CIEEMAT 2022 - VII Ibero-American Congress on Entrepreneurship, Energy, Environment and Technology: book of abstracts Book uri icon


  • The VII Ibero-American Congress on Entrepreneurship, Energy, Environment and Technology (VII CIEEMAT), coordinated by the Federal Centre of Technological Education from Rio de Janeiro (CEFET/RJ), was held for the third time in Portugal, and for the second time in the city of Bragança, under the organization of the Polytechnic Institute of Bragança (IPB), the Research Centre in Digitalization and Intelligent Robotics (CeDRI), the Mountain Research Centre (CIMO) and the Associated Laboratory for Sustainability and Technology in Inland Regions (SusTEC). The event aims to consolidate the Luso- Brazilian and Ibero-American cooperation in those areas, gathering the multinational contribution and enhancing collaboration in academic and scientific fields. The VII CIEEMAT took place on July 6-8, 2022 and had the Energy Transition as its specific theme. The current energy context and the transition of energy generation and consumption typologies are unavoidable in defining the profiles of national and international societies and energy policies. The dynamism to which the energy sector is currently subjected is imposed by environmental and safety concerns, the fluctuation of the fossil fuels price and shifting technologies, which translates into challenges and opportunities across various sectors as research and innovation, education, policy and environmental governance. The opportunities and challenges of the energy transition are outlined, for instance, in the exploitation of natural assets, the decarbonisation of the economy and the transport sector and the flexibility of energy infrastructure through smart grids. The VII CIEEMAT followed a program addressing various perspectives of action of higher education institutions and R&D units and their cooperation with society: i) the academic perspective (why, what and how to teach the challenges of energy transition); ii) the perspective of international cooperation, defining new cooperation programs between Portugal and Brazil in the energy field, with emphasis on the Brazilian EnergIF program and its potential for international cooperation with Portugal; iii) and the research and innovation perspective, with the contribution of academic experts and the business sector regarding the challenges that the necessary and emerging energy transition poses. At the same time, the VII CIEEMAT provided also a forum to disseminate and share ongoing research in various academic and scientific institutions, through oral communications in the areas of sustainable urban mobility, energy generation and self-consumption, environmental challenges, decarbonisation and climate change.

publication date

  • 2022