- Informaçãos de Contato
Nunes, Alcina Maria Almeida Rodrigues
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publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Demand for emergency services during the COVID-19 pandemic and disease burden: a case study in Portugal. Frontiers in Public Health. 2024
- User Satisfaction Profile of an Outpatient Physical Therapy Service. European Journal of Medical and Health Sciences. 2023
- The use of the EUROHIS-QOL-8 to Assess The Perception of Quality of Life at Termas de Chaves. International Conference on Tourism Research. 2023
- The Importance-Satisfaction Matrix as a Strategic Tool for Termas de Chaves Thermal Spa Priority Improvements. Journal of Tourism Sustainability and Well-being. 2023
- Thermal Tourism: Study of the profile and motivations of the practitioner in Portugal. Universidade do Algarve. CinTurs. 2023
- The use of a Geoghaphic Information System to increase Outdoor Tourism. European Journal of Applied Business Management. 2022
- User's profile of a Portuguese thermal establishment: empirical study. International Conference on Tourism Research. 2022
- User's profile of thermal establishments: a literature review. International Conference on Tourism Research. 2022
- Firm Performance in Portuguese Outdoor Tourism Industry: The Corporate Governance. ICMarkTech 2020. 2022
- Health and Wellness Activities: Contemporary Market of Thermalism. ICMarkTech 2020. 2022
- Worldwide Effect of Business Environment Factors on Innovation. Journal of Entrepreneurship: Research & Practice. 2022
- Outdoor tourism in the North of Portugal from the perspective of Tourist Entertainment Companies (TEC). European Journal of Applied Business Management. 2021
- Outdoor tourism in the north of Portugal from the perspective of tourist entertainment companies 2021
- Using Virtual Reality in the Development of an Index-Engine of Physical and Emotional Sustainability. Procedia Computer Science. 2021
- Outdoor Solutions for the Seasonal Concentration of Tourism Demand in Northern Portugal. Handbook of Research on the Impacts, Challenges, and Policy Responses to Overtourism. 2020
- Guest's Satisfaction: Application of the Importance-Performance Analysis. PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2ND INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON TOURISM RESEARCH (ICTR). 2019
- Impact of GEM's Business Environment Factors On Business Innovation: Panel Data Analysis For 100 Economies. International Business Information Management Association Conference. 2019
- The Relevance of the Tax Effect Compared with Other Dupont Model Factors in Order to Explain the "Return on Equity" (Listed Companies - France, Germany, Portugal and Spain). International Business Information Management Association Conference. 2019
- Gender Inequalities: National Evidence by Activity Sectors in the Portuguese Labour Market. European Journal of Science and Research. 2018
- Discriminação salarial por sexo e por setores de atividade em Portugal: evidências regionais em período de crise 2017
- Regional business survival in Portugal: application of a cox proportional hazard model 2017
- Aplicação de modelos de duração a dados do gripnet para análise da programação da gripe nos anos de 2008 a 2012, em Portugal 2016
- Impacto da despesa per capita em medicamentos nos resultados em saúde: aplicação de modelos de dados em painel a países europeus 2016
- Criação de Empresas em Portugal e Espanha no Período 2000-2007: Análise Comparativa com Base no World Bank Group Entrepreneurship Survey (Wbges) 2012
- Estudo do Período de Permanência nas Listas de Espera Nacionais por Cirurgia: Aplicação da Análise de Duração Não Paramétrica por ARS. BMC Health Services Research. 2012
- Evolução do desemprego regional em Portugal entre 2004 e 2009: aplicação da análise shift-share 2012
- The dynamics of employer enterprise creation in Portugal over the last two decades: a firm size, regional and sectoral perspective. Notas Económicas. 2012
- A concentração sectorial em Portugal segundo o índice de Hirschman-Herfindhahl 2011
