publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- The digital presence on social networks of Braga city hotels,A presença digital nas redes sociais dos estabelecimentos hoteleiros da cidade de Braga. Procedia Computer Science. 2023
- Alavancar a criação e integração de conteúdos de realidade virtual através de uma plataforma colaborativa: o caso do sector do turismo 2021
- Leveraging the creation and integration of Virtual Reality content through a collaborative platform: the case of the tourism sector,Alavancar a criação e integração de conteúdos de Realidade Virtual através de uma plataforma colaborativa: o caso do sector do turismo. Procedia Computer Science. 2021
- The importance of digital marketing in hospitality: Case study of hotel turismo são lázaro,A importância do marketing digital na hotelaria: Caso de estudo do hotel turismo são lázaro. Procedia Computer Science. 2020
- Comparison of Iberian Peninsula official tourism websites 2019
- The Role of Information and Communication Technologies in the Creation and Support of Touristic Routes. EDUCATION EXCELLENCE AND INNOVATION MANAGEMENT THROUGH VISION. 2019
- Using Mobile Devices Applications for Monitoring and Assist Elder population in Rural Areas. International Business Information Management Association Conference. 2019
- The Role of Gamification in Material and Immaterial Cultural Heritage. INNOVATION MANAGEMENT AND EDUCATION EXCELLENCE THROUGH VISION, VOLS I -XI. 2018
- A cooperative agent-based security framework 2013
- The information and communication technologies in tourism degree courses: the reality of Portugal and Spain 2013
- Erratum to E-Business Maturity: Constraints Associated With Their Evolution (Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce, 22, 3(280-300)). Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce. 2012
- Promoting Ubiquity and Interoperability among Health Information Systems Using an SOA Based Architecture. Journal of e-Health Management. 2012
- Adequabilidade dos Modelos de Maturidade do Negócio Electrónico à Economia Digital. Current Opinion in Food Science. 2011
- Electronic Business Maturity in Portuguese SME and Large Enterprises. Communications of the IBIMA. 2011
- An exploratory investigation of e-business constraints among large organizations in Portugal. Current Opinion in Food Science. 2010
- Constrangimentos associados à evolução do Negócio Electrónico em Portugal. Current Opinion in Food Science. 2010
- E-Business maturity and information technology. Current Opinion in Food Science. 2010
- E-Business maturity and information technology in Portuguese SMEs. Current Opinion in Food Science. 2010
- Electronic Business Maturity in Portuguese SME and Large Enterprises. Current Opinion in Food Science. 2010
- Electronic Commerce Maturity: A Review of the Principal Models. Current Opinion in Food Science. 2010
- Exploring the Constraints to the evolution of Electronic Business: The Portuguese reality. Current Opinion in Food Science. 2010
- Maturidade do Negócio Electrónico em Portugal. Current Opinion in Food Science. 2010
- Modelos de Maturidade do Comércio Electrónico. Current Opinion in Food Science. 2010
- Resolução dos constrangimentos associados à evolução do negócio electrónico. Current Opinion in Food Science. 2010
- Web Colaborativa - Evolução ou Revolução?. Current Opinion in Food Science. 2010
- Evolução do Negócio Electrónico em Portugal - As grandes empresas. Revista do Departamento de Inovação, Ciência e Tecnologia. 2009
artigo de conferência
- Avaliação SEO dos websites dos hotéis das Terras de Trás-os-Montes através do Ubersuggest. Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies, CISTI. 2023
- A influência das redes sociais e da internet na escolha do destino turístico. Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies, CISTI. 2022
- Image of Douro Wine Region through social networks - Visitor Perception,Imagem do Douro Vinhateiro através das redes sociais - Perceção do Visitante. 37th IBIMA International Conference. 2022
- Image of Douro Wine Region through social networks - Visitor Perception,Imagem do Douro Vinhateiro através das redes sociais - Perceção do Visitante. 37th IBIMA International Conference. 2022
- O uso de SEO para alavancar a visibilidade digital e atrair visitantes: o caso das termas de Chaves. Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies, CISTI. 2022
- The influence of social networks and the internet in the choice of tourist destination: the case of Serra da Estrela. 37th IBIMA International Conference. 2022
- Tourism and Virtual Reality: a bibliometric analysis of scientific production from the Scopus database. Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies, CISTI. 2022
- Tourism and Virtual Reality: a bibliometric analysis of scientific production from the Scopus database. Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies, CISTI. 2022
