selected publications
academic article
- Water Footprint Sustainability as a Tool to Address Climate Change in the Wine Sector: A Methodological Approach Applied to a Portuguese Case Study. Atmosphere. 2020
- Environmental Sustainability in Beef Production and Life Cycle Assessment as a Tool for Analysis. U.Porto Journal of Engineering. 2020
- Environmental Impacts of the Beef Production Chain in the Northeast of Portugal Using Life Cycle Assessment. Agriculture. 2018
conference paper
- Avaliação dos impactes ambientais da produção de vinho na região sul de Portugal. 59-65. 2019
- Life cycle environmental impacts of vineyard in the south Portugal 2019
- Pegada hídrica – um contributo para a sustentabilidade da fileira vitivinícola 2019
- Water footprint of a wine bottle from the southern region of Portugal by using a life cycle assessment approach 2019
- Assessing water scarcity footprint of wine production in the Alentenjo region: preliminary results 2018
- Gases de efeito estufa na produção de carne bovina no Nordeste Transmontano 2018
- Pegada de carbono do abate de carne bovina no Nordeste de Portugal: comparação entre duas unidades de abate. 277-287. 2018
- Potencialidades da utilização de biofilme na reabilitação de sistemas aquáticos. 183-186. 2018
- Projeto REHABIND - qualidade ambiental em áreas industriais transfronteiriças - Mirandela e Zamora (Espanha). Livro de Atas da Conferência Internacional de Ambiente em Língua Portuguesa. 21-24. 2018
- Pegada de carbono da produção de carne bovina no Nordeste de Portugal: comparação entre dois sistemas produtivos. 303-308. 2017
- Sustentabilidade ambiental da produção de carne bovina no nordeste de Portugal: uma abordagem de avaliação de ciclo de vida. Evento II Congresso das Agrárias: Livro de Resumos. 160-161. 2017
journal article
- Ozone membrane contactor for tertiary treatment of urban wastewater: Chemical, microbial and toxicological assessment. Science of The Total Environment. 2023
- Ozone membrane contactor to intensify gas/liquid mass transfer and contaminants of emerging concern oxidation. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering. 2022
- A novel ceramic tubular membrane coated with a continuous graphene-TiO2 nanocomposite thin-film for CECs mitigation. Biochemical Engineering Journal. 132639. 2022
- Environmental sustainability in beef production and life cycle assessment as a tool for analysis. U.Porto Journal of Engineering. 11-25. 2020
- Water footprint sustainability as a tool to address climate change in the wine sector: a methodological approach applied to a portuguese case study. Atmosphere. 934. 2020
- Environmental impacts of the beef production chain in the Northeast of Portugal using life cycle assessment. Agriculture. 2018