- This work has lhe goal of comparing the pause duration in lhe disfluency speech and nonnal speech. Disfluency and normal sponlaneous spccch was rccordcd in a contcxl were the subjcels had to deseribe a scenc fram each othcr. 1l1C pause determin;Jtion algorithm was dcvelopcd. The automatic pause determinations allowed lhe measure of percenlage of silence along the record of several minutcs of spcech. As expecled lhese paramelers is ralher diffcrent in subjecIs with and wi thout disfluency spcech. but it do nol scems that it is proponional la lhe sevcrity of lhe disfluency.
- This work has the goal of comparing the pause duration in the disfluency speech and normal speech. Disfluency and normal spontaneous speech was recorded in a context were the subjects had to describe a scene from each other. The pause determination algorithm was developed. The automatic pause determinations allowed the measure of percentage of silence along the record of several minutes of speech. As expected these parameters is rather different in subjects with and without disfluency speech, but it do not seems that it is proportional to the severity of the disfluency.