selected publications
academic article
- Chemical Characterization, Bioactivity and Toxicity of European Flora Plant Extracts in the Search for Potential Natural Origin Preservatives . Plants. 2023
- Lavandula stoechas L., Artemisia dracunculus L., and Ocimum basilicum L. polyphenolic extracts as functional food ingredientes . Food Science and Technology International. 2023
conference paper
- Preliminary investigation on antioxidant, antibacterial and antiproliferative activities on Pleurotus eryngii var. thapsiae, as potential source of bioactive compounds. 64-64. 2023
- Extracción de clorofilas a partir de subproductos de Solanum lycopersicum var. cerasiforme. 49-50. 2022
- Coloring extracts from chlorophyll-based biowaste 2022
- Desenvolvimento de corantes naturais alternativos à base de extratos ricos em clorofilas obtidos a partir de partes aéreas de cenoura. 138-138. 2022
- Effects of the fertilization system on the chemical profile of Ribes rubrum L.. 305-305. 2022
- Estudo nutricional e químico dos frutos de Rubus fruticosus L. var. ‘Triple Crown’ como fonte alimentar com alta capacidade antioxidante 2022
- Extraction of chlorophylls from the aerial parts of carrots (Daucus Carota L.) for the development of alternative natural colorants. 90-91. 2022
- Food industry by-products applied as pumpkin-based foodstuff preservatives 2022
- Food preservative extracts from pumpkin by-products. 1-1. 2022
- Haskap and blackthorn berries anthocyanin profile 2022
- Natural pigments with high antioxidant capacity, an alternative solution for food industry 2022
- Nutritional and chemical study of the fruits of Rubus fruticosus L. var. 'Triple Crown' as a food source with high antioxidant capacity. 410-410. 2022
- Nutritional quality of mealworm (Tenebrio molitor) oil obtained by extrusion. 391-391. 2022
- Optimized extraction of chlorophylls from Solanum lycopersicum L. var. cerasiforme by-products 2022
- Valorização de cascas, sementes e fibras de abóbora no desenvolvimento de extratos bioativos para aplicação alimentar 2022
- “Pingo de Mel” fig as a rich source of phytochemicals with antioxidant and antimicrobial properties. 306-306. 2022
- Bioactive food colorants obtained from Lonicera caerulea L., Morus nigra L., and Rubus fruticosus L. fruits 2021
- Bioactive potential of aromatic and medicinal plants traditionally used as condiments 2021
- Blueberry (Vaccinium myrtillus L.) juice and bagasse for antioxidant products development. 143-143. 2021
- Blueberry bagasse recovery for the development of enriched juices 2021
- Blueberry juice as a nutritious and bioactive beverage to be included in novel food products. 174-174. 2021
- Carotenoid-based solutions for the replacement of artificial colorants in pastry products 2021
- Chemical characterization and antioxidant capacity evaluation of blueberries and currants subjected to different types of production. 422-422. 2021
- Chlorophyll-based coloring extracts obtained from biowaste. 408-408. 2021
- Composição química e nutricional de frutos vermelhos: valiosas fontes de antioxidante 2021
- Development of an anthocyanin-rich juice powder based on blueberry by-products. 1-1. 2021
- Effects of diferente production systems on red fruits nutritional properties. 144-144. 2021
- Extraction of Chlorophylls from bioresidues of Daucus Carota L. (Carrots) aerial parts for food colorants development 2021
- Extraction of chlorophylls and carotenoids from natural sources 2021
- Extraction of chlorophylls from natural sources. 1st Natural products application: Health, Cosmetic and Food. 2021
- Extração de aloeresina B a partir de Aloe vera com recurso a solventes alternativos: Otimização do processo e avaliação de bioatividade 2021
- From wild edible plants to contemporary foods: nutritional and phytochemical studies with vegetables and spices 2021
- Medicinal and aromatic plant (MAP) seasoning mixtures: bioactive and nutritional potential 2021
- Nutritional and chemical study of strawberries and raspberries grown in the north of Portugal 2021
- Nutritional evaluation and development of Anthocyanin-Rich colouring formulations from bioresidues of Lonicera Caerulea L. fruits 2021
