Lage, Miguel A. Prieto
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artigo académico
- Editorial | Natural bioactives used as additives in food applications. Frontiers in Nutrition. 2022
artigo de conferência
- Pomeganate leaf extracts characterization and their potential use as a functional ingredient 2023
- Extracción de clorofilas a partir de subproductos de Solanum lycopersicum var. cerasiforme 2022
- Adansonia digitata L. (mukua): um possível alimento funcional 2022
- Análise do perfil nutricional de partes comestíveis da Portulaca oleracea L. produzida pela técnica de rotação de culturas 2022
- Avaliação da influência da adubação via solução nutritiva no perfil nutricional de Scolymus hispanicus L. 2022
- Avaliação de subprodutos de soja (Glycine max), uma potencial fonte de nutrientes e compostos bioativos 2022
- Basil and eucalyptus as a source of essential oils with bioactive properties 2022
- Biological properties of Hypericum sampsonii and Hypericum japonica: comparison of the antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial activities 2022
- By-products of walnut (Juglans regia) as source of bioactive compounds for the formulation of nutraceuticals and functional foods 2022
- Caracterização química e propriedades bioativas de resíduos industriais da produção de óleo de noz (Juglans regia L.) 2022
- Combinação de diferentes regimes de fertilização e irrigação para a produção de cardo dourado (Scolymus hispanicus L.) de alto valor nutricional e mineral 2022
- Crop rotation and irrigation regime affects the nutritional and chemical profile of Cichorium spinosum 2022
- Desenvolvimento de corantes naturais alternativos à base de extratos ricos em clorofilas obtidos a partir de partes aéreas de cenoura 2022
- Estudo integrado da influência do tipo de cultivo e irrigação nas propriedades bioativas de Cichorium spinosum L. 2022
- Evaluation of the potential of medicinal plant extracts for the development of new bakery products 2022
- Extraction of chlorophylls from the aerial parts of carrots (Daucus Carota L.) for the development of alternative natural colorants 2022
- Extraction optimization of bioactive compounds from Thymus ulgaris L.: comparison of heat-assisted and ultrasound-assisted extractions 2022
- FIG (Ficus Carica L.) Bioresidues as sources of bioactive compounds and natural pigments for the food industry 2022
- Fruit of Adansonia digitata L. (mukua): a promising source of molecules for nutraceutical application 2022
- Functionality assessment of Scolymus hispanicus (golden thistle) for its daily-basis incorporation in the Mediterranean diet 2022
- Genetic information influence on phenolic composition and bioactivities of Ceratonia siliqua L. seeds 2022
- HPLC-DAD-(ESI)-MS/MS analysis as the first step to metabolic fingerprinting of medicinal herbs: the case of underexploited Euphorbia species 2022
- How do extraction methodologies influence the biological properties of pomegranate leaves? 2022
- Hydroethanolic extract of Ocimum basilicum 'cinnamon' as a natural preservative for the food industry 2022
- IntegraValor - integrated strategy of valorization of agri-food waste 2022
- Non-conventional edible plants: Tradescantia zebrina bosse and Althernanthera brasiliana L. 2022
- Nutritional and chemical study of the fruits of Rubus fruticosus L. var. 'Triple Crown' as a food source with high antioxidant capacity 2022
- Nutritional profile and mineral content of Sonchus asper: a wild edible plant from the Mediterranean area 2022
- Optimization of citric acid extraction from lime peels using response surface methodology 2022
- Optimized extraction of chlorophylls from Solanum lycopersicum L. var. cerasiforme by-products 2022
- Perfil nutricional de resíduos de morango, mirtilo e framboesa 2022
- Plantas condimentares do género Thymus como uma alternativa natural para conservação de alimentos 2022
- Solanaceae crop by-products as renewable sources of bioactive phenolic extracts 2022
- Study of the antioxidant, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory activities of two Euphorbia species 2022
- Thymus mastichina L. As a natural alternative for food preservation: study of bioactivities and phenolic profile 2022
- Tradicional cake “Económico” with chestnut flour – nutritional and chemical properties 2022
- Upcycling agricultural by-products into renewable bioactive ingredients 2022
- Valorização de biorresíduos da produção de sumo de laranja: extração de ácido cítrico 2022
- Virtual screening of a library of natural compounds against COX-2 protein 2022
- Antimicrobial, cytotoxic and antioxidante activity of Amaranthaceae plants: a renewable source of nutrients and phenolic compounds. 2021
