- Alzheimer Disease (AD) is a chronic progrcssive and irrevcrsible ncurodegencrative brain disorder. Ils diagnostic accuracy is rclatively low and lhere is nol a biomarkcr able lo detcct AD without invasive tcsts. This study is a ncw approach to obtuined clectroencephalogram (EEG) temporal cvenls in crder lo improve Lhe AD diagnosis. For that, K-means were used and the rcsults suggcsted that thcre are scquences af EEG cnergy variation tbat appear more frequently in AO patients lhan in Health subject.
- Alzheimer Disease (AD) is a chronic progressive and irreversible neurodegenerative brain disorder. Its diagnostic accuracy is relatively low and there is not a biomarker able to detect AD without invasive tests. This study is a new approach to obtained electroencephalogram (EEG) temporal events in order to improve the AD diagnosis. For that, K-means were used and the results suggested that there are sequences of EEG energy variation that appear more frequently in AD patients than in Health subject.