the age 2012
- Solutions to the inner ear problems 2012
- Survey of special needs in telecommunications for elderly people and people with disabilities 2012
- Tourism time series forecast – different ANN asrchitectures with time index input 2012
- A insolação como parâmetro de entrada em modelo baseado em redes neuronais para previsão de série temporal do turismo. 137-138. 2011
- Análise acústica vocal - determinação do Jitter e Shimmer para diagnóstico de patalogias da fala 2011
- Análise acústica vocal - determinação do Jitter e Shimmer para diagnóstico de patologias da fala. 139-140. 2011
- Classification of alzheimer’s electroencephalograms using artificial neural networks and logistic regression. 33-34. 2011
- Electrocardiogram events detection. 307-316. 2011
- Forecasting tourism demand with artificial neural networks. Encontros Científicos - Tourism & Management Studies. 1014-1016. 2011
- Help system for medical diagnosis of the electrocardiogram 2011
- Auditory system rehabilitation - available technologies. 1806-1810. 2010
- Classification of Electroencephalogram Signals Using Artificial Neural Networks. 808-812. 2010
- Nova abordagem da metodologia de redes neuronais artificiais para a previsão de séries temporais de turismo: a data com índice. Aplicação à Região da Madeira. 16º Congresso da APDR, Regiões de Charneira, Canais de Fronteira e Nós. 2418-2441. 2010
- Nova abordagem da metodologia de redes neuronais artificiais para a previsão de séries temporais de turísmo: a data como Índice. Aplicação à região da Madeira 2010
- Identificação de caracteres com rede neuronal artificial com interface gráfica 2009
- Modelação linear da procura turística em Portugal 2009
- New approach of the ann methodology for forecasting time series: use of time index 2009
- New approachof the ANN methodology for forecasting time series: use of time index 2009
- O Impacto da variável páscoa na previsão da procura turística 2009
- Previsão da procura turística utilizando um modelo não linear 2009
- Rede neuronal artificial para o reconhecimento de caracteres com interface gráfica 2009
- Artificial neural networks versus Box Jenkins methodology in tourism demand analysis 2008
- Forecasting the tourism time series with artificial neural network. 183-184. 2008
- Modelação da procura turística: um estudo comparativo entre redes neuronais artificiais e a metodologia de Box-Jenkins 2008
- Phoneme dedicated ANN improves segmental duration model. 371-374. 2008
- Prediction tourism demand using artificial neural networks 2008
- Previsão da série temporal turismo com redes neuronais artificiais 2008
- A new approach to modelling and forecasting monthly overnights in the Northern Region of Portugal 2007
- Comportamento da procura turística : Região Norte de Portugal. 99-99. 2007
- Comportamento da procura turística: região Norte de Portugal 2007
- ProGmatica: A prosodic and pragmatic database for European Portuguese. 2092-2095. 2006
- Evaluation of a system for F0 contour prediction for European Portuguese. 10th International Conference on Speech and Computer. 3249-3252. 2005
- PRO-GMÁTICA: uma base de dados prosódica pragmaticamente orientada em Português Europeu 2005
- Use of phoneme dedicated artificial neural networks to predict segmental durations. 10th International Conference on Speech and Computer. 679-682. 2005
- Prediction of accent commands for the Fujisaki intonation model. 10th International Conference on Speech and Computer. 451-455. 2004
- Prediction of Fujisaki model's phrase commands. 397-400. 2003
- Prediction of Fujisaki model’s phrase commands 2003
- Segmental durations predicted with a neural network. 169-172. 2003
- Sistemas de conversão texto-fala. 1361-1374. 2003
- Evaluation of a neural network segmental duration model for Portuguese 2002
- Back close non-syllabic vowel [U] behaviour in European Portuguese: reduction or suppression? 2001
- Correlation between phonetic factors and linguistic events regarding a prosodic pattern of European Portuguese: a practical proposal 2001
- Phonetic events from the labeling the european Portuguese database for speech synthesis, FEUP/IPB-DB. 1707-1710. 2001