- Antioxidant activity and GC-MS characterization of juniperus communis L. and cistus ladanifer L. essential oils 2021
- Bioactivities and GC-MS characterization of Cupressus Sempervirens L. and Rosmarinus Officinalis L. essential oils 2021
- Biological activities of selected plants of Rosaceae family employed in traditional remedies. Food Frontiers. 2021
- Characterization of in vitro antioxidant, antitumor and anti-inflammatory properties of plant species from Rosaceae family 2021
- Development of an anthocyanin-rich juice powder based on blueberry by-products 2021
- Development of bio-based ingredients from underused trees and shrub species for industrial application 2021
- Evaluation of macroalgae as a source of nutrients for nutraceutical foods 2021
- Extraction of essential oils from the residues of two shrub species aiming for their revalorization: chemical characterization and antioxidant, antimicrobial and cytotoxic activities 2021
- In vitro bioactive potential of several macroalgae species 2021
- Influence of chestnut flour and chestnut dried pieces on the nutritional profile of a Portuguese traditional cake. XV Encontro de Química dos Alimentos. Madeira 2021
- Influence of natural preservatives on the bioactivity and stability of a nutraceutical formulation 2021
- Nutraceutical formulations: addition of natural ingredients as preservatives 2021
- Nutritional and chemical characterization of the fruit of Adansonia digitata L. 2021
- Nutritional enrichment of "Económicos" through the incorporation of chestnut flour 2021
- Optimization of the ultrasound-assisted extraction process to obtain a citric acid-rich extract from citrus peels 2021
- Phenolic and bioactive profile of Impatiens genus flowers in the search for a promising natural colourant with applicability in the food industry 2021
- Plants from Lamiaceae family as a source of essential oils with bioactive properties 2021
- Recovering citric acid from orange juice production residues 2021
- Red Algae as a source of nutrients with antioxidant potential 2021
- The use of camellias as potential antioxidant agents. Food Frontiers. 2021
- Tradescantia zebrina Bosse: study of the phenolic composition and bioactive properties of a potential natural coloring ingredient 2021
- Agrocybe cylindracea bio-residues: a sustainable source of ergosterol-rich bioactive extracts 2019
- Chemical profile of nutraceutical formulations with natural preservatives. 11th Encontro Nacional de Cromatografia. 2019
- Eco-sustainable recovery of ergosterol-rich bioactive extracts from Pleurotus eryngii (DC.) Quél 2019
- Enhanced extraction of ergosterol from Pleurotus ostreatus using response surface methodology (RSM) 2019
- Ergosterol rich-extracts from Pleurotus ostreatus (Jacq. ex Fr.) P. Kumm: a comparative study between mushroom and its bio-residues 2019
- Evaluación del perfil fenólico individual de Calluna vulgaris (L.) y de su potencial bioactivo 2019
- Extraction of phenolic compounds by high hydrostatic pressure from eight edible algae species from the North-West coast of Spain: process modelling and optimization 2019
- Ingredientes naturais como agentes conservantes: aplicação em formulações nutracêuticas 2019
- Optimization of ergosterol extraction from Pleurotus mushrooms using response surface methodology (RSM) 2019
- Otimização de processos de extração de antocianinas a partir de cálices de Hibiscus sabdariffa L. para produção de corantes alimentares naturais 2019
- Otimização do processo de extração utilizando folhas de Ocimum basilicum var. purpurascens para a obtenção de um ingrediente corante 2019
- Recuperação de antocianinas de biorresíduos de Ficus carica L. e Prunus spinosa L.: propriedades corantes e bioativas 2019
- The use of seaweed in daily diets as a source of nutrientes 2019
- Gomphrena globosa L.: otimização do processo de extração de corantes, avaliação da sua atividade antimicrobiana e incorporação numa matriz alimentar 2018
- Maximização da extração de antocianinas de Hibiscus sabdariffa por diferentes métodos para obtenção de corantes alimentares 2018
- Antimicrobial and antifungal activities of a coloring extract rich in betacyanins obtained from the flowers of Gomphrena globosa L 2018
- Aplicação em waffles de um corante natural obtido de frutos de Arbutus unedo L.. 14º Encontro de Química dos Alimentos. 2018
- Arbutus unedo L. as an alternative source of anthocyanin compounds for application as food colouring agent 2018
- Comparative study of different techniques to extract rosmarinic acid from Melissa offidnalis L. 2018
- Development of a natural anthocyanin-based food colorant obtained from the fruit epicarp of Prunus spinosa L. 2018
