Measuring auditory sensitivity over the age
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This study consisted in Lhe developrnent af ao audiogram software program using the soundboard af lhe
computer and with the audiogram measurc the sensitivity 10Sl over lhe age. The audiogrum tests \Vere perfonned
to 35 subjects belonging to the femule and mate gender, aged bctween 10 and 88 years. Some af lhe subjects with
more advanced age had hearing problems over the course af age. However, none af lhem was carrying any type
of hearing aid. Fig 1 shows lhe comparison of the average sensitivity over the decades af age. As conclusion it
can be said that the developed audiogram has sensibility enough to measure the human ear sensitivity aver the
audible range of frequencies. As a result of the perfonned test to subjects, as expected, lhe 10st of sensitivity over
the age was confinned and measured.