Costa, J.
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publicações selecionadas
artigo de conferência
- A novel quantitative real-time PCR approach for authenticity assessment of herbal products with Ginkgo biloba 2019
- A novel DNA-based approach for argan oil authentication: detection of olive oil as a potential adulterant. 5th Food Integrity Conference. 2018
- Applicability of HRM analysis for carnaroli rice authentication based on polymorphisms of the waxy gene 2018
- Detection of soybean oil as a potential adulterant of argan oil based on a novel DNA approach 2018
- Development of new molecular tools to assess argan oil authenticity: detection of olive oil as a potential adulterant 2018
- Entomological authentication of honey based on DNA markers: differentiation of honey produced by Apis mellifera and Apis cerana 2018
- Profile use and efficacy of antibiotics: the perception of the user of ave valley and Aveiro regions 2018
- Development of molecular markers for honey entomological origin identification 2017
- Exploiting polymorphisms in the Waxy and Alk genes of Italian rice varieties to identify DNA markers for Carnaroli authentication 2017
- Towards honey authentication: assessing European honey entomological origin by a molecular identification approach 2017
- DNA mini-barcodes coupled to high resolution melting (hrm) analysis for the botanical authentication of rosemary honey 2016
- Development of a polymerase chain reaction assay for the specific detection of Citrus aurantium in plant food supplements 2016
- High resolution melting analysis as a new tool to authenticate plant food supplements: the case of artichoke (Cynara Scolymus) 2016
- In silico and experimental analysis of DNA markers for Citrus aurantium identification in herbal medicines 2016
- A normalised real-time PCR method to quantify soybean protein material in meat products at trace amounts and as affected by thermal processing 2015
- Cynara Scolymus clustering in plant food supplements by high resolution melting analysis 2015
- DNA barcoding for the botanical species differentiation in honey 2015
- Detection of botanical adulterations in plant food supplements by molecular biology techniques 2015
- Exploiting DNA markers for the authentication of Hypericum food supplements 2015
- High resolution melting analysis to discriminate artichoke (Cynara scolymus) in plant food supplements 2015
- Identificação da origem botânica do mel por DNA barcoding 2015
- Applicability of DNA-based methods for food authentication 2014
- Assessing the effect of pharmaceutical excipients on the DNA extraction from plant food supplements 2014
- Hypericum species identification to assess the authenticity of plant food supplements 2014
- Development of a highly sensitive real-time PCR system for the quantification of soybean as a potential allergenic ingredient 2013
- Species identification and authentication of hare (Lepus) meat by the use of the mitochondrial cytb gene 2012
- Comparação de métodos de extração de DNA para a detecção de resíduos de avelã em chocolate como potencial alergéneo 2011
- Comparision of DNA extraction methods to detect trace amounts of tree nut allergens in chocolates 2011
- Detection of partridge meat for the authentication of “alheiras de caça” using polymerase chain reaction 2011
- Food authentication by molecular methods 2011
- Hidden allergens in food 2011
- A survey of genetically modified maize in the Portuguese market 2010
- Antioxidant profiles of soybean oil obtained from genetically modified seeds 2010
- Soybean DNA extraction from blended refined vegetable oils 2010
- Comparison of different extraction methods of soybean DNA from refined vegetable oils 2008
- Detection of soybean DNA in commercially available vegetable oils 2008
- Effect of refining on the fatty acid, sterol and tocopherols compositions of soybean oil from GM seeds 2008
- Soybean oil from GM seeds: chemical characterization along the fat extraction and refining processes 2008
artigo de revista
- Authentication of incense (Pittosporum undulatum Vent.) honey from the Azores (Mel dos Açores) by a novel real-time PCR approach. Food Chemistry. 2023
- Authentication of Argan (Argania spinosa L.) Oil Using Novel DNA-Based Approaches: Detection of Olive and Soybean Oils as Potential Adulterants. Foods. 2022
- Authentication of carnaroli rice by HRM analysis targeting nucleotide polymorphisms in the Alk and Waxy genes. Current Opinion in Food Science. 2022
- Botanical authentication of globe artichoke-containing foods: Differentiation of Cynara scolymus by a novel HRM approach. Food Chemistry. 2022
- Towards authentication of Korean ginseng-containing foods: Differentiation of five Panax species by a novel diagnostic tool. Current Opinion in Food Science. 2021
- Tracing Styphnolobium japonicum (syn: Sophora japonica) as a potential adulterant of ginkgo-containing foods by real-time PCR. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis. 2021
- Authentication of Ginkgo biloba Herbal Products by a Novel Quantitative Real-Time PCR Approach. Foods. 2020
- Towards honey authentication: Differentiation of Apis mellifera subspecies in European honeys based on mitochondrial DNA markers. Food Chemistry. 2019
- Botanical authentication of lavender (Lavandula spp.) honey by a novel DNA-barcoding approach coupled to high resolution melting analysis. Current Opinion in Food Science. 2018
- Novel diagnostic tools for Asian ( Apis cerana ) and European ( Apis mellifera ) honey authentication. Food Research International. 2018
- Matrix-normalised real-time PCR approach to quantify soybean as a potential food allergen as affected by thermal processing. Food Chemistry. 2017
- HRM analysis targeting ITS1 and matK loci as potential DNA mini-barcodes for the authentication of Hypericum perforatum and Hypericum androsaemum in herbal infusions. Current Opinion in Food Science. 2016
- Autenticação de produtos cárneos com a designação Halal: Deteção e quantificação de derivados de suíno (Sus scrofa) 2015
- DNA extraction from plant food supplements: Influence of different pharmaceutical excipients. Molecular and Cellular Probes. 2015
- Identification of duck, partridge, pheasant, quail, chicken and turkey meats by species-specific PCR assays to assess the authenticity of traditional game meat Alheira sausages. Current Opinion in Food Science. 2015
- Novas metodologias para a identificação de adulterações de produtos cárneos com carne de cavalo 2015
- Refining of Roundup Ready® soya bean oil: Effect on the fatty acid, phytosterol and tocopherol profiles. European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology. 2011
- Detection of genetically modified soybean DNA in refined vegetable oils. European Food Research and Technology. 2010
- Monitoring genetically modified soybean along the industrial soybean oil extraction and refining processes by polymerase chain reaction techniques. Food Research International. 2010
capítulo de livro
- Incense honey (Pittosporum undulatum) in the Azores: Botanical authentication by using real-time PCR approach 2022
- Autenticação de produtos cárneos com a designação Halal: Deteção e quantificação de derivados de suíno (Sus scrofa) 2015
- Novas metodologias para a identificação de adulterações de produtos cárneos com carne de cavalo 2015
co-investigador principal no
- novel methods and approaches for detecting the illegal addition of Pharmaceutical drugs and bOtanIcal adulteRatiOn in planT food supplements concedido pelo Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia 2022 - 2024
- Saúde da abelha Apis mellifera L. nos Açores: comparação dos padrões epidemiológicos num laboratório natural único concedido pelo Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia 2018 - 2022
nome completo
- J. Costa