Didactic speech synthesizer – acoustic module, formants model Artigo de Conferência uri icon


  • Text-to-speech synthesis is lhe main subjecl treated in this work. II will be presented the conslilution of a generic lext-to-speech system conversion, explained lhe functions 01 the various modules and described lhe developmenl lechniques using lhe formants model. The development of a didactic forman! synthesiser under Matlab environmenl will also be described. This didactic synthesiser is inlended for a didactic understanding of lhe formant modelaI speech producllon.
  • Text-to-speech synthesis is the main subject treated in this work. It will be presented the constitution of a generic text-to-speech system conversion, explained the functions of the various modules and described the development techniques using the formants model. The development of a didactic formant synthesiser under Matlab environment will also be described. This didactic synthesiser is intended for a didactic understanding of the formant model of speech production.

data de publicação

  • janeiro 1, 2013