- Production and fertilization system affects the nutritional, chemical, and bioactive properties of small red fruits. 1st Natural products application: Health, Cosmetic and Food. 214-214. 2021
- Study of Prunus spinosa L. fruit epicarp and Lonicera careulea L. fruit: alternative natural colorants with. 52-52. 2021
- Aplicac¸a~o de frutos de Lonicera caerulea L. var. Kamtschatica no desenvolvimento de corantes alimentares com propriedades bioativas 2019
- Aplicação de frutos de Lonicera caerulea L. var. Kamtschatica no desenvolvimento de corantes alimentares com propriedades bioativas 2019
- Matrizes vegetais de interesse cosmético e alimentar: casos de estudo com Aloe vera (Aloe barbadensis Mill.) e haskap (Lonicera caerulea L.) 2019
- Pigmentos naturales bioativos: Avances significativos para la industria alimentaria 2023
- Pigmentos naturales bioactivos: Avances significativos para la industria alimentaria. 2023
- Incorporation of pumpkin peel extract into a pumpkin pulp formulation as a natural preservative 2023
- Potencial de Pigmentos Naturais Bioativos: Técnicas de Extração Convencionais e Não Convencionais, Métodos de Estabilização e Aplicações na Indústria Alimentar 2023
- Potencial de Pigmentos Naturais Bioativos: Técnicas de Extração Convencionais e Não Convencionais, Métodos de Estabilização e Aplicações na Indústria Alimentar. 2023
- Uso sustentável da abóbora: extratos de subprodutos de abóbora egípcia como conservantes natural 2023
- Integrative and sustainable strategy for the valorization of pumpkin by-products 2023
- Caracterização cromatográfica de compostos bioativos obtidos a partir de casca, sementes e fibras remanescentes do aproveitamento industrial da polpa de abóbora 2022
- Caracterização fenólica (HPLC-DAD-ESI/MS) e bioativa de extratos ricos em moléculas conservantes 2022
- Egyptian pumpkin by-product extracts as natural food preservatives 2022
- Food preservative extracts from pumpkin by-products 2022
- Identificação e otimização da extração de compostos fenólicos de cascas de abóbora "Butternut squash" 2022
- Identificação e otimização da extração de compostos fenólicos de cascas de abóbora 'Butternut squash' 2022
- Recuperação de subprodutos da indústria alimentar para extração otimizada de compostos fenólicos 2022
- Natural compounds with preservative capacity obtained from by-products of pumpkin industrial processing 2022
- Desenvolvimento de corantes naturais alternativos à base de extratos ricos em clorofilas obtidos a partir de partes aéreas de cenoura 2022
- Evaluation of the potential preservative capacity of pumpkin (Cucurbita maxima Duchesne) by-products 2022
- "Pingo de Mel" fig as a rich source of phytochemicals with antioxidant and antimicrobial properties 2022
- Bio-based hybrid molecules for coloring and preservative purposes 2022
- Effects of the fertilization system on the chemical profile of Ribes rubrum L. 2022
- Nutritional and chemical study of the fruits of Rubus fruticosus L. var. 'Triple Crown' as a food source with high antioxidant capacity 2022
- Nutritional quality of mealworm (Tenebrio molitor) oil obtained by extrusion 2022
- The identification of preservative compounds from pumpkin fruit peel for the development of a fruit pulp product 2022
- Estudo nutricional e químico dos frutos de Rubus fruticosus L. var. 'Triple Crown' como fonte alimentar com alta capacidade antioxidante 2022
- Valorização de cascas, sementes e fibras de abóbora no desenvolvimento de extratos bioativos para aplicação alimentar 2022
- Coloring extracts from chlorophyll-based biowaste 2022
- Food industry by-products applied as pumpkin-based foodstuff preservatives 2022
- Natural pigments with high antioxidant capacity, an alternative solution for food industry 2022
- Coloring extrations from cholorophyll-based biowaste 2022
- “Pingo de Mel” fig as a rich source of phytochemicals with antioxidant and antimicrobial properties 2022
- Optimized extraction of chlorophylls from solanum lycopersicum l. var. cerasiforme by-products 2021
- Bioactive potential of aromatic and medicinal plants traditionally used as condiments. 2021