- Ficus carica L. infructescence exploitation for anthocyanin-rich extracts preparation: optimized extraction, bioactivity, and application as food colorant. 2018
- Hibiscus sabdariffa L. calyces as a source of anthocyanins rich extracts to be used as a natural food colouring agente 2018
- Optimization and comparison of maceration and ultrassound assisted extraction systems for the production of a colorant extract from Hibiscus sabdariffa L. flowers 2018
- Optimization and stabilization ofa cyanidin-3-O-glucoside rich extract obtained from fruits of Arbutus unedo L.. 2018
- Optimization of ergosterol extraction from Agaricus blazei Murrill using response surface methodology (RSM) 2018
- Optimization of the extraction of phenolic compounds from Ganoderma lucidum 2018
- Optimization of the extraction of phenolic compounds from chestnut tree flowers 2018
- Otimização da extração de compostos fenólicos a partir de flores de castanheiro 2018
- Otimização da extração e estabilização de um aditivo natural à base de catequina, a partir de frutos de Arbutus unedo L 2018
- Recovery of anthocyanins from sweet cherry wastes: process modeling and optimization using response surface methodology 2018
- Recuperação otimizada de antocianinas de Prunus spinosa L. e Ficus carica L. para aplicação como corante alimentar 2018
- Ultra-high pressure-assisted extraction of phenolic compounds from watercress: characterization and process optimization 2018
- Using response surface methodology to maximize heat assisted extraction of rosmarinic acid in three medicinal and aromatic plants 2018
- Utilização de uma metodologia superfície-resposta para maximizar a extração de ácido rosmarínico 2018
- Caracterização do perfil fenólico de agrião por HPLCDAD-ESI/MS e otimização da extração por alta pressão hidrostática utilizando a metodologia de superfície de resposta 2017
- Evaluation of the almond shell oxypropylation process trough the surface response methodology 2017
- Gamma radiation-induced effects on the recovery of pharmacologically active polyphenols from tuberaria lignosa medicinal plant 2017
- Globe amaranth as an alternative source of natural red-violet colorants: an optimization study addressing current needs of the industrialized world 2017
- Incorporation of an extract rich in rosmarinic acid into cupcakes: Influence on the sugars and total carbohydrates composition 2017
- Monitorização cromatográfica de um extrato de Melissa officinalis L. obtido com diferentes técnicas 2017
- Optimization of the extraction of phenolic compounds from walnut leaves using DES. 2017
- Optimization of the extraction of triterpenes from Ganoderma lucidum 2017
- Otimização da extração de antocianinas de cereja madura através da metodologia de superfície de resposta 2017
- Polyols based solvents for the extraction of phenolic compounds from Juglans regia L. leaves. 2017
- Tailloring deep eutectic solvents for the extraction of valuable compounds from natural sources using choline chloride and carboxylic acids mixtures: optimization of the extraction of phenolic compounds from Juglans regia L. leaves 2017
- Crocin and β-Carotene bleaching assays as analytical tools in the optimization of the extraction of hydrophilic and lipophilic antioxidants from tomato 2016
- Development of a natural colouring agent based on betacyanins from plant origin 2016
- Development of a natural preservative based on catechin and derivatives from plant origin 2016
- Estudo do efeito da radiação ionizante na cinética de extração de elagitaninos de Tuberaria lignosa utilizando a metodologia de superfície de resposta 2016
- Extraction of phenolic compounds from Juglans regia L. optimized by response surface methodology 2016
- Flowers of Gomphrena globosa L. as an alternatve source of betacyanins: optimization of the extraction using response surface methodology 2016
- Optimization of microwave-assisted extration of phenolic compounds from tomao by full factorial design coupled with response surface methodology 2016
- Otimização da extração assistida por micro-ondas de ácidos fenólicos e flavonoides a partir de tomate pela metodologia de superfície de resposta 2016
- Otimização da extração de ergosterol assistida por microondas a partir de Agaricus bisporus L., aplicando a técnica estatística de superfície e resposta combinada com a técnica de HPLC-UV 2016
- Otimização do processo de extração de compostos corantes tendo como fonte alternativa Gomphrena globosa L. 2016
- Potencial antioxidante de Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni cultivada em Portugal e conservada em diferentes condições térmicas 2016
