publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Understanding the importance of drag coefficient assessment for a deeper insight into the hydrodynamic profile of swimmers. Journal of Human Kinetics. 2023
- Teaching models in physical education: current and future perspectives. Montenegrin Journal of Sports Science and Medicine. 2023
- Smartpaddle® as a New Tool for Monitoring Swimmers’ Kinematic and Kinetic Variables in Real Time. Open Sports Sciences Journal. 2022
- The efficiency and transversality of traditional boxing skills to several full-contact combat sports: a narrative review. Archives of Budo Science of Martial Arts and Extreme Sports. 2022
- The Use of Wearable Sensors in Human Movement Analysis in Non-Swimming Aquatic Activities: A Systematic Review. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2019
- Aerodynamics of a wheelchair sprinter racing at the 100m world record pace by CFD. AIP Conference Proceedings. 2018
- Avaliação das assimetrias propulsivas em nado livre: ferramenta e diagnóstico para o processo de treino 2018
- Warm-up for Sprint Swimming. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. 2017
- A Comparison of Experimental and Analytical Procedures to Measure Passive Drag in Human Swimming. PLOS ONE. 2017
- Comparison by computer fluid dynamics of the drag force acting upon two helmets for wheelchair racers. AIP Conference Proceedings. 2017
- Complementing Warm-up with Stretching Routines: Effects in Sprint Performance 2017
- Effects of 10min vs. 20min passive rest after warm-up on 100m freestyle time-trial performance: A randomized crossover study 2017
- Warm-up for Sprint Swimming: Race-Pace or Aerobic Stimulation? A Randomized Study 2017
- Comparação do coeficiente de arrasto calculado com recurso a três formas distintas de medição da área de secção transversa do tronco em nadadores. 2016
- Comparison of the World and European Records in the 100m Dash by a Quasi-Physical Model. Procedia Engineering. 2016
- Effects of a swimming program on infants' heart rate response 2016
- Energetics, Biomechanics, and Performance in Masters' Swimmers: A Systematic Review 2016
- Association Between Force-Time Curve Characteristics and Vertical Jump Performance in Trained Athletes 2015
- Effect of Gender, Energetics, and Biomechanics on Swimming Masters Performance 2015
- Alterações na cinemática angular do movimento básico de Hidroginástica ¿Balanço Lateral¿ induzidas pelo incremento do ritmo musical 2015
- Alterações na cinemática angular do movimento básico de Hidroginástica “Balanço Lateral” induzidas pelo incremento do ritmo musical 2015
- Changes of the energetic profile in masters' swimmers over a season 2015
- Hydrodynamic analysis of different finger positions in swimming: A computational fluid dynamics approach. Journal of Applied Biomechanics. 2015
- The Effects of Different Warm-up Volumes on the 100-m Swimming Performance: A Randomized Crossover Study 2015
- Acute responses to aquatic fitness activities: a comparison between shallow and deep-water lesson. International SportMed Journal. 2014
- Does Warm-Up Have a Beneficial Effect on 100-m Freestyle?. International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance. 2014
- Resposta fisiológica aguda em diferentes condições de salto na aula de natação para bebés. 2014
- Warm-up and performance in competitive swimming 2014
- Characterization of speed fluctuation and drag force in young swimmers: A gender comparison. Human Movement Science. 2013
- Jogos aquáticos nas sessões de atividades aquáticas na primeira infância. 2013
- Longitudinal Study in Male Swimmers: A Hierachical Modeling of Energetics and Biomechanical Contributions for Performance. JOURNAL OF SPORTS SCIENCE & MEDICINE. 2013
- Longitudinal comparison of young swimmers’ anthropometrics, hydrodynamics, kinematics and efficiency by cluster analysis 2013
- Longitudinal study in male swimmers: a hierarchical modeling of energetics and biomechanical contributions for performance. 2013
- Proposal of a deterministic model to explain swimming performance. 2013
