selected publications
academic article
- Cover cropping in rainfed fruticulture. World J Agri & Soil Sci. . 1. 2019
- Um olhar sobre a gestão do solo em olival face ao aquecimento global 2019
conference paper
- Efeito da aplicação de extratos de algas e aminoácidos em caldas foliares, isoladamente e como suplemento de fertilização. 63-63. 2022
- O pastoreio pode ser uma estratégia viável de gestão de cobertos em olivais tradicionais de sequeiro. 23-24. 2022
- A smart controlled-release fertilizer improved soil fertility but not olive tree physiology and yield. 88-88. 2021
- Efeito de duas leonardites comerciais nas propriedades do solo, no estado nutricional e na produção de matéria seca de plantas jovens de oliveira cultivadas em vasos. 90-90. 2021
- Fungos micorrízicos foram mais efetivos que zeólitos no aumento do crescimento de oliveiras jovens plantadas num solo ácido. 82-82. 2021
- Produção de azeitona e propriedades do solo em olival de sequeiro após aplicação de biochar, zeólitos e fungos micorrízicos. 42-42. 2021
- Atraso excessivo na libertação de nutrientes por fertilizantes de libertação controlada pode reduzir a produtividade do castanheiro. 97-98. 2020
- Os castanheiros respondem pouco à aplicação de fertilizantes, necessitando uma abordagem de longo prazo para estabelecer planos de fertilização 2020
- Effect of organic amendments and other soil conditioners on olive tree productivity 2019
- Gestão da vegetação em olivais de sequeiro com pastoreio. 31-31. 2019
- Nitrogen fertilization can significantly reduce the incidence of the olive fruit fly 2019
- Nitrogen fertilization effect on olive leaf spot and olive anthracnose incidence in the olive tree. 66-66. 2019
- Produtividade de uma pastagem submetida a regimes de fertilização anual com azoto, fósforo, potássio ou boro. 55-56. 2019
- Resposta do castanheiro à aplicação de calcário e fertilizantes minerais. 67-68. 2019
- Produtividade de uma pastagem submetida a aplicação anual de azoto, fósforo, potássio ou boro. 34-34. 2018
- Eficiência de uso do azoto em milho forragem com aplicação de biochar e zeólitos 2023
- Gestão de cobertos vegetais em olivais com pastoreio 2023
- Um olhar sobre a gestão do solo em olival face ao aquecimento global 2019
- On Sandy, Boron-Poor Soils, Liming Induced Severe Boron Deficiency and Drastically Reduced the Dry Matter Yield of Young Olive Trees
journal article
- On Sandy, Boron-Poor Soils, Liming Induced Severe Boron Deficiency and Drastically Reduced the Dry Matter Yield of Young Olive Trees. Plants. 1-18. 2023
- Lettuce response to the application of two commercial leonardites and their effect on soil properties in a growing medium with nitrogen as the main limiting factor. Journal of Plant Nutrition. 2023
- Dolomitic limestone was more effective than calcitic limestone in iin increasing soil pH in an untilled olive orchard. Soil Use and Management. 1437-1452. 2023
- Large Chestnut Trees Did Not Respond to Annual Fertiliser Applications, Requiring a Long-Term Approach to Establishing Effective Fertilisation Plans. Soil Systems. 2. 2023
- Excessive Delay in Nutrient Release by Controlled-Release Fertilizers Can Reduce Chestnut Yield. Horticulturae. 1067. 2022
- Photosynthesis, Yield, Nutrient Availability and Soil Properties after Biochar, Zeolites or Mycorrhizal Inoculum Application to a Mature Rainfed Olive Orchard. Agriculture. 171-171. 2022
- Leonardites Rich in Humic and Fulvic Acids Had Little Effect on Tissue Elemental Composition and Dry Matter Yield in Pot-Grown Olive Cuttings. Soil Systems. 7. 2022
- The safe use of compost derived from municipal solid waste depends on its composition and conditions of application. Soil Use and Management. 917-928. 2022
- Inorganic Fertilization at High N Rate Increased Olive Yield of a Rainfed Orchard but Reduced Soil Organic Matter in Comparison to Three Organic Amendments. Agronomy. 2172-2172. 2021
- Metalaxyl-M, phosphorous acid and potassium silicate applied as soil drenches show different chestnut seedling performance and protection against Phytophthora root rot. European Journal of Plant Pathology. 147-159. 2021
- A controlled-release fertilizer improved soil fertility but not olive tree performance. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems. 2021
- Nitrogen Use Efficiency and Crop Yield in Four Successive Crops Following Application of Biochar and Zeolites. Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition. 2021
- Use of commercial mycorrhizal fungi in stress-free growing conditions of potted olive cuttings. Scientia Horticulturae. 109712-109712. 2021
- Mycorrhizal Fungi were More Effective than Zeolites in Increasing the Growth of Non-Irrigated Young Olive Trees. Sustainability. 1-10630. 2020
- Large Chestnut Trees (Castanea sativa) Respond Poorly to Liming and Fertilizer Application. Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition. 2020
- The effect of nitrogen fertilization on the incidence of olive fruit fly, olive leaf spot and olive anthracnose in two olive cultivars grown in rainfed conditions. Scientia Horticulturae. 108658-108658. 2019