- Ultrasound and microwave assisted extraction of ergosterol from Agaricus bisporus L.: optimization through response surface methodology 2016
- Valorização de desperdícios de tomate para produção de ingredientes funcionais de interesse alimentar 2016
- Valorização de produtos de montanha pela utilização de tecnologias de processamento não convencionais 2016
artigo de revista
- Untargeted metabolomics and in vitro functional analysis unravel the intraspecific bioactive potential of flowers from underexplored Camellia japonica cultivars facing their industrial application. Food Research International. 2023
- Recent Progress in Understanding the Impact of Food Processing and Storage on the Structure - Activity Relationship of Fucoxanthin. Foods. 2023
- Fig Leaves (Ficus carica L.): Source of Bioactive Ingredients for Industrial Valorization. Processes. 2023
- Valorization of Punica granatum L. Leaves Extracts as a Source of Bioactive Molecules. Pharmaceuticals. 2023
- Bioactive Natural Pigments' Extraction, Isolation, and Stability in Food Applications. Molecules. 2023
- Algal nutraceuticals: a perspective on metabolic diversity, current food applications, and prospects in the field of metabolomics. Food Chemistry. 2023
- Application of fermentation for the valorization of residues from Cactaceae family. Food Chemistry. 2023
- Bioactive Compounds of Verbascum sinuatum L.: Health Benefits and Potential as New Ingredients for Industrial Applications 2023
- Camellia japonica flowers as a source of nutritional and bioactive compounds 2023
- Challenges for future food systems: from the Green Revolution to food supply chains with a special focus on sustainability. Food Frontiers. 2023
- Effect of food-grade biopolymers coated pickering emulsions on carotenoids' stability during processing, storage, and passage through the gastrointestinal tract. Current Opinion in Food Science. 2023
- Emerging technologies to extract Fucoxanthin from Undaria pinnatifida: microwave vs. ultrasound assisted extractions 2023
- Macroalgae as biofactories of metal nanoparticles; biosynthesis and food applications. Advances in Colloid and Interface Science. 2023
- Occurrence of fatty acids in Camellia genus: extractions technologies and potential applications: a review. Food Bioscience. 2023
- Pressurized liquid extraction for the recovery of bioactive compounds from seaweeds for food industry application: a review 2023
- Seaweed polysaccharides: emerging extraction technologies, chemical modifications and bioactive properties 2023
- The antihyperuricemia activity of Astragali Radix through regulating the expression of uric acid transporters via PI3K/Akt signalling pathway. Journal of Ethnopharmacology. 2023
- The nutritional and bio-active constituents, functional activities, and industrial applications of cashew (Anacardium occidentale): a review 2023
- Fig Ficus carica L. and its by-products: A decade evidence of their health-promoting benefits towards the development of novel food formulations. Trends in Food Science & Technology. 2022
- Aquaculture as a circular bio-economy model with Galicia as a study case: How to transform waste into revalorized by-products. Trends in Food Science & Technology. 2022
- A HPLC‐DAD method for identifying and estimating the content of fucoxanthin, β‐carotene and chlorophyll a in brown algal extracts 2022
- Analytical metabolomics and applications in health, environmental and food science. Critical Reviews in Analytical Chemistry. 2022
- Biological properties and potential of compounds extracted from red seaweeds. Phytochemistry Reviews. 2022
- Camellia japonica: a phytochemical perspective and current applications facing its industrial exploitation. Food Chemistry: X. 2022
- Comparative study on the phenolic composition and in vitro bioactivity of medicinal and aromatic plants from the Lamiaceae family. Food Research International. 2022
- Effects of different drying techniques on the quality and bioactive compounds of plant-based products: a critical review on current trends. Drying Technology. 2022
- Emerging technological advances in improving the safety of muscle foods: framing in the context of the food revolution 4.0. Food Reviews International. 2022
- From tradition to health: chemical and bioactive characterization of five traditional plants. Molecules. 2022
- Fucoxanthin’s optimization from undaria pinnatifida using conventional heat extraction, bioactivity assays and in silico studies. Antioxidants. 2022
- Improving the physicochemical properties of a traditional Portuguese cake - "económicos" with chestnut flour. Food & Function. 2022
