selected publications
academic article
- Plant and Soil Metal Concentrations in Serpentine Soils and Their Influence on the Diet of Extensive Livestock Animals. The Open Agriculture Journal. 12:95-106. 2018
- Pastores, pastoreio e risco de incêndio: aliados, cúmplices ou concorrentes?. VII Congresso de Estudos Rurais: O rural depois do fogo. 155-162. 2018
- General aspects of silvopastoral systems. 1-16. 2016
- Sistemas silvopastoris em Portugal: componentes, funções e funcionamento. 17-30. 2016
- Mountain grasslands. 218-220. 2014
conference paper
- Feeding value of different plant functional types of oak mediterranean ecossystems. 330-333. 2018
- Pastores, pastoreio e risco de incêndio: aliados, cúmplices ou concorrentes?. 49-56. 2018
- Do combustível a recurso forrageiro: realidade, possibilidade ou miragem? 2017
- Recovery of mountain rangelands. 118-118. 2016
- Diversidade florística e produtividade de pastagens de montanha (lameiros) 2015
- Management of grazing circuits in order to promote extensive livestock welfare 2015
- Management of grazing circuits in order to promote extensive livestock welfare 2015
- O uso dos pequenos ruminantes na prevenção dos fogos rurais: mito ou realidade? 2015
- The role of woodlands in the small ruminant production in northeast Portugal 2015
- Nutritive value of Quercus pyrenaica Willd browse species in NE Portugal 2014
- Nutritive value of Quercus pyrenaica Willd browse species in NE of Portugal 2014
- O uso dos caprinos na proteção da floresta: de velhos inimigos a novos aliados 2014
- Small ruminants as a fire management tool in a Mediterranean mountain region. 48-51. 2014
- Valor alimentar dos bosques autóctones de Trás-os-Montes: uma abordagem multivariada. 75-79. 2014
- A diversidade da dieta como indicador da abundancia de recursos: caso de estudo dos pequenos ruminantes no monte de Morais 2013
- Agronomia e ecologia dos lameiros. 22-22. 2013
- Efecto de los regimenes de perturbación en la regeneración de Quercus rotundifolia Lam. en el NE de Portugal. 1-8. 2013
- Micronutrient levels in pastures established in the north-east of Portugal. 108-110. 2013
- Fertilização de pastagens de sequeiro em modo de produção biológico. 44-44. 2012
- Grazing regimes and fertilisation rates: effects on dry matter yields, crude protein content and digestibility of meadows in the Northeast of Portugal. 311-313. 2012
- O uso dos herbívoros na prevenção dos incêndios: uma nova oportunidade para a sustentabilidade da floresta. 16-23. 2012
- Produção e valor nutritivo de pastagens de montanha. 43-43. 2012
- Projeto BIOPAST: o que aprendemos sobre a ecologia das pastagens permanentes semeadas ricas em leguminosas (PPSRL)?. 42-42. 2012
- The effect of soil microtopographic gradients on dry matter yields and species richness in two Mediterranean pastures 2012
- Effects of sowing and fertilisation in the establishment of annual legume rich permanent pastures. 42-42. 2011
- Nutritive value of meadows in the Northeast of Portugal. 13-13. 2011
- Organic farming in northeast of Portugal: effects of soil fertility management on DM yield and nutrients composition of pastures. 89-91. 2011
- Sistemas agro-pecuários de montanha de Trás-os-Montes. Um caso de estudo. 145-152. 2011
- The effects of climate fluctuations and soil heterogeneity on the floristic composition of sown Mediterranean annual pastures. 21-28. 2011
- As pastagens semeadas anuais biodiversas ricas em leguminosas (PPSBRL), uma emulação da vegetação de Poetea bulbosae. 20-21. 2010
- Efeito da fertilização mineral e orgânica e do uso de misturas simples e complexas de sementes na instalação de pastagens anuais ricas em leguminosas. 323-329. 2010
- Herbaceous plant diversity across fire created edges in continental holm oak woodlands. 151-151. 2010
- Pastagens permanentes semeadas biodiversas ricas em leguminosas: composição florística ao longo de um gradiente mesotopográfico. 87-93. 2010
journal article
- The nutritive value of different Mediterranean browse species used as animal feeds under oak silvopastoral systems in Northern Portugal. Agroforestry Systems. 269-278. 2021
- Plant and soil metal concentrations in serpentine soils and their influence on the diet of extensive livestock animals 2018
- Seasonal grazing of goats and sheep on Mediterranean mountain rangelands of northeast Portugal. Livestock Research for Rural Development. 2016
- Soil properties and understory herbaceous biomass in forests of three species of Quercus in Northeast Portugal. Forest Systems. 425-437. 2014
- Silvopastoral systems established with Pinus radiate D. Don and Betula pubescens Ehrh.: Tree growth, understorey biomass and vascular plant biodiversity. Forestry. 2014
- Farming systems in mountain regions of NE Portugal: conversion from conventional production to organic production. 93-95. 2013
- Afforestation of agricultural land with Pinus radiata D. don and Betula alba L. in NW Spain: effects on soil PH, understorey production and floristic diversity eleven years after establishment 2012
- Effects of sowing and fertilisation in the establishment of annual legume rich permanent pastures. Grassland Science in Europe. 268-270. 2011
- Carbon allocation dynamics one decade after afforestation with Pinus radiata D. Don and Betula alba L. under two stand densities in NW Spain. Ecological Engineering. 876-890. 2010