- Evaluation of Dynamic Participation in Portuguese Active Employment Programmes. PROCEEDINGS OF THE 10TH EUROPEAN CONFERENCE ON RESEARCH METHODOLOGY FOR BUSINESS AND MANAGEMENT STUDIES. 2011
- Is There a Causal Relation Between Construction Activity and the Portuguese Economy? An Econometric Empirical Application. PROCEEDINGS OF THE 10TH EUROPEAN CONFERENCE ON RESEARCH METHODOLOGY FOR BUSINESS AND MANAGEMENT STUDIES. 2011
- A sobrevivência de empresas na Região Norte 2010
- Analysis of the active employer enterprise population in Portugal 2010
- Desemprego registado em Portugal por NUTIII: aplicação da análise de clusters 2010
- Employer enterprise creation in Portugal 2010
- Entrepreneurship in Portugal: comparison between the world bank data and quadros de pessoal 2010
- Portuguese regional unemployment patterns: a k-means cluster analysis approach 2010
- É a imagem empresarial de Cabo Verde um espelho do seu potencial de desenvolvimento económico e social?. Economia Global e Gestão. 2010
- A non parametric survival analysis of business demography dynamics in Portugal 2009
- Pode uma nova metodologia de ensino melhorar resultados? Avaliação microeconométrica do sucesso escolar 2008
artigo de conferência
- Drivers of Financial Efficiency for Portuguese Food Industry through Crises 2024
- A felicidade no trabalho: algumas reflexões sobre a felicidade em organizações centradas na pessoa idosa 2023
- Determinants of firm profitability: the case of portuguese meat manufacturing sector between 2014 ¿ 2020 2023
- Determinants of firm profitability: the case of portuguese meat manufacturing sector between 2014 – 2020 2023
- An integrated approach to determine the satisfaction of outdoor activities practitioners in the North of Portugal 2022
- Financial performance in portuguese outdoor tourism industry: a quantitative research. 37th IBIMA International Conference. 2022
- Outdoor tourism demand segmentation: a case study from North of Portugal 2022
- A perspetiva dos estudantes Cabo-Verdianos em Portugal sobre o fenómeno do empreendedorismo 2021
- Financial performance analysis of eurozone listed companies using dupont model. 10th Annual Conference of the EuroMed Academy of Business. 2021
- Monitoring of outdoor tourism demand 2021
- Monitoring of outdoor tourism demand. North of Portugal 2021
- Reputação do Instituto Superior Politécnico do Kwanza-Sul na perspetiva do estudante e o perfil do estudante satisfeito 2021
- Supply-side perspectives on outdoor tourism in the North of Portugal 2021
- The effect of corporate income taxation on companies financial performance - listed companies on eurozone stock markets. 23nd International Scientific Conference on Economic and Social Development. 2021
- The Relevance of the Tax Effet to Explain the "Return on equity" (Listed companies - France, Germany, Portugal and Spain) 2020
- Wellness Tourism: Explanatory Analysis of Portuguese Consumers' Profile 2020
- Empreendedorismo Feminino: fatores de impacto por localização geográfica 2020
- Measuring Nature Tourism Firm's Productivity 2020
- Demand and supply of outdoor tourism activities in Northern Portugal: a survey-based approach 2020
- Feasibility analysis of a portuguese startup in the brazilian market 2020
- Measuring Nature Tourism Firms¿ Productivity 2020
- The relevance of the tax effect to explain the "return on equity" (listed companies – France, Germany, Portugal And Spain) 2020
- Wellness tourism: exploratory analysis of portuguese consumers' profile 2020
- A reputação do Instituto Superior Politécnico do Kwanza-Sul na perspetiva do estudante e o perfil do estudante satisfeito 2019
- Factors that impact employee performance: The empirical case of two telecommunication companies in Palestine 2019
- Feasibility analysis of a Portuguese startup in the Brazilian market 2019
- Guest's Satisfaction: Application of the Importance-Performance Analysis 2019
- Guests’ satisfaction: Application of the importance-performance analysis. International Conference on Tourism Research. 2019