- Divisão silábica automática do texto escrito e falado 2000
- Accoustical characterisation of accented syllable in portuguese; a contribution to the naturalness of speech synthesis. 1651-1654. 1999
- Multivox: conversor texto fala para português. 88-98. 1998
- Interpretability Analysis of Deep Models for COVID-19 Detection 2022
- Preface to 2nd International Conference on Optimization, Learning Algorithms and Applications (OL2A). v. 2022
- Artificial Intelligence System for the Automatic Detection of Alzheimer Disease through Electroencephalographic Signals 2021
- Forecasted Incidence, Intensive Care Unit Admissions and Projected Mortality Attributable to Covid-19 in Portugal, UK, Germany, Italy and France – 4 Weeks Ahead 2021
- TTS-Portuguese Corpus: a corpus for speech synthesis in Brazilian Portuguese 2020
- Parameter Selection Methods for Determining Voice Pathologies - Métodos de Seleção de parâmetros na determinação de patologias da voz. 1-1. 2019
- Parameter Selection Methods in the Identification of Laryngeal Pathologies - Métodos de Seleção de Parâmetros na Identificação de Patologias da Laringe. 1-1. 2019
- Poluição atmosférica: breve revisão da situação em Portugal e os impactos na saúde pública. 20-25. 2017
journal article
- A Narrative Review of Speech and EEG Features for Schizophrenia Detection: Progress and Challenges. Bioengineering (JIF=4,6 Q2). 493. 2023
- Determination of Harmonic Parameters in Pathological Voices—Efficient Algorithm. Applied Sciences. 2333. 2023
- Smart-Data-Driven System for Alzheimer Disease Detection through Electroencephalographic Signals. Bioengineering (JIF=4,6 Q2). 141-141. 2022
- Lacsogram: A New EEG Tool to Diagnose Alzheimer's Disease. IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics (JIF=7,021 Q1). 3384-3395. 2021
- Analysis and Forecasting Incidence, Intensive Care Unit Admissions, and Projected Mortality Attributable to COVID-19 in Portugal, the UK, Germany, Italy, and France: Predictions for 4 Weeks Ahead. Bioengineering (JIF=4,6 Q2). 84-84. 2021
- Real GDP growth rates and healthcare spending – comparison between the G7 and the EM7 countries 2020
- Vocal acoustic analysis: ANN versos SVM in classification of dysphonic voices and vocal cords paralysis. International Journal of E-Health and Medical Communications. 37-51. 2020
- Audiobook- the paradigm of the portuguese publishing market. Journal of EU Research in Business. 1-21. 2019
- Underlying differences in health spending within the world health organisation Europe region-comparing EU15, EU post-2004, CIS, EU candidate, and CARINFONET countries. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 3043. 2019
- Electroencephalogram Signal Analysis in Alzheimer's Disease Early Detection. International Journal of Reliable and Quality E-Healthcare (Q3). 40-59. 2018
- A comparison of linear and non linear models to forecast the tourism demand in the North of Portugal. Revista de Ciencias Administrativas: Teoría y praxis. 91-104. 2014
- Automatic system of reading numbers. 13-20. 2014
- Detection of alzheimer’s disease electroencephalogram temporal events. International Journal of Reliable and Quality E-Healthcare (Q3). 44-61. 2013
- Pause duration of disfluent speech. International Journal of Reliable and Quality E-Healthcare (Q3). 62-73. 2013
- Comparison of artificial neural network architectures in the task of tourism time series forecast. 978-983. 2012
- A Insolação como parâmetro de entrada em modelo baseado em redes neuronais para previsão de série temporal do turismo 2011
- Modelação da procura turística em Portugal: regressão linear versus redes neuronais artificiais. Journal of Tourism and Development. 2010
- Modelling tourism demand: a comparative study between artificial neural networks and the Box-Jenkins methodology. Romanian Journal of Economic Forecasting. 2008
- Evaluation of a segmental durations model for TTS. 40-48. 2003
- On the use of prosodic labelling in corpus-based linguistic studies of spontaneous speech. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 388-393. 2003
- A project of speech input and output in an e-commerce application. 415-425. 2002
- Divisão silábica automática do texto escrito e falado. 65-74. 2000