- Deep and Shallow Water Effects on Developing Preschoolers’ Aquatic Skills 2012
- A adaptação ao meio aquático com recurso a situações lúdicas 2012
- Applying Anaerobic Critical Velocity in Non-Elite Swimmers 2012
- Estimate the trunk transverse surface area to assess swimmer¿s drag force based on gender and competitive level. 2012
- High Level Swimming Performance and its Relation to Non-Specific Parameters: A Cross-Sectional Study on Maximum Handgrip Isometric Strength 2012
- Linking Selected Kinematic, Anthropometric and Hydrodynamic Variables to Young Swimmer Performance. Pediatric Exercise Science. 2012
- Longitudinal interventions in elite swimming: a systematic review based on energetics, biomechanics and performance. 2012
- Longitudinal interventions in elite swimming: a systematic review based on energetics, biomechanics, and performance 2012
- Pico da carreira desportiva em nadadores de nível mundial: Análise das idades dos participantes nos Jogos Olímpicos de Pequim 2008 2012
- Tarefas alternativas para o ensino e aperfeiçoamento das partidas e das viragens em natação 2012
- Tracking the performance, energetics and biomechanics of International versus National level swimmers during a competitive season. 2012
- Preditores antropométricos, bioenergéticos e biomecânicos dos 200 m Crol em época de Inverno. 2011
- The influence of musical cadence into aquatic jumping jacks kinematics. JOURNAL OF SPORTS SCIENCE & MEDICINE. 2011
- Validação de equações preditivas da área de secção transversa do tronco para avaliação do arrasto hidrodinâmico de nadadores. 2011
- Can 8-weeks of Training Affect Active Drag in Young Swimmers?. JOURNAL OF SPORTS SCIENCE & MEDICINE. 2010
- Infants¿ Behaviours During Aquatic Activities 2010
- Modelling Swimming Hydrodynamics to Enhance Performance~!2009-07-05~!2009-11-01~!2010-04-20~!. Open Sports Sciences Journal. 2010
- Physiological determinants of performance in Breaststroke swimming events. 2010
- Relationships between dry land strength, power variables and short sprint performance in young competitive swimmers 2010
- The Evolution of Swimming Science Research: Content analysis of the ¿Biomechanics and Medicine in Swimming¿ Proceedings Book from 1971 to 2006. 2010
- Tracking the performance of world-ranked swimmers 2010
- Changes in aerobic ability during a macro cycle of training in swimming. Motricidade. 2009
- Comparison Of 2d Kinematical Images Reconstruction In Breaststroke Swimming: Dual Media Versus Separated Recording Plans. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. 2009
- Physiological assessment of head-out aquatic exercises in healthy subjects: A qualitative review. JOURNAL OF SPORTS SCIENCE & MEDICINE. 2009
- Propulsive efficiency and non- expert swimmers performance 2009
- The Effect Of Finger Spread On The Propulsive Force Production In Swimming. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. 2009
artigo de conferência
artigo de revista
- Effects of anthropometrics, thrust, and drag on stroke kinematics and 100 m performance of young swimmers using path‐analysis modeling. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports. 2024
- Examining the Link between Isokinetic Strength Metrics and Ball Speed in Women’s Soccer. Applied Sciences. 2023
- A comparison of load cell and pressure sensors to measure in-water force in young competitive swimmers. Journal of Biomechanics. 2023
- Effects of applying a multivariate training program on physical fitness and tactical performance in a team sport taught during physical education classes 2023
- Teaching models in physical education: current and future perspectives. Montenegrin Journal of Sports Science and Medicine. 2023
- Understanding the Role of Propulsion in the Prediction of Front-Crawl Swimming Velocity and in the Relationship Between Stroke Frequency and Stroke Length. Frontiers in Physiology. 2022
- Aerodynamic analysis of human walking, running and sprinting by numerical simulations. Acta of Bioengineering and Biomechanics. 2022
- Effects of a plyometric training program in sub-elite futsal players during pre-season period 2022