- Destination Image on Social Media: The case of the Douro Wine Region. Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies, CISTI. 2021
- Digital Marketing and Big Data: A bibliometric analysis of scientific production from the Scopus database,Marketing Digital e Big Data: uma análise bibliométrica da produção científica na base de dados scopus 2021
- The Use of Virtual Reality to Boost the Promotion of Touristic Destinations and the Interpretation of Heritage. 37th IBIMA International Conference. 2021
- The online presence and communication of a destination by the tourist entities of the Terras de Trás-os-Montes 2021
- The Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism Degree Courses: The Iberian Peninsula Evolution 2020
- The relevance of the local touristic actors for the destination communication: the case of terras de Trás-os-Montes 2020
- Using mobile apps and a digital restaurant menu to promote heritage in rural regions 2020
- Comparison of Portugal and Spain tourism websites 2019
- Promotion of activities of tourist animation in the pages of Facebook of the municipalities of Terras de Trás-os-Montes 2019
- The Role of Information and Communication Technologies in the Creation and Support of Touristic Routes 2019
- Using Mobile Devices Applications for Monitoring and Assist Elder population in Rural Areas 2019
- Using a mobile application to support tourist's information and services needs: The case of Cabo Verde Islands 2019
- An indoor navigation architecture using variable data sources for blind and visually impaired persons 2018
- As Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação nas licenciaturas de Turismo – a evolução em Portugal 2018
- Can we use big data analytics to leverage tourism in rural tourism destinations? 2018
- Computational security models in organizations: Bringing a pedagogical user-centered perspective 2018
- Location based mobile services & context-aware: an approach to the tourism sector 2018
- Location based mobile services & Context-aware: An approach to the tourism sector 2018
- Promoting Heritage Through a Pervasive and Mobile Computing Approach: The Case of the Portuguese City of Mirandela 2018
- The potential of cooperative networks to leverage tourism in rural regions 2018
- The role of gamification in material and immaterial cultural heritage 2018
- Using a mobile application to support tourist’s information and services needs: the case of Cabo Verde Islands 2018
- Using pervasive and mobile computation in the provision of gerontological care in rural areas. Procedia Computer Science. 2018
- A caça como fator de desenvolvimento turístico | ZCM porca de Murça 2017
- Avaliação de websites turísticos 2017
- Evaluation of tourism websites 2017
- Gestão de big data: novos paradigmas 2017
- Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism: Challenges and Trends 2016
- SQMS - A prototype for a Supplier Quality Management System 2016
- SQMS – A prototype for a supplier quality management system 2016
- A Review of Cloud Computing and Its Opportunities in the Development of Information Systems for SMEs 2015
- Empowering users' privacy through a centralized platform to respond to a pervasive and mobile computing world 2015
- Empowering users’ privacy through a centralized platform to respond to a pervasive and mobile computing world 2015
- Modelling a Supplier Quality Management System 2015
- Website quality evaluation: Review of models 2015
- An agent-based security framework for cooperative business networks 2013
- As Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação nas licenciaturas de Turismo – a realidade em Portugal 2013
- Bridging the gap between organizations policies and the network security and systems administration in SMEs 2013
- The information and communication technologies in tourism degree courses - The Portuguese reality | As tecnologias de informação e comunicação nas licenciaturas de turismo - a realidade em Portugal 2013
- The information and communication technologies in tourism degree courses: The reality of Iberian Peninsula 2013
- Aprender com as TIC: caso de estudo 2012
- Learning with ICT - Case study 2012
- A SOA based architecture to promote ubiquity and interoperability among health information systems 2011
- Adequabilidade dos modelos de maturidade do negócio electrónico à economia digital 2011
- An architecture for interoperability and ubiquity of medical information 2011
- Aprender com as TIC 2011
- Suitability of e-business maturity models for digital economy 2011
- A framework to support the tourist’s information-needs based on a ubiquitous approach 2010
- A ubiquidade nos sistemas de informação de apoio ao turista 2010
- Electronic business maturity in Portuguese SME and large enterprises 2010