- Personalized nutrition, microbiota, and metabolism: a triad for eudaimonia. Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences. 2022
- Pigment composition of nine brown algae from the iberian northwestern coastline: influence of the extraction solvente. Marine Drugs. 2022
- Recovery of citric acid from Citrus peels: ultrasound-assisted extraction optimized by response surface methodology. Chemosensors. 2022
- Seafood processing, preservation, and analytical techniques in the age of industry 4.0 2022
- Seaweed-derived proteins and peptides: promising marine bioactives. Antioxidants. 2022
- Single-cell proteins obtained by circular economy intended as a feed ingredient in aquaculture 2022
- Thermochemical characterization of eight seaweed species and evaluation of their potential use as an alternative for biofuel production and source of bioactive compounds. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2022
- Valorization of kiwi agricultural waste and industry by-products by recovering bioactive compounds and applications as food additives: a circular economy model. Food Chemistry. 2022
- Development of a Natural Preservative from Chestnut Flowers: Ultrasound-Assisted Extraction Optimization and Functionality Assessment. Chemosensors. 2021
- Red Seaweeds as a Source of Nutrients and Bioactive Compounds: Optimization of the Extraction. Chemosensors. 2021
- Valorization of Bio-Residues from the Processing of Main Portuguese Fruit Crops: From Discarded Waste to Health Promoting Compounds. Molecules. 2021
- Algae as a source of bioactive compounds to prevent the development of type 2 diabetes mellitus. Current Medicinal Chemistry. 2021
- Biological action mechanisms of fucoxanthin extracted from algae for application in food and cosmetic industries. Trends in Food Science & Technology. 2021
- Bottle aging and storage of wines: a review 2021
- By-products of agri-food industry as tannin-rich sources: a review of tannins’ biological activities and their potential for valorization 2021
- Essential oils and their application on active packaging systems: a review 2021
- Evolution of flavors in extra virgin olive oil shelf-life. Antioxidants. 2021
- Health promoting properties of bee royal jelly: Food of the queens 2021
- Main applications of cyclodextrins in the food industry as the compounds of choice to form host–guest complexes. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2021
- Main bioactive phenolic compounds in marine algae and their mechanisms of action supporting potential health benefits. Food Chemistry. 2021
- Secondary aroma: influence of wine microorganisms in their aroma profile 2021
- State-of-the-art of analytical techniques to determine food fraud in olive oils. Foods. 2021
- Status and challenges of plant-anticancer compounds in cancer treatment. Pharmaceuticals. 2021
- The use of invasive algae species as a source of secondary metabolites and biological activities: Spain as case-study 2021
- Traditional applications of tannin rich extracts supported by scientific data: chemical composition, bioavailability and bioaccessibility 2021
- Traditional plants from Asteraceae family as potential candidates for functional food industry 2021
- Xanthophylls from the sea: Algae as source of bioactive carotenoids 2021
- Applications of by-products from the olive oil processing: Revalorization strategies based on target molecules and green extraction technologies. Trends in Food Science & Technology. 2021
- Benefits and drawbacks of ultrasound-assisted extraction for the recovery of bioactive compounds from marine algae. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2021
- Protein oxidation in muscle foods: a comprehensive review. Antioxidants. 2021
- Seaweed protein hydrolysates and bioactive peptides: extraction, purification, and applications. Marine Drugs. 2021
- Stability assessment of extracts obtained from Arbutus unedo L. fruits in powder and solution systems using machine-learning methodologies. Food Chemistry. 2020
- Analysis of the oxypropylation process of a lignocellulosic material, almond shell, using the response surface methodology (RSM). Food Research International. 2020
- Recovery of Anthocyanins from Passion Fruit Epicarp for Food Colorants: Extraction Process Optimization and Evaluation of Bioactive Properties. Molecules. 2020
- Mushrooms bio-residues valorisation: Optimisation of ergosterol extraction using response surface methodology. Food and Bioproducts Processing. 2020
- Optimization of ergosterol extraction from Pleurotus mushrooms using response surface methodology. Food & Function. 2020