- Interventions to promote the development of motor performance skills in primary school aged children with autism spectrum disorder: a systematic review and meta-analysis of controlled trials 2022
- Numerical and experimental methods used to evaluate active drag in swimming: a systematic narrative review. Frontiers in Physiology. 2022
- Resistive and propulsive forces in wheelchair racing: a brief review. AIMS Biophysics. 2022
- The benefits of resistance training in obese adolescents: a systematic review and meta-analysis 2022
- Young Swimmers’ Classification Based on Performance and Biomechanical Determinants: Determining Similarities Through Cluster Analysis. Journal of Applied Biomechanics. 2022
- Young Swimmers' Anthropometrics, Biomechanics, Energetics, and Efficiency as Underlying Performance Factors: A Systematic Narrative Review. Frontiers in Physiology. 2021
- Assessment of Able-Bodied and Amputee Cyclists' Aerodynamics by Computational Fluid Dynamics.. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology. 2021
- The Coaches’ perceptions and experience implementing a long-term athletic development model in competitive swimming. Frontiers in Psychology. 2021
- Upper-limb kinematics and kinetics imbalances in the determinants of front-crawl swimming at maximal speed in young international level swimmers. Scientific Reports. 2020
- A influência da prática regular de natação no desenvolvimento motor global na infância (The influence of regular swimming practices on global motor development throughout childhood). RETOS. 2020
- Can concurrent teaching promote equal biomechanical adaptations at front crawl and backstroke swimming?. Acta of Bioengineering and Biomechanics. 2017
- Determinant Factors of Long-Term Performance Development in Young Swimmers. Current Opinion in Food Science. 2017
- Growth influences biomechanical profile of talented swimmers during the summer break. Current Opinion in Food Science. 2014
- Longitudinal intra- and inter-individual variability in young swimmers’ performance and determinant competition factors.. Motriz. Revista de Educacao Fisica. 2014
- Young Swimmers’ Classification Based on Kinematics, Hydrodynamics, and Anthropometrics. Current Opinion in Food Science. 2014
- Effects of Body Fat and Dominant Somatotype on Explosive Strength and Aerobic Capacity Trainability in Prepubescent Children. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. 2013
- Tracking young talented swimmers: Follow-up of performance and its biomechanical determinant factors. Acta of Bioengineering and Biomechanics. 2013
- Three-Dimensional CFD Analysis of the Hand and Forearm in Swimming. Journal of Applied Biomechanics. 2011
- Effects of musical cadence in the acute physiologic adaptations to head-out aquatic exercises. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. 2010
- Modeling the Links Between Young Swimmers’ Performance: Energetic and Biomechanic Profiles. Pediatric Exercise Science. 2010
- Swimming propulsion forces are enhanced by a small finger spread. Journal of Applied Biomechanics. 2010
capítulo de livro
- Preparação desportiva a longo prazo: um modelo operativo para a natação em Portugal 2016
- Running, swimming, cycling and triathlon. 2016
- Technologic Appliance and Performance Concerns in Wheelchair Racing ¿ Helping Paralympic Athletes to Excel 2015
- A biofísica da natação: contributo da biomecânica e da bioenergética para a melhoria da performance desportiva. 2012
- Evidências longitudinais para o controlo e melhoria da performance em nadadores de elite. 2012
- Reply to: comment on: The benefits of resistance training in obese adolescents: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Sports Medicine. 2023
- Análise dos parâmetros cinemáticos da técnica de crol em nadadores de águas abertas 2022
- Editorial: Coaches' role in youth sports performance: early specialization versus long-term development. Frontiers in Psychology. 2021
- Reference manual for teaching and technical improvement in swimming 2018
- Are Stretching Routines Harmful for Sprint Performance When Added to Warm-up 2016