Custódio L. Roriz
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publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
artigo de conferência
- A green alternative approach to citrus peel bio-waste disposal: characterisation and bioactive potential 2022
- FIG (Ficus Carica L.) Bioresidues as sources of bioactive compounds and natural pigments for the food industry 2022
- Chemical characterization and bioactivity evaluation of black mulberry and grape seeds. 1st International Meeting for Young Analytical Chemists. 2021
- From wild edible plants to contemporary foods: nutritional and phytochemical studies with vegetables and spices 2021
- Dragon fruits as an alternative source of colorants: evaluation of antibacterial activity and colouring capacity 2019
- Evaluation of the antibacterial activity and colouring capacity of two Hylocereus spp. Epicarps 2019
- Extrato de Gomphrena globosa L. como corante natural em biscoitos: efeito em diferentes parâmetros físicos 2019
- Natural colorants in cookies: evaluation of the incorporation effects on the physico-chemical composition. 11th Encontro Nacional de Cromatografia. 2019
- Otimização de processos de extração de antocianinas a partir de cálices de Hibiscus sabdariffa L. para produção de corantes alimentares naturais 2019
- Targeted metabolites’ analysis of Hibiscus sabdariffa L. calyces from Guinea-Bissau (West Africa) 2019
- Gomphrena globosa L.: otimização do processo de extração de corantes, avaliação da sua atividade antimicrobiana e incorporação numa matriz alimentar 2018
- Amaranthus caudatus L. as a source of betacyanins with coloring and antimicrobial properties. 2018
- Antimicrobial and antifungal activities of a coloring extract rich in betacyanins obtained from the flowers of Gomphrena globosa L 2018
- Gomphrena globosa L. e Amaranthus caudatus L. como fontes alternativas de compostos corantes 2018
- Obtaining preservatives and bioactives from natural matrices and their application in food products 2018
- A novel natural colouring strategy for ice cream: effects on the profiles of individual sugars 2017
- Effects of natural colourants on the fatty acids profile of different ice cream formulations 2017
- From famine wild plants in mountain regions of Northeastern Portugal to gourmet foods in contemporary diets: a nutritional based revalorization study 2017
- Globe amaranth as an alternative source of natural red-violet colorants: an optimization study addressing current needs of the industrialized world 2017
- Incorporation of betacyanin-rich extracts in ice cream: comparison among different additives and control formulation 2017
- Obtenção de conservantes e bioativos a partir de matrizes naturais e sua aplicação em produtos alimentares 2017
- Perfis cromatográficos de açúcares livres e ácidos gordos em amostras de iogurtes aditivadas com o corante natural curcumina 2017
- Propriedades bioativas de formulações hidrofílicas de curcumina: aplicação em iogurte 2017
- Development of a natural colouring agent based on betacyanins from plant origin 2016
- Extraction of betacyanins from Gomphrena globosa L. flowers: choosing na acid as adjuvant 2016
- Flowers of Gomphrena globosa L. as an alternatve source of betacyanins: optimization of the extraction using response surface methodology 2016
- Gomphrena globosa L. como fonte alternativa de pigmentos naturais: caracterização de betacianidinas por HPLC-PDA-ESI/MS 2016
- Otimização do processo de extração de compostos corantes tendo como fonte alternativa Gomphrena globosa L. 2016
- Gomphrena globosa L. como fonte de corantes naturais: caracterização em betacianidinas 2015
- Antioxidant properties of Pterospartum tridentatum (L.) Willk and Cymbopogon citratus (Dc) Stapf.: evaluation of synergistic effects in a mixture of these species 2013
artigo de revista
- Fig Leaves (Ficus carica L.): Source of Bioactive Ingredients for Industrial Valorization. Processes. 2023
- Betacyanins obtained from alternative novel sources as natural food colorant additives: incorporated in savory and sweet food products. Food & Function. 2023
- Red pitaya (Hylocereus costaricensis) peel as a source of valuable molecules: Extraction optimization to recover natural colouring agents. Food Chemistry. 2022
- Valorisation of black mulberry and grape seeds: Chemical characterization and bioactive potential. Food Chemistry. 2021
- Betacyanins from Gomphrena globosa L. flowers: Incorporation in cookies as natural colouring agents. Food Chemistry. 2020
- Chemical characterization and biological activities of two varieties of xoconostle fruits Opuntia joconostle F.A.C. Weber ex Diguet and Opuntia matudae Scheinvar. Food & Function. 2019
- Chemical features and bioactivities of cornflower (Centaurea cyanus L.) capitula: The blue flowers and the unexplored non-edible part. Food Research International. 2019
- Gomphrena globosa L. as a novel source of food-grade betacyanins: Incorporation in ice-cream and comparison with beet-root extracts and commercial betalains. Current Opinion in Food Science. 2018
