- Informaçãos de Contato
Ferreira, Ângela Paula Barbosa da Silva
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publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Coupled Electromagnetic and Thermal Analysis of Electric Machines. MATEC Web of Conferences. 2020
- Stator Winding Fault Detection Using External Search Coil and Artificial Neural Network. MATEC Web of Conferences. 2020
- Comprehensive Analysis and Evaluation of Cogging Torque in Axial Flux Permanent Magnet Machines. 2015 Ieee 10th International Symposium on Diagnostics For Electric Machines, Power Electronics and Drives (Sdemped). 2015
- Efficiency and Productivity Assessment of Wind Farms. Operational Research. 2015
- Extension of holonic paradigm to smart grids. IFAC-PapersOnLine. 2015
- Performance Comparison of Wind Energy Conversion System Technologies. 2015 International Conference on Clean Electrical Power (Iccep). 2015
- Electromagnetic Finite Element Design of Axial Flux Permanent Magnet Machines for Low Speed Applications. 2014 International Conference on Electrical Machines (Icem). 2014
- Pattern Aggregation of Wind Energy Conversion Technologies using Clustering Analysis. 2014 14th International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications (Iccsa). 2014
- Tourism Time Series Forecast - Different ANN Architectures with Time Index Input. 4th Conference of Enterprise Information Systems - Aligning Technology, Organizations and People (Centeris 2012). 2013
- Dealing with the very small: First steps of a picohydro demonstration project in an university campus. Renewable Energy & Power Quality Journal. 2012
- Thermal analysis of an Axial Flux Permanent Magnet machine. International Conference on Electrical Machines. 2012
artigo de conferência
- Thermal Analysis of a Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machine at Different Supply Voltage Levels 2023
- An improved GA-based approach for reduced non-discriminatory renewable energy curtailment. 27th International Conference on Electricity Distribution (CIRED). 2023
- An innovative optimization approach for energy management of a microgrid system 2023
- Model-based prototyping of a controller for MR actuators 2023
- On the mitigation of renewable energy curtailment by using pumped hydro storage systems 2023
- Optimal energy management of microgrid using multi-objective optimisation approach 2023
- A Finite Element Based Tool to Support the Understanding of Electromagnetism Concepts 2022
- A DEA approach to evaluate the electric mobility deployment in european countries 2021
- A panel data analysis of the electric mobility deployment in the Eropean Union 2021
- Extending the Multiphysics Modelling of Electric Machines in a Digital Twin Concept 2021
- Analytical and Numerical Thermal Modelling of a Low Power Transformer 2020
- Assessment of the transport sustainability performance in the European Union 2020
- Coupled electromagnetic and thermal analysis of electric machines 2020
- Smart Microgrid Management: A Hybrid Optimisation Approach. Energy, Sustainability and Society. 2020
- Grid Connection Approach for Very Small-Scale Pico-Hydro Systems Using PV Microinverters 2019
- Designing Innovative Home Energy Systems for Smart Cities: The SilkHouse Project 2018
- Photovoltaic Water Pumping System for Small Power Conventional AC Pumps 2018
- Wind Turbine Emulation Using an Inverter-Controlled Induction Motor 2018
- Environmental performance assessment of european countries 2018
- Structural analysis, modeling and forecasting o electricity prices of the iberian electricity market 2018
- Design of a elf-sustainable system based on renewable energy sources for a small museum of science dissemination - the house of silk 2017
- Sistemas de transmissão baseados em ímãs permanentes 2017
- Pico-hydro Systems: Microgrid-Connection approaches 2016
- A practical approach for grid-connected pico-hydro systems using conventional photovoltaic inverters. 18th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications. 2016
- Compatibility analysis of grid-connected pico-hydro systems using conventional photovoltaic inverters 2016
- Grid-connection approaches for pico-hydro systems 2016
- Analysis of the Operation of a Microgrid with Renewable Distributed Generation 2015
- Increasing self-sustainability in micro grids using load prioritization and forecasting mechanisms 2015
- Measuring technical efficiency of european countries using data envelopment analysis 2015