- Effect of Natural Preservatives on the Nutritional Profile, Chemical Composition, Bioactivity and Stability of a Nutraceutical Preparation of Aloe arborescens. Antioxidants. 2020
- Scientific basis for the industrialization of traditionally used plants of the Rosaceae family 2020
- A comparative study between conventional and non-conventional extraction techniques for the recovery of ergosterol from Agaricus blazei Murrill. Food Research International. 2019
- Rubus ulmifolius Schott as a Novel Source of Food Colorant: Extraction Optimization of Coloring Pigments and Incorporation in a Bakery Product. Molecules. 2019
- Microencapsulation of ergosterol and Agaricus bisporus L. extracts by complex coacervation using whey protein and chitosan: Optimization study using response surface methodology. Current Opinion in Food Science. 2019
- Optimization of heat- and ultrasound-assisted extraction of anthocyanins from Hibiscus sabdariffa calyces for natural food colorants. Food Chemistry. 2019
- Stability of a cyanidin-3-O-glucoside extract obtained from Arbutus unedo L. and incorporation into wafers for colouring purposes. Food Chemistry. 2019
- Optimization of the Extraction Process to Obtain a Colorant Ingredient from Leaves of Ocimum basilicum var. purpurascens. Molecules. 2019
- Ultrasound as a Rapid and Low-Cost Extraction Procedure to Obtain Anthocyanin-Based Colorants from Prunus spinosa L. Fruit Epicarp: Comparative Study with Conventional Heat-Based Extraction. Molecules. 2019
- Development of a natural preservative obtained from male chestnut flowers: Optimization of a heat-assisted extraction technique. Food & Function. 2019
- Recovery of bioactive anthocyanin pigments from Ficus carica L. peel by heat, microwave, and ultrasound based extraction techniques. Food Research International. 2018
- Optimization and comparison of heat and ultrasound assisted extraction techniques to obtain anthocyanin compounds from Arbutus unedo L. Fruits. Food Chemistry. 2018
- Recovery of bioactive compounds from Arbutus unedo L. fruits: Comparative optimization study of maceration/microwave/ultrasound extraction techniques. Food Research International. 2018
- Enhanced extraction of phenolic compounds using choline chloride based deep eutectic solvents from Juglans regia L.. Food Research International. 2018
- Multifunctions of Pleurotus sajor-caju (Fr.) Singer: A highly nutritious food and a source for bioactive compounds. Food Chemistry. 2018
- Cold extraction of phenolic compounds from watercress by high hydrostatic pressure: Process modelling and optimization. Chirality. 2018
- Enhancing the antimicrobial and antifungal activities of a coloring extract agent rich in betacyanins obtained from Gomphrena globosa L. flowers. Food & Function. 2018
- Extraction of triterpenoids and phenolic compounds from Ganoderma lucidum: optimization study using the response surface methodology. Food & Function. 2018
- Optimization and comparison of maceration and microwave extraction systems for the production of phenolic compounds from Juglans regia L. for the valorization of walnut leaves. Food Research International. 2017
- Extraction of rosmarinic acid from Melissa officinalis L. by heat-, microwave- and ultrasound-assisted extraction techniques: A comparative study through response surface analysis. Chirality. 2017
- Modern extraction techniques optimized to extract betacyanins from Gomphrena globosa L.. Food Research International. 2017
- Ellagitannin-rich bioactive extracts of Tuberaria lignosa: insights into the radiation-induced effects in the recovery of high added-value compounds. Food & Function. 2017
- Assessment of the stability of catechin-enriched extracts obtained from Arbutus unedo L. fruits: Kinetic mathematical modeling of pH and temperature properties on powder and solution systems. Food Research International. 2017
- Catechin-based extract optimization obtained from Arbutus unedo L. fruits using maceration/microwave/ultrasound extraction techniques. Food Research International. 2017
- Mathematical models of cytotoxic effects in endpoint tumor cell line assays: Critical assessment of the application of a single parametric value as a standard criterion to quantify the dose-response effects and new unexplored proposal formats. Analyst. 2017
- Optimization of microwave-assisted extraction of ergosterol from Agaricus bisporus L. by-products using response surface methodology. Food and Bioproducts Processing. 2016
- Microwave-assisted extraction of phenolic acids and flavonoids and production of antioxidant ingredients from tomato: A nutraceutical-oriented optimization study. Chirality. 2016
- Optimization of microwave-assisted extraction of hydrophilic and lipophilic antioxidants from a surplus tomato crop by response surface methodology. Food and Bioproducts Processing. 2016