- Impact of GEM’s business environment factors on business innovation: panel data analysis for 100 Economies 2019
- Intangible assets – Influence on the "return in equity on market value" (S&P100 Index). 10th Annual Conference of the EuroMed Academy of Business. 2019
- Spatial and temporal concentration of tourism demand in Northern Portugal: regional policy recommendations to promote tourism competition and portfolio diversity 2019
- Spatial and temporal concentration of tourism demand in northern Portugal: regional policy recommendations to promote tourism competition and portofolio diversity 2019
- The evolution of ICT indicators on the portuguese business environment in the 21st Century 2019
- The relevance of the tax effect compared with other dupont model factors in order toxplain the “return on equity” (Listed Companies – France, Germany, Portugal and Spain) 2019
- The social welfare policy: comparative analysis of the budget execution effectiveness of the Russian Federation and Portugal. 23rd International Scientific Conference on Economic and Social Development. 2019
- Turnout - outdoor tourism development in the northern region of Portugal 2019
- Visão e estratégia da gestão sobre a pedagogia no ensino superior 2019
- Worldwide innovation: panel data analysis on the impact of the GEM's business environmental factors 2019
- Clustering the portuguese employee population regarding gender: a NUTIII cluster analysis. Proceedings of the International Conference on Gender Research. 2018
- Entrepreneurship within the young migrant’s Cabo Verde population 2018
- Factors that impact employee performance: the empirical case of two telecommunication companies in Palestine 2018
- Female leadership in a markedly male sector: an exploratory study applied to the granite transformation sector 2018
- Implementation of balanced ScoreCard: Simplify strategic thinking development in Portuguese SMEs. Proceedings of the European Conference on Entrepreneurship and Innovation. 2018
- Implementation of balanced ScoreCard: Simplify strategic thinking development in Portuguese SMEs. Proceedings of the European Conference on Entrepreneurship and Innovation. 2018
- Importance-performance analysis in the hospitality business: the example of a three star hotel 2018
- Intangible Assets – Influence on the “Return On Equity” (S&P100 Index) 2018
- Determinants of return of equity: evidence from NASDAQ 100 2017
- Determinants of return on equity: evidence from NASDAQ 100 2017
- Gender and entrepreneurship in the world: influence factors 2017
- Género e empreendedorismo: fatores de influência em economias com diferentes níveis de rendimento 2017
- National, regional or industrial explanation for firms' deaths in the European Union since 2010 until 2014 - a shift-share application 2017
- Produtividade e remuneração do trabalho: aplicação de uma análise shift-share ao Brasil e Portugal 2017
- Aplicação de modelos em painel para identificar os fatores explicativos da atividade empreendedora no setor da saúde humana e ação social no distrito de Bragança 2016
- Desigualdades salariais entre homens e mulheres: evidências nacionais por setor de atividade 2016
- Estudo da incidência da gripe em Portugal 2016
- Factors that drive female entrepreneurship in Armenia 2016
- Factors that influence female entrepreneurship in the European Union 2016
- Financial ratios and indicators that determine return on equity 2016
- Financiamento do setor de saúde em São Tomé e Príncipe 2015
- Financiamento do sistema de segurança social em São Tomé e Príncipe 2015
- Mensuração das propriedades de investimento: evidência sobre os determinantes da escolha entre o modelo do custo e o do justo valor em Portugal 2015
- Modelação estatística da evolução da epidemia da gripe: aplicação de modelos de duração 2015
- A evolução da concentração sectorial em Portugal entre 1995 e 2006: a perspetiva do índice de Herfindahl-Hirschman 2014
- A reputação do Instituto Superior Politécnico do Kwanza Sul na perspetiva do estudante e o perfil do estudante satisfeito 2014
