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Correia, Ricardo Alexandre Fontes
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publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Satisfaction and Dissatisfaction in Wine Tourism: A User-Generated Content Analysis. Tourism and Hospitality Research. 2023
- The (wasted) potential of digital communication in low-density destinations: the case of three Portuguese municipalities. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Insights. 2023
- Development proposal for the trás-os-montes wine route: Technology as a differentiating element,Proposta de desenvolvimento da rota dos vinhos de trás-os-montes: A tecnologia como fator diferenciador. Procedia Computer Science. 2020
- The Influence of Blogs on the Complain Intention: The Case of the Cruise Ship Industry. Journal of Marketing Research and Case Studies. 2019
- Locals: at the Heart of Territorial Marketing. International Business Information Management Association Conference. 2019
- Positioning of a Religious Destination. Complexities and Challenges. PROCEEDINGS OF THE INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP TOURISM AND HOSPITALITY MANAGEMENT (IWTHM2019). 2019
- The 5 senses associated with Portugal in the tourist perspective,Os 5 sentidos associados a Portugal na perspectiva dos turistas. Procedia Computer Science. 2019
- Touristic Experiences- The 'Living in the Grandma's House' Project. PROCEEDINGS OF THE INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP TOURISM AND HOSPITALITY MANAGEMENT (IWTHM2019). 2019
- Wine Tourism-A Proposal for the Development of the "Tras-os-Montes" Wine Route. PROCEEDINGS OF THE INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP TOURISM AND HOSPITALITY MANAGEMENT (IWTHM2019). 2019
- The Effect of Wine Tourism Experiences on Wine Brands. Universal Journal of Management. 2016
- Wine Tourism and Regional Development. Current Opinion in Food Science. 2016
- The Effect of Wine Tourism Experiences on Wine Brands. ORTE 2013 - International Conference on Rural Tourism. 2013
- Influência recíproca entre empresas e destino turístico: o caso Aquapura no contexto da região do Douro. Journal of Tourism and Development. 2012
- Interaction Between Public Infrastructures and Regions: The Case of the Port of Aveiro,Interação entre Infraestruturas e Regiões: O Caso do Port o de Aveiro. Revista Portuguesa de Estudos Regionais. 2012
- Interacção entre Infra-Estruturas e Regiões: O Caso do Porto de Aveiro. Revista Portuguesa de Estudos Regionais. 2012
- A Importância do Marketing para o Desenvolvimento Turístico: O caso de Montalegre. Journal of Tourism and Development. 2011
- Territorial marketing: interaction between industrial and regional networks. International Review on Public and Nonprofit Marketing. 2011
artigo de conferência
- Relationship Marketing as a loyalty tool: The case of the Vila Gale Hotel Group. Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies, CISTI. 2023
- Digital Marketing in Wine Tourism - The case of Quinta do Sobreiró de Cima,Marketing Digital no Enoturismo: O caso da Quinta do Sobreiró de Cima. Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies, CISTI. 2023
- The impact of user-generated content in shaping the image of tourist destination across different generations. Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies, CISTI. 2023
- An ICT Integrated Model for Traceability, Promotion and Valorization of Regional Food Products. Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies, CISTI. 2022
- Gaming times four: how does customer participation shape consumer brand identification during the new product creation process a conceptual model proposal. Procedia Computer Science. 2022
- Image of Douro Wine Region through social networks - Visitor Perception,Imagem do Douro Vinhateiro através das redes sociais - Perceção do Visitante. 37th IBIMA International Conference. 2022
- O papel da comunicação digital na promoção turística de territórios de baixa densidade: o caso de Macedo de Cavaleiros e Vila Nova de Foz Côa. Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies, CISTI. 2022
- O perfil e as motivações turísticas: os turistas do concelho de Torre de Moncorvo. International Conference of Applied Business and Management (ICABM2020). 2022
- O uso de SEO para alavancar a visibilidade digital e atrair visitantes: o caso das termas de Chaves. Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies, CISTI. 2022
- Social Media Marketing Research at the Hotel Industry in Slovakia. Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies, CISTI. 2022
- The electric car charging market in Latvia: a qualitative portrayal. International Conference of Applied Business and Management (ICABM2020). 2022
- e-Marketing Influence on Rural Tourism Destination Sustainability: A Conceptual Approach. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems. 2022
- The Potential of Digital in the Hotel Sector 2021
- Tourism and COVID-19: Impacts and Implications on the Tourist Consumer Behavior 2021
- Digital Marketing Impact on Rural Destinations Promotion : A conceptual model proposal 2021
- 360° Integrated Model for the Management of Well-being Holistic Experiences in Tourist Destinations,Modelo Integrado 360° para Gestão de Experiências Holísticas de Bem