- Viabilidade económica de equipamentos no sector residencial com diferentes etiquetas energéticas 2015
- Improving the Storage Capability of a Microgrid with a Vehicle-To-Grid Interface 2014
- Bidirectional vehicle-to-grid interface under a microgrid project 2014
- Conservation voltage regulation at residential level 2014
- Monitoring efficiency and productivity of promoters in wind energy sector 2014
- Viabilidade económica de equipamentos no sector residencial com diferentes etiquetas energéticas 2014
- On the Implementation of a Microgrid Project with Renewable Distributed Generation 2013
- Framework for performance assessment of wind farms 2013
- Monitoring performance of hydroelectric power plants 2013
- Monitorização do desempenho de operadores de parques eólicos portugueses 2013
- Performance assessment of hydroelectric power plants 2012
- Abordagens para a ligação à rede de sistemas pico-hidroelétricos 2011
- Direct driven axial flux permanent magnet generator for small-scale wind power applications 2011
- Efficient pole-arc coefficients for maximum no load flux linkage in axial flux permanent magnet machines 2011
- An axial flux permanent magnet synchronous generator for a gearless wind energy system 2007
- Prototype of an axial flux permanent magnet generator for wind energy systems applications 2007
- Análise do funcionamento do gerador de ímanes permanentes, com anisotropia inversa, isolado, alimentando uma carga resistiva 2001
artigo de revista
- Sustainability performance assessment of the transport sector in European countries. Revista Facultad de Ingenieria. 2021
- A linear regression pattern for electricity price forecasting in the Iberian electricity market. Revista Facultad de Ingenieria. 2019
- Acoustic Analysis of Vocal Dysphonia. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 2017
- Conservation voltage reduction in smart microgrids 2016
- Projeto de uma picocentral hidrelétrica em um campus universitário. Eletricidade Moderna. 2013
- Dealing with the very small: first steps of a picohydro demonstration project in an university campus. Renewable Energy & Power Quality Journal. 2012
- Direct driven axial flux permanent magnet generator for small-scale wind power applications 2011
- Materiais magnéticos permanentes. Revista Egitania Sciencia. 2011
- Projeto e seleção de materiais magnéticos permanentes. e-LP - Engineering and Technology Journal. 2011
capítulo de livro
- Development of a Simulation Tool for Electromagnetism Education 2024
- Fault Classification of Wind Turbine: A Comparison of Hyperparameter Optimization Methods 2024
- Multi-objective Optimal Sizing of an AC/DC Grid Connected Microgrid System 2024
- A DEA Approach to Evaluate the Performance of the Electric Mobility Deployment in European Countries. Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics. 2023
- A Hybrid Genetic Algorithm for Optimal Active Power Curtailment Considering Renewable Energy Generation 2023
- CO2 Emissions Curtailment from the Usage of Electric Vehicles in Sal Island. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems. 2023
- Dynamic Analysis of the Sustainable Performance of Electric Mobility in European Countries 2022
- Smart Systems for Monitoring Buildings - An IoT Application 2022
- A Panel Data Analysis of the Electric Mobility Deployment in the European Union 2021
- Assessing the Deployment of Electric Mobility: A Review 2021
- Optimal Sizing of a Hybrid Energy System Based on Renewable Energy Using Evolutionary Optimization Algorithms 2021
- Performance Assessment of the Transport Sustainability in the European Union 2021
- Environmental Performance Assessment of the Transport Sector in the European Union 2020
- Impact of the Increase in Electric Vehicles on Energy Consumption and GHG Emissions in Portugal 2020
- Environmental Performance Assessment of European Countries 2019
- Efficiency Assessment of Wind Farms: a Two-stage Approach 2015
- Measuring technical efficiency of European Countries using data envelopment analysis 2015
- CIEEMAT 2022 - VII Ibero-American Congress on Entrepreneurship, Energy, Environment and Technology: book of abstracts 2022
- Optimal Energy Management of Microgrid Using Multi-objective Optimisation Approach 2022
- III Congresso Ibero-Americano de Empreendedorismo, Energia, Ambiente e Tecnologia: livro de atas 2017
nome completo
- Ângela Paula Barbosa da Silva Ferreira
- Angela P. Ferreira