- Avaliação da satisfação dos utentes do serviço de consulta externa da ULSNE 2014
- Género e empreendedorismo em Portugal 2014
- Impacto das alterações na despesa em saúde nos indicadores de saúde: análise em painel 2014
- Indicadores e rácios que determinam a rentabilidade dos capitais próprios 2014
- Modelação estatística da evolução da epidemia da gripe: aplicação de modelos de duração 2014
- Modelação matemática de epidemias 2014
- Modelos epidemiológicos 2014
- A comparative study of two optimization clustering techniques on unemployment data 2013
- Clustering techniques applied on cross-cectional unemployment data 2013
- High-growth entrepreneurship and policy support in Portugal 2013
- Profiling high-growth enterprises in Portugal 2013
- Análise de duração da permanência nas listas de espera nacionais para cirurgia, por género 2012
- As organizações da economia social e sua importância local: o caso particular do concelho de Bragança 2012
- Attitudes and Perceptions Regarding Entrepreneurship Around the World: A Cluster Analysis Approach 2012
- Attitudes and perceptions regarding entrepreneurship around the world : a cluster analysis approach. 7th International Scientific Conference Business and Management. 2012
- Clustering Entrepreneurship Aspirations: Innovation, Growth and International Orientation of Activities. 7th European Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship. 2012
- Clustering entrepreneurship aspirations : innovation, growth and international orientation of activities. Proceedings of the European Conference on Entrepreneurship and Innovation. 2012
- High growth and gazelle enterprises in Portugal: a firm demography and growth analysis 2012
- High growth and gazelles enterprises in Portugal: a firm demography and growth analysis 2012
- O índice Herfindahl-Hirschman da concentração sectorial em Portugal 2012
- Profiling das empresas algarvias: a demografia empresarial, a sobrevivência e o encerramento 2012
- Analysis of the causal relation between construction activity and the gross domestic product of two neighbouring economies : Portugal and Spain 2011
- Aplicação da análise shift-share para análise da evolução anual do desemprego registado na economia portuguesa entre 2003 e 2010 2011
- Estudo da evolução do desemprego regional em Portugal entre 2004 e 2009: aplicação da análise shift-share 2011
- Evaluation of dynamic participation in portuguese active employment programmes 2011
- Is there a causal relation between construction activity and the Portuguese economy? An econometric empirical application 2011
- Is there a causal relationship between construction activity and the portuguese economy? An econometric empirical application 2011
- Regional business survival in Portugal 2011
- A brief survival analysis framework for portuguese firms. The 2010 EABR (Business) Conference and The 2010 ETLC (Education) Conference. 2010
- A semi-parametric survival analysis of business demography dynamics in Portugal. Boletim Mensal da Economia Portuguesa. 2010
- Análise comparativa de empreendedorismo entre Portugal e Espanha com base nos dados do WBGES 2008 2010
- Análise comparativa de sobrevivência: o caso da região Norte de Portugal 2010
- Business creation in Portugal: comparison between the world bank data and quadros de pessoal 2010
- Business demography dynamics in Portugal: a non-parametric survival analysis 2010
- Business demography dynamics in Portugal: a semi-parametric survival analysis. Global Conference on Business and Finance. 2010
- Caracterização territorial do desemprego registado em Portugal: aplicação da análise de clusters 2010
- Entrepreneurship in Portugal: comparison between the world bank data and quadros de pessoal. European Research Studies Journal. 2010
- Entrepreneurship performance indicators for employer enterprises in Portugal. European Research Studies Journal. 2010
- Evolution of portuguese regional unemployment patterns from 2004 to 2009.. European Research Studies Journal. 2010
- Getting smaller: size dynamics of employer enterprises in Portugal 2010