- Enhancing the antimicrobial and antifungal activities of a coloring extract agent rich in betacyanins obtained from Gomphrena globosa L. flowers. Food & Function. 2018
- Modern extraction techniques optimized to extract betacyanins from Gomphrena globosa L.. Food Research International. 2017
- Food colorants: Challenges, opportunities and current desires of agro-industries to ensure consumer expectations and regulatory practices. Trends in Food Science & Technology. 2016
- Gomphrena globosa L. as a source of natural pigments: characterization in betacyanins. Revista de Ciências Agrárias. 2016
- Scientific validation of synergistic antioxidant effects in commercialised mixtures of Cymbopogon citratus and Pterospartum tridentatum or Gomphrena globosa for infusions preparation. Food Chemistry. 2015
- HPLC-Profiles of Tocopherols, Sugars, and Organic Acids in Three Medicinal Plants Consumed as Infusions. International Journal of Food Science. 2014
capítulo de livro
- Rethink mushroom´s production residues as powerful hypocholesterolemic agents: development of innovative and functional formulations 2023
- Rethink mushroom's production residues as powerful hypocholesterolemic agents: development of innovative and functional formulations 2023
- Chromatographic profile of free sugars in fruits from five different varieties of Ficus carica L. 2022
- Fig (Ficus carica L.) biowaste as a source of organic acids for the food industry 2022
- Fig (Ficus carica L.) biowaste as sources of phenolic compounds for the food and pharmaceutical industry 2022
- A Sustainable Integrated Project to Recover Bioactive Molecules from Fig Production Residue 2022
- Fig Tree Leaves as Natural Food Preservatives 2022
- Optimization of Total Phenolic Content of Fig Leaves Obtained Through Response Surface Methodology. 2022
- Optimization of total phenolic content of fig obtained through Response Surface Methodology 2022
- Two new alternative sources of betacyanin colouring compounds for food industry 2022
- A chromatographic study offive varieties for its valorization 2022
- Chromatographic profileof free sugars in fruits from five different varieties of Ficus carica L. 2022
- Fig (Ficus carica L.) bioresidues as sources of bioactive compounds and natural pigments for the food industry 2022
- Fig (Ficus carica L.) biowaste as a source of organic acids for thefood industry 2022
- Fig (Ficus carica L.) fruit bioresidues as sources of bioactive compounds for the food industry 2022
- Fig (Ficus carica L.)biowaste as sources of phenolic compounds for the food and pharmaceutical industry 2022
- Optimization of total phenolic content offig obtained through Response Surface Methodology 2022
- Amaranthus caudatus L. flowers: recovering of added value colouring molecules, chemical and bioactive characterization 2021
- Development of natural food colourants from edible flowers 2021
- Targeted metabolites' analysis of Hibiscus sabdariffa L. calyces from Guinea-Bissau (West Africa) 2019
- Targeted metabolites’ analysis of Hibiscus sabdariffa L. calyces from Guinea-Bissau (West Africa) 2019
- Evaluation of the antibacterial activity and colouring capacity of two Hylocereus spp. Epicarps. ps 2019
- Desenvolvimento de corantes alimentares naturais a partir de flores comestíveis 2019
- Evaluation of the antibacterial activity and colouring capacity of two Hylocereus spp. Epicarps 2019
- Extrato de Gomphrena globosa L. como corante natural em biscoitos: efeito em diferentes parâmetros físicos 2019
- Natural colorants in cookies: evaluation of the incorporation effects on the physico- chemical composition 2019
- Otimização de processos de extração de antocianinas a partir de cálices de Hibiscus sabdariffa L. para obtenção de corantes alimentares naturais 2019
- Gomphrena globosa L. e Amaranthus caudatus L. como fontes alternativas de compostos corantes 2018
- Gomphrena globosa L.: Otimização do processo de extração de corantes, avaliação da sua atividade antimicrobiana e incorporação numa matriz alimentar 2018
- Optimization of the extraction process of colorants using Gomphrena globosa L.: incorporation in ice cream and evaluation of its nutritional value and bioactive compounds 2018
- Antimicrobial and antifungal activities of a coloring extract rich in betacyanins obtained from the flowers of Gomphrena globosa L. 2018
- Antimicrobial and antifungal activities of a coloring extract rich in betacyanins obtained from the flowers of Gomphrena globosa L 2018
- A novel natural colouring strategy for ice cream: effects on the profiles of individual sugars 2017
- Obtenção de conservantes e bioativos a partir de matrizes naturais e sua aplicação em produtos alimentares 2017
- Perfis cromatográficos de açúcares livres e ácidos gordos em amostras de iogurtes aditivadas com o corante natural curcumina 2017
- Propriedades bioativas de formulações hidrofílicas de curcumina: aplicação em iogurte 2017
- Gomphrena globosa L. como fonte alternativa de pigmentos naturais: caracterização de betacianidinas por HPLC-PDA-ESI/MS 2016
- Gomphrena globosa L. como fonte de corantes naturais: caracterização em betacianidinas 2015
co-investigador principal no
nome completo
- C.L. Roriz
- Custódio Lobo Roriz