- Web colaborativa: evolução ou revolução? 2010
- An exploratory investigation of e-business constraints among large organizations in Portugal 2009
- E-business maturity and information technology in Portuguese SMEs 2009
- Exploring the constraints to the evolution of electronic business: The portuguese reality 2009
- Resolução dos constrangimentos associados à evolução do negócio electrónico 2009
- e-Business maturity and information technology 2009
- Constrangimentos associados à evolução do negócio electrónico em Portugal 2008
- Maturidade do negócio electrónico em Portugal 2008
- Electronic commerce maturity: a review of the principal models 2007
- Maturidade do comércio electrónico/negócio electrónico 2007
- Modelos de maturidade do comércio electrónico 2007
- As tecnologias da informação e comunicação e as redes sociais no turismo – caso da Ilha de Porto Santo
artigo de revista
- A presença digital nas redes sociais dos estabelecimentos hoteleiros da cidade de Braga. Procedia Computer Science. 2023
- Leveraging the Promotion of Tourist Destinations and the Interpretation of their Heritage using Virtual Reality. Journal of Innovation & Business Best Practice. 2022
- The influence of the internet and social networks on the choice of the tourist destination Serra a Estrela. Journal of Internet Social Networking & Virtual Communities. 2022
- Visitors’ perception image of the Douro demarcated region through social networks. Journal of Internet Social Networking & Virtual Communities. 2022
- Alavancar a criação e integração de conteúdos de realidade virtual através de uma plataforma colaborativa: o caso do sector do turismo. Procedia Computer Science. 2021
- Understanding the role of local tourist actors as online destination promoters: the “Terras de Trás-os-Montes” case. Journal of Marketing Research and Case Studies. 2021
- Web communication strategies of Portuguese museums: National museums versus foundations,Estratégias de comunicação web dos museus Portugueses: Museus nacionais versus fundações. Journal of Tourism and Development. 2021
- Using Mobile Devices and Apps to Assist the Elder Population in Rural Areas and Generate Business Opportunities. IBIMA Business Review. 2020
- A importância do marketing digital na hotelaria: caso de estudo do Hotel Turismo São Lázaro. Procedia Computer Science. 2020
- The Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism Degree Courses: The Portugal and Spain Evolution. IBIMA Business Review. 2020
- A location-based and contextualized mobile services approach to providing information and services in the tourism industry. IBIMA Business Review. 2019
- Comparison of Iberian Peninsula official tourism websites. Journal of Internet and e-Business Studies. 2019
- A pervasive and mobile computing approach to promote heritage of a city. Journal of Mobile Technologies, Knowledge and Society. 2018
- The Role of Cloud Computing in the Development of Information Systems for SMEs. Journal of Cloud Computing. 2017
- Models for evaluating tourism websites. Journal of Internet and e-Business Studies. 2017
- Towards a platform for a supplier quality management system. IBIMA Business Review. 2017
- A cooperative agent-based security framework. Journal of Information Assurance & Cybersecurity. 2013
- The information and communication technologies in tourism degree courses: the reality of Portugal and Spain. Journal of e-Learning & Higher Education. 2013
- E-Business Maturity: Constraints Associated With Their Evolution. Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce. 2012
- Promoting ubiquity and interoperability among health information systems using an soa based architecture. Journal of e-Health Management. 2012
- E-Business maturity and information technology in Portuguese SMEs 2010
- Electronic business maturity in Portuguese SME and large enterprises. Communications of the IBIMA. 2010
- Evolução do negócio electrónico em Portugal - as grandes empresas. Revista do Departamento de Inovação, Ciência e Tecnologia. 2009
capítulo de livro
- Digital Marketing and User-Generated Content: A Case Study of Vidago Palace Hotel 2022
- Tourism and Internet of Things: A Bibliometric Analysis of Scientific Production from the Scopus Database. Communications in Computer and Information Science. 2022
- Websites Usability Evaluation of the Terras De Trás-Os-Montes Hotels 2022
- The Role of Customers and Their Privacy in an IoT Business Context. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing. 2021
- Building Smart Rural Regions: Challenges and Opportunities 2020
- The Potential of Tag-Based Contextualization Mechanisms to Leverage the Sale of Regional Products and Promote the Regions Through Products. Atas da Conferência da Associação Portuguesa de Sistemas de Informação. 2018
- Constrains associated to e-business evolution 2011