selected publications
academic article
- Health impact pathways related to air quality changes: testing two health risk methodologies over a local traffic case study. Air Quality, Atmosphere & Health. 2024
- The Role of the Atmospheric Aerosol in Weather Forecasts for the Iberian Peninsula: Investigating the Direct Effects Using the WRF-Chem Model. Atmosphere. 12:288-288. 2021
- The challenges of air quality modelling when crossing multiple spatial scales. Air Quality, Atmosphere & Health. 12:1003-1017. 2019
- Avaliação da exposição da vinha duriense ao ozono em clima presente e futuro. CAPTAR. 8:1-12. 2019
- Climate change potential effects on grapevine bioclimatic indices: A case study for the Portuguese demarcated Douro Region (Portugal). BIO Web of Conferences. 12:01013. 2019
- Emissions from residential combustion sector: how to build a high spatially resolved inventory. Air Quality, Atmosphere & Health. 11:259-270. 2018
- Influence of a High-Resolution Land Cover Classification on Air Quality Modelling. International Journal of Environmental and Ecological Engineering. 12:563-571. 2018
- Analysis of climate change indices in relation to wine production: A case study in the Douro region (Portugal). BIO Web of Conferences. 9:01011-10. 2017
- Assessment of health benefits related to air quality improvement strategies in urban areas: An Impact Pathway Approach. Journal of Environmental Management. 183:694-702. 2016
- Metodologias de avaliação integrada no âmbito de planos de melhoria da qualidade do ar em Portugal. Indústria e Ambiente. 95:18-21. 2015
- Current air quality plans in Europe designed to support air quality management policies. Atmospheric Pollution Research. 6:434-443. 2015
- Urban Air Quality Plans and Integrated Assessment Methodologies. Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering B. 3:70-78. 2014
- Atlas Digital DOUROZONE. 41-45. 2018
- Efeitos potenciais do ozono na cultura da vinha. 29-40. 2018
- Sintese Conclusiva. 46-48. 2018
conference paper
- Impact of traffic management strategies on air quality and health in a Portuguese urban area 2019
- Ozone Risk for Douro Vineyards in Present and Future Climates. 439-444. 2018
- Ar: Um Recurso com Direito a Qualidade. 204-213. 2018
- Influência das Emissões do Setor Residencial na Qualidade do Ar em Portugal. 288-297. 2018
- Poluição do ar e potenciais impactos na saúde pública. 17-20. 2018
- Assessing the risk of tropospheric ozone phytotoxic effect on Southern European Mediterranean environments: a review with emphasis on vineyards 2018
- Avaliação do risco de efeito fitotóxico do ozono troposférico em ambientes Mediterrânicos de sul de Europa: uma revisão com ênfase na cultura da vinha. 245-254. 2018
- Avaliação do risco de efeito fitotóxico do ozono troposférico em ambientes Mediterrânicos do sul de Europa: uma revisão com ênfase na cultura da vinha. 245-254. 2018
- Efecto del riego deficitario en los cultivares Touriga Nacional y Touriga Franca (Vitis vinifera L.) en la Región Demarcada del Duero (Portugal) 2018
- Effect of deficit irrigation in the cultivars Touriga Nacional and Touriga Franca (Vitis vinifera L.) in the Douro Demarcated Region (Portugal). 2018
- Physiological response of the grapevine cultivars Touriga Nacional and Touriga Franca to increasing summer stress conditions in the Douro Region. 351-354. 2018
- Grapevine Bioclimatic Indices in Relation to Climate Change: a Case Study in the Portuguese Douro Demarcated Region. 297-302. 2017
- Cost-benefit analysis of air quality improvement strategies using two conceptual approaches: scenario analysis and optimization. 1-10. 2016
- Improving Urban Air Quality Using a Cost-Efficiency and Health Benefit Approach. 1-5. 2016
- Economic Evaluation Of Air Pollution Impacts On Human Health: An Overview Of Applied Methodologies. 181-192. 2015
- Air Quality Modelling to Support Decision-Making: Scenario and Optimization Approaches. 161-165. 2015
- Urban air quality plans in Europe: a review on applied methodologies 2014
- Ar de qualidade para uma saúde melhor. 693-698. 2013
- Modelação de emissões atmosféricas de mercúrio gasoso a partir da vegetação. 881-883. 2013
- Modelação de poluentes secundários em Portugal – a influência das emissões biogénicas. 98-102. 2013
- Uma metodologia para a avaliação integrada da qualidade do ar em cidades. 989-991. 2013
- Utilização de dados de satélite na modelação da qualidade do ar. 139-144. 2013
- Investigating the contribution of biogenic emissions to the formation of secondary pollutants in Portugal. 121-127. 2013
- Health Related Cost-Benefit Analysis of Emission Reduction Measures Under the NEC Directive for 2030 2020
- DOUROZONE - Risco de ozono para a vinha duriense em clima atual e futuro 2018
- Efeitos potenciais do ozono na vinha 2018
- Poluição atmosférica: breve revisão da situação em Portugal e os impactos na saúde pública. 20-25. 2017
journal article
- A multiscale air quality and health risk modelling system: Design and application over a local traffic management case study. Atmospheric Environment. 2023
- Improvement of local ozone phytotoxicity modelling for autochthonous grape cultivars. Atmospheric Environment. 119538. 2023
- Combined Effect of High-Resolution Land Cover and Grid Resolution on Surface NO2 Concentrations. Climate. 19-19. 2022
- Ozone Effects on Douro Vineyards under Climate Change. Atmosphere. 1238-1238. 2021
- Validation of meteorological and ground-level ozone WRF-CHIMERE simulations in a mountainous grapevine growing area for phytotoxic risk assessment. Atmospheric Environment. 118507. 2021
- Assessment of tropospheric ozone phytotoxic effects on the grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.): A review. Atmospheric Environment. 117924. 2020
- Climate change impact on a wine-producing region using a dynamical downscaling approach: Climate parameters, bioclimatic indices and extreme indices. International Journal of Climatology. 5741-5760. 2019
- Efeitos potenciais do ozono na vinha. Revista da Associação Portuguesa de Horticultura. 37-41. 2018
- Investigating ozone episodes in Portugal: a wavelet-based approach. Air Quality, Atmosphere & Health. 2016