Image of Douro Wine Region through social networks - Visitor Perception,Imagem do Douro Vinhateiro através das redes sociais - Perceção do Visitante
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As redes sociais são uma fonte de informação, de
partilha de conteúdo e de experiências, por parte dos diversos
utilizadores, podendo condicionar a imagem criada de um destino,
favoravelmente ou não. A região do Douro Vinhateiro, Património
Mundial desde 2001, apresenta-se como um destino turístico por
excelência, pelos seus diversos atrativos. O objetivo principal do
estudo foi analisar a imagem que os turistas criam, através das
redes sociais, do Douro Vinhateiro como destino turístico. Assim,
aplicaram-se duas metodologias - qualitativa e quantitativa. Numa
primeira abordagem efetuou-se uma análise qualitativa a redes
sociais relativas à região do Alto Douro Vinhateiro e numa
segunda fase aplicou-se um questionário a turistas que visitaram
esta região. Os resultados demonstraram que a imagem da região
em estudo é formada por três dimensões principais: o Rio Douro,
as Vinhas e o vinho do Porto. Esta informação permite que os
principais players a operar nesta região possam promover a
mesma, considerando as experiências criadas e vividas ao nível
destas três dimensões.
Com o permanente desenvolvimento da tecnologia é imperativa uma constante modernização e adaptação aos novos paradigmas para que as experiências turísticas consigam manter a sua competitividade. O turismo cultural, um dos setores mais competitivos da indústria turística, tem vindo a adaptar-se às mudanças globais através do recurso a tecnologias interativas como mecanismo de diferenciação. A Realidade Aumentada e a Realidade Virtual são duas ferramentas potenciadoras da modernização e da competitividade, que conseguem dar resposta às necessidades cada vez mais exigentes dos consumidores. Estas inovações tecnológicas aplicadas a uma experiência cultural conseguem criar uma experiência mais imersiva e interativa que atrai e satisfaz as necessidades dos turistas. Este artigo pretende mostrar o impacto da Realidade Aumentada e da Realidade Virtual na oferta cultural através da análise da experiência ‘Ara as it Was’ que se considera um bom exemplo da aplicação tecnologia na recriação de eventos reais passados enquanto potencia uma aprendizagem interativa.
Social networks are a source of information, content
sharing and experiences, by the various users, and can condition
the image created of a destination, favorably or not. The Douro
Wine Region, World Heritage since 2001, presents itself as a
tourist destination par excellence, for its various attractions. The
main objective of the study was to analyze the image that tourists
create, through social networks, of the Douro as a tourist
destination. Thus, two methodologies were applied - qualitative
and quantitative. In a first approach, a qualitative analysis was
made to social networks related to the Alto Douro Wine Region
and, in a second phase, a questionnaire was applied to tourists who
visited this region. The results showed that the image of the region
under study is formed by three main dimensions: the Douro River,
the Vineyards, and Porto wine. This information allows the main
players operating in this region to promote the region, considering
the experiences created and lived in these three dimensions.
The image of a tourist destination should be worked by the various players in the tourism industry, to attract the destination, and promoted in various communication channels, including social media. Social networks are a source of information, content sharing and experiences, by the various users, and can condition the image created of a destination, favorably or not. The Douro Wine Region, World Heritage Site since 2001, presents itself as a tourist destination par excellence, for its various attractions. Thus, this exploratory study aims to analyze the presence in social networks of the destination Douro Vinhateiro and identify the dimensions of the destination image. To this end, it was developed a work according to the mixed research model, two methodological approaches were adopted - qualitative and quantitative. As a data collection method, in a first phase it was chosen the documental analysis, followed by a qualitative analysis of websites and social networks related to the Alto Douro Wine Region and in a second phase it was applied a questionnaire to tourists who visited this region. The results showed that the image of the region under study is formed by three main dimensions: the Douro River, the Vineyards, and the City of Porto. Tourists also point to these three dimensions as the main factors associated with this region.
With the permanent development of technology,
constant modernization and adaptation to new paradigms is
imperative so that tourist experiences can maintain their
competitiveness. Cultural tourism, one of the most competitive
sectors of the tourist industry, has been adapting to global
changes through the use of interactive technologies as a
differentiating mechanism. Augmented Reality and Virtual
Reality are two tools that enhance modernization and
competitiveness, which are able to respond to the increasingly
demanding needs of consumers. These technological innovations
applied to a cultural experience manage to create a more
immersive and interactive experience that attracts and satisfies
the needs of tourists. This article aims to show the impact of
Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality on the cultural offer
through the analysis of the 'Ara as it Was' experience, which is
considered a good example of the application of technology in the
recreation of past real events while enhancing interactive