publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Establishment of Colorectal Cancer Organoids in Microfluidic-Based System. Micromachines. 2021
artigo de conferência
- Análise experimental e numérica de quedas de pressão em canais estenosados 2016
- Blood flow in a bifurcation and confluence microchannel: the effectof the cell-free layer in the velocity profiles 2014
- Motion of rigid particles flowing in a micofluidic device with a pronounced stenosis: Trajectories and deformation index (Oral presentation) 2014
- Motion of rigid particles flowing in a microfluidic device with a pronounced stenosis: Trajectories and deformation index 2014
- Nanopartículas de óxido de ferro: relação entre parâmetros morfológicos/químicos e a sua citotoxicidade 2014
- Visualization and measurement of red blood cells flowing in microfluidic devices 2014
- Cell-free layer measurements in a bifurcation microchannel : comparison between a manual and automatic methods 2013
- Cell-free layer measurements in bifurcating microchannels: a global approach. XVI Congresso da Associação Portuguesa de Investigação Operacional. 2013
- Flow of red blood cells in microchannel networks: in vitro studies 2013
artigo de revista
- Label-free multi-step microfluidic device for mechanical characterization of blood cells: Diabetes type II. Micro and Nano Engineering. 2022
- Label-free multi-step microfluidic device for mechanical characterization of blood cells: Diabetes type II. Micro and Nano Engineering. 2022
- Deformation of Red Blood Cells, Air Bubbles, and Droplets in Microfluidic Devices: Flow Visualizations and Measurements. Micromachines. 2018
capítulo de livro
- Análise experimental e numérica de quedas de pressão em canais estenosados 2015
- A hybrid fabrication method able to perform separation of cells from plasma 2014
- Blood flow in a bifurcation and confluence microchannel: effect of the cell-free layer in velocity profiles 2014
- Visualization of the cell-free layer (CFL) in a PDMS microchannel with a micro-stenosis 2013