- Getting smaller: syze dynamics of employer enterprises in Portugal 2010
- Melhores qualificações promovem uma melhoria salarial? O caso português 2010
- Qualificar é promover a empregabilidade? 2010
- Regional unemployment patterns: a cluster analysis approach to the portuguese economy 2010
- Survival dynamics in Portugal, a regional perspective 2010
- Unemployment similarities among portuguese regions - a cluster analysis approach 2010
- Causal effects of alternative participation patterns: a labour policy application 2009
- Getting smaller: size dynamics of employer enterprises in Portugal 2009
- É a imagem empresarial de Cabo Verde um espelho do seu potencial de desenvolvimento económico e social? 2009
- A comprehensive microeconometric evaluation of an active labour market policy: application to the portuguese economy (first draft) 2008
- O Software open source como instrumento pedagógico: aplicação prática à econometria e à matemática 2008
- Pode uma nova metologia de ensino melhorar resultados? Avaliação comparativa de dois anos de implementação 2008
- Teaching methodologies and open source software: empirical application to econometrics and mathematics 2008
- Microeconometric evaluation of undergraduate students’ results a matching methodology application to a portuguese polytechnic 2007
- Pode uma nova metodologia de ensino melhorar resultados? Avaliação microeconométrica do sucesso escolar 2007
- Can a new teaching methodology improve student's results? A microeconometric evaluation from a Portuguese Polytechnic School 2006
- Can a new teaching methodology improve student’s results? A microeconometric evaluation from a Portuguese Polytechnic School 2006
artigo de revista
- A Novel Approach to Assess Balneotherapy Effects on Musculoskeletal Diseases An Open Interventional Trial Combining Physiological Indicators, Biomarkers, and Patients Health Perception. Geriatrics. 2023
- The importance-satisfaction matrix as a strategic tool for termas de chaves thermal spa priority improvements. Journal of Tourism Sustainability and Well-being. 2023
- Thermal tourism: study of the profile and motivations of the practitioner in portugal. Journal of Tourism Sustainability and Well-being. 2023
- The use of a geographic information system to increase outdoor tourism. European Journal of Applied Business Management. 2022
- Worldwide effect of business environment factors on innovation 2022
- A Methodology for the Identification and Assessment of the Conditions for the Practice of Outdoor and Sport Tourism-Related Activities: The Case of Northern Portugal. Sustainability. 2021
- Ganhos em saúde em Utentes Internados em Unidades de Média Duração. INFAD Revista de Psicología. 2021
- Outdoor tourism in the North of Portugal from the perspective of tourist entertainment companies (TEC). European Journal of Applied Business Management. 2021
- Productivity measurement: the case of nature tourism firms in Portugal. Journal of Spatial and Organizational Dynamics. 2020
- National, regional or industrial explanation for firms' deaths in the European Union since 2010 until 2014 - A shift-share application. Global Business and Economics Review. 2019
- Gender inequalities: national evidence by activity sectors in the portuguese labour market. European Journal of Science and Research. 2018
- Discriminação salarial por sexo e por setores de atividade em Portugal: evidências regionais em período de crise. Journal of Studies on Citizenship and Sustainability. 2017
- Regional business survival in Portugal: application of a cox proportional hazard model. European Journal of Science and Research. 2017
- Aplicação de modelos de duração a dados do gripnet para análise da programação da gripe nos anos de 2008 a 2012, em Portugal. Revista Egitania Sciencia. 2016
- Impact of per capita expenditure on pharmaceutical products on health results: application of panel data models to European countries. Revista Egitania Sciencia. 2016
- Tecido empresarial algarvio: Demografia, crescimento e sobrevivência. Dos Algarves: A Multidisciplinary e-Journal. 2016