- Chemical characterization and antioxidant capacity evaluation of blueberries and currants subjected to different types of production. 2021
- Chlorophyll-based coloring extracts obtained from biowaste. 2021
- Nutritional and chemical study of strawberries and raspberries grown in the north of Portugal 2021
- Nutritional and chemical study of strawberries and raspberries grown in the north of Portugal. 2021
- Composição química e nutricional de frutos vermelhos: valiosas fontes de antioxidantes 2021
- Composição química e nutricional de frutos vermelhos: valiosas fontes de antioxidantes. Encontro com a ciência e tecnologia em Portugal 2021
- Compostos bioativos de bio resíduos de abóbora para aplicação em alimentos 2021
- Compostos bioativos de bio-resíduos de abóbora para aplicação em alimentos. Encontro com a ciência e tecnologia em Portugal 2021
- Blueberry (Vaccinium myrtillus L.) Juice and bagasse for antioxidant products development. 2021
- Medicinal and aromatic plant (MAP) seasoning mixtures: Bioactive and nutritional potential. 2021
- Effects of different production systems on red fruits nutritional properties. 2021
- Pumpkin bioresidues as sources of bioactive compounds for food application. 2021
- Application of an anthocyanin-based colorant in a pastry product. 2021
- Extraction of Chlorophylls and Carotenoids from Natural Sources. 2021
- Pumpkin bioresidues as sources of bioactive compounds for food application 2021
- Blueberry Bagasse, a Bioactive Residue to Be Included in New Food Products 2021
- Extraction of Chlorophylls from Bioresidues of Daucus Carota L. (Carrots) Aerial Parts for Food Colorants Development 2021
- Bioactive potential of aromatic and medicinal plants traditionally used as condiments 2021
- Extraction of Chlorophylls from natural sources 2021
- Production and fertilization system affects the nutritional, chemical, and bioactive properties of small red fruits 2021
- Bioactive food colorants obtained from Lonicera caerulea L., Morus nigra L., and Rubus fruticosus L. Fruits 2021
- Bioactive food colorants obtained from Lonicera caerulea L., Morus nigra L., and Rubus fruticosus L. fruits. 2021
- Blueberry juice as a nutritious and bioactive beverage to be included in novel food products. 2021
- Carotenoid-based solutions for the replacement of artificial colorants in pastry products. 2021
- Extraction of Chlorophylls from natural sources. 2021
- Production and fertilization system affects the nutritional, chemical, and bioactive properties of small red fruits. 2021
- Blueberry juice as a nutritious and bioactive beverage to be included in novel food products 2021
- Carotenoid-based solutions for the replacement of artificial colorants in pastry products 2021
- Extraction of chlorophylls from natural sources 2020
- Extraction of chlorophiles and carotenoid from natural sources 2020
- Development of anthocyanin-based natural food colorants from fruit bio-wastes 2019
- Fruit bio-wastes as source of anthocyanin-based natural food colorants 2019
- Matrizes vegetais de interesse cosmético e alimentar: casos de estudo com Aloe vera (Aloe barbadensis Mill.) e haskap (Lonicera caerulea L.) 2019
- Matrizes vegetais de interesse cosmético e alimentar: casos de estudo com Aloe vera (Aloe barbadensis Mill.) e haskap (Lonicera caerulea L.) 2019
- Matrizes vegetais de interesse cosmético e alimentar: casos de estudo com Aloe vera (Aloe barbadensis Mill.) e haskap (Lonicera caerulea L.). 2019
- Evaluación por micronúcleos de daños en ADN con bajas dosis de Rayos-X 2015
- Curva de micronúcleos para altas dosis de Rayos-X 2015
journal article
- Variability in Chemical Profile and Bioactivities of the Flesh of Greek Pumpkin Landraces. Horticulturae. 1-22. 2023
- Variability in Chemical Profile and Bioactivities of the Flesh of Greek Pumpkin Landraces. Horticulturae. 1-22. 2023
- Chemical Characterization, Bioactivity and Toxicity of European Flora Plant Extracts in Search for Potential Natural Origin Preservatives. Plants. 1-18. 2023
- Biological activity of pumpkin byproducts: antimicrobial and antioxidant properties. Molecules. 2022