- Optimization of ultrasound-assisted extraction to obtain mycosterols from Agaricus bisporus L. by response surface methodology and comparison with conventional Soxhlet extraction. Food Chemistry. 2016
- Injury assessment of common nage-waza judo techniques for amateur judokas. Current Opinion in Food Science. 2016
- An environmental management industrial solution for the treatment and reuse of mussel wastewaters. Science of The Total Environment. 2015
capítulo de livro
- Non-Alkaloid Nitrogen Containing Compounds from Fungi 2023
- Plant alkaloids: production, extraction, and potential therapeutic properties 2023
- Sulfur-containing compounds from plants 2023
- Plant antioxidants from agricultural waste: synergistic potential with other biological properties and possible applications 2022
- Pigmentos naturales bioactivos: Avances significativos para la industria alimentaria. 2023
- Potencial de Pigmentos Naturais Bioativos: Técnicas de Extração Convencionais e Não Convencionais, Métodos de Estabilização e Aplicações na Indústria Alimentar 2023
- Potencial de Pigmentos Naturais Bioativos: Técnicas de Extração Convencionais e Não Convencionais, Métodos de Estabilização e Aplicações na Indústria Alimentar. 2023
- IntegraValor - integrated strategy of valorization of agri-food waste 2023
- Natural products as health promoters. Current Pharmaceutical Design. 2023
- Valorization of food products using natural functional compounds for improving organoleptic and functional chemistry preface. Food Chemistry. 2023
- Valorização dos resíduos sólidos provenientes da produção de vinho tinto com potencial aplicação na indústria alimentar 2022
- Assessment of the nutritional, chemical, and bioactive profile of strawberry fruit industry bio-residues 2022
- Valorização de biorresíduos da produção de sumo de laranja: Extração de ácido cítrico 2022
- Desenvolvimento de corantes naturais alternativos à base de extratos ricos em clorofilas obtidos a partir de partes aéreas de cenoura 2022
- Valorização de bio-resíduos de morango, mirtilo e framboesa para aplicação na indústria alimentar 2022
- Functionality assessment of Scolymus hispanicus (golden thistle) for its daily-basis incorporation in the Mediterranean diet 2022
- Nutritional profile and mineral content of Sonchus asper: a Wild Edible Plant from the Mediterranean area 2022
- Nutritional and chemical profile of grape pomace generated in red wine production 2022
- Nutritional and chemical study of the fruits of Rubus fruticosus L. var. 'Triple Crown' as a food source with high antioxidant capacity 2022
- Estudo nutricional e químico dos frutos de Rubus fruticosus L. var. 'Triple Crown' como fonte alimentar com alta capacidade antioxidante 2022
- Impacto de diferentes métodos de produção agrícola no perfil nutricional de beldroega (Portulaca oleracea L.) 2022
- Optimization of citric acid extraction from lime peels using response surface methodology 2022
- Perfil nutricional de resíduos de morango, mirtilo e framboesa 2022
- IntegraValor - integrated strategy of valorization of agri-food waste. 2022
- Solanaceae crop by-products as renewable sources of bioactive phenolic extracts 2022
- Upcycling agricultural by-products into renewable bioactive ingredients 2022
- Título: Desenvolvimento de corantes bioativos a partir de subprodutos de framboesa vermelha usando extrações assistidas por calor e ultrassom 2022
- Adansonia digitata L. (mukua): Um possível alimento funcional 2022
- Estudo integrado da influência do tipo de cultivo e irrigação nas propriedades bioativas de Cichorium spinosum L. 2022
- Solanaceae crop by-products as renewable sources of bioactive phenolic extracts 2021
- Nutritional Composition and Biological Activity of Goldenberry (Physalis peruviana L.): An Emerging Fruit Crop in Portugal 2021
- Recovering citric acid from orange juice production residues 2021
- Evaluation of the phenolic composition and bioactivities of plants from Asteraceae family. 2021
- Nutraceutical formulations: Addition of natural ingredients as preservatives 2021
- Red Algae as a source of nutrients with antioxidant potential 2021
- Antioxidant activity and GC-MS characterization of Juniperus communis and Cistus ladanifer essential oils 2021
- Development of bio-based ingredients from underused trees and shrub species for industrial application 2021
- Plants from Lamiaceae family as a source of essential oils with bioactive properties 2021
- Las algas como prometedora fuente de nutrientes para la dieta 2020
nome completo
- Miguel A. Lage
- Lillian Prieto
- Lillian Angel Prieto