- A evolução da concentração sectorial em Portugal entre 1995 e 2006: a perspetiva do índice de Herfindahl-Hirschman. BMC Health Services Research. 2015
- Business Creation in Portugal: A Viewpoint on Data Comparison. J. Enterprising Culture. 2014
- Clustering entrepreneurship aspirations: innovation, growth and international orientation of activities. International Journal of Innovation and Regional Development. 2013
- Análise de duração da permanência nas listas de espera nacionais para cirurgia, por género. Revista Egitania Sciencia. 2012
- Business creation in Portugal and Spain in the period 2000-2007: comparative analysis based on the World Bank Group Entrepreneurship Survey (WBGES). BMC Health Services Research. 2012
- Estudo do período de permanência nas listas de espera nacionais por cirurgia – aplicação da análise de duração não paramétrica por ARS. BMC Health Services Research. 2012
- Evolução do desemprego regional em Portugal entre 2004 e 2009: aplicação da análise shift-share 2012
- The dynamics of employer enterprise creation in Portugal over the last two decades: a firm size, regional and sectoral perspective. Notas Económicas. 2012
- A concentração sectorial em Portugal segundo o índice de Hirschman-Herfindhahl. Boletim Mensal da Economia Portuguesa. 2011
- Análise comparativa de sobrevivência empresarial: o caso da região Norte de Portugal. Revista Portuguesa de Estudos Regionais. 2011
- A sobrevivência de empresas na Região Norte. Boletim Mensal da Economia Portuguesa. 2010
- Analysis of the active employer enterprise population in Portugal. Boletim Mensal da Economia Portuguesa. 2010
- Business survival in portuguese regions. Boletim Mensal da Economia Portuguesa. 2010
- Caracterização territorial do desemprego registado em Portugal: aplicação da análise de clusters. Economia Global e Gestão. 2010
- Criação de empresas em Portugal e Espanha: análise comparativa com base nos dados do Banco Mundial. Boletim Mensal da Economia Portuguesa. 2010
- Desemprego registado em Portugal por NUTIII: aplicação da análise de clusters 2010
- Employer enterprise creation in Portugal. Boletim Mensal da Economia Portuguesa. 2010
- Entrepreneurship in Portugal: comparison between the world bank data and quadros de pessoal. Boletim Mensal da Economia Portuguesa. 2010
- Portuguese regional unemployment patterns: a k-means cluster analysis approach. Ovidius University Annals Economic Science Series. 2010
- É a imagem empresarial de Cabo Verde um espelho do seu potencial de desenvolvimento económico e social?. Economia Global e Gestão. 2010
- A non parametric survival analysis of business demography dynamics in Portugal. Boletim Mensal da Economia Portuguesa. 2009
- Pode uma nova metodologia de ensino melhorar resultados? Avaliação microeconométrica do sucesso escolar 2008
capítulo de livro
- Exploring Factors Influencing Firm Profitability: The Case of the Meat Industry in Portugal 2024
- The Use of the EQ-5D-5L to Assess the Perception of Health Status: An Empirical Study of Users of Termas de Chaves Thermal Spa 2023
- Understanding Behavioral Intentions in a Spa Experience: Insights from Contemporary Literature 2022
- Agrotourism as an Opportunity to Enhance the Development and Competitiveness of Rural Areas 2020
- Clustering Techniques Applied on Cross-Sectional Unemployment Data 2015
- Entrepreneurship, job creation, and growth in fast-growing firms in Portugal: is there a role for policy? 2015
- Business demography dynamics in Portugal: a non-parametric survival analysis 2012
- Employer enterprises in Portugal: size distribution dynamics 2012
- Sobrevivência de empresas: o caso da Região Norte de Portugal 2012
- Indicadores internacionais que reflectem o potencial de desenvolvimento económico e social de Cabo Verde 2011
- Sobrevivência de empresas - o caso da Região Norte de Portugal 2011
- Sobrevivência de empresas: o caso da Região Norte de Portugal 2011
- Getting smaller: size dynamics of employer enterprises in Portugal 2010
- Determinants of Firm Profitability: The Case of Portuguese Meat Manufacturing Sector Between 2014 ¿ 2020 2023
- Determinants of firm profitability: the case of portuguese meat manufacturing sector between 2014 - 2020 2023
- Outdoor tourism demand segmentation: A case study from north of Portugal 2022
- An integrated approach to determine the satisfaction of outdoor activities practitioners in the North of Portugal 2022
- A perspetiva dos estudantes Cabo-Verdianos em Portugal sobre o fenómeno do empreendedorismo 2021
- Monitoring of outdoor tourism demand 2021
- Feasibility analysis of a Portuguese startup in the Brazilian market 2020
- Spatial and temporal concentration of tourism demand in northern Portugal: regional policy recommendations to promote tourism competition and portofolio diversity 2019
- Turnout - outdoor tourism development in the northern region of Portugal 2019
- Visão e estratégia da gestão sobre a pedagogia no ensino superior 2019
- Worldwide innovation: panel data analysis on the impact of the GEM's business environmental factors 2019
- Female leadership in a markedly male sector: an exploratory study applied to the granite transformation sector 2018
- Importance-performance analysis in the hospitality business: the example of a three star hotel 2018
- Financiamento do setor de saúde em São Tomé e Príncipe 2015
- Financiamento do sistema de segurança social em São Tomé e Príncipe 2015
- A reputação do Instituto Superior Politécnico do Kwanza-Sul na perspetiva do estudante e o perfil do estudante satisfeito 2014
- Avaliação da satisfação dos utentes do serviço de consulta externa da ULSNE 2014
- Criação de empresas em Portugal e Espanha: análise comparativa com base nos dados do Banco Mundial 2011
- Análise comparativa de sobrevivência empresarial: o caso da região Norte de Portugal. GEE Papers. 2010
- Business creation in Portugal: comparison between the world bank data and quadros de pessoal. GEE Papers. 2010
- Business survival in portuguese regions 2010
- Entrepreneurship performance indicators for employer enterprises in Portugal 2010
- The portuguese active labour market policy during the period 1998-2003 - a comprehensive conditional difference-in-difference application 2009
- Is There a Gender Relationship Between Outdoor Activities and Well-Being? Empirical Study in Northern Portugal 2023
- The Intervention of Local Authorities on the Management of Outdoor Tourism: The Case of Northern Portugal 2023
- The Use of Mobile Technology in Outdoor Tourism: A Systematic Review 2023
- Factors Affecting the Adventure Tourism Development Index: A Worldwide Analysis 2022
- Sport Tourism Event and Perceived Economic Impacts: The Case of World Bodyboard Championship 2018, Viana do Castelo, Portugal 2021
- The QR Code as a Communication Tool in Cultural Valorization: Intercultural Study Between the Cities of Bragança (Portugal) and Salvador (Brazil) 2021
- Combinação de Diferentes Proxies para Aferir a Qualidade da Informação Financeira 2020
- XXX Jornadas Luso-Espanholas de Gestão Científica. Cooperação transfronteiriça: desenvolvimento e coesão territorial: livro de atas 2020
- Spatial and Temporal Concentration of Tourism Supply and Demand in Northern Portugal. Application of the Herfindahl-Hirschman Index 2020
- XXX Jornadas Luso-Espanholas de Gestão Científica. Cooperação transfronteiriça. Cooperação transfronteiriça: desenvolvimento e coesão territorial: livro de atas - Vol. I 2020
- XXX Jornadas Luso-Espanholas de Gestão Científica. Cooperação transfronteiriça: desenvolvimento e coesão territorial: livro de atas - Vol. II 2020
- XXX Jornadas Luso-Espanholas de Gestão Científica. Cooperação transfronteiriça: desenvolvimento e coesão territorial: livro de atas - Vol. IV 2020
- XXX Jornadas Luso-Espanholas de Gestão Científica: livro de resumos 2020
- Entrepreneurship within the young Cape Verde migrant population. 2019
co-investigador principal no
- Outdoor Tourism Development in the Northern Region of Portugal. concedido pelo Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia 2018 - 2022
nome completo
- Alcina Maria Almeida Rodrigues Nunes
- A. Nunes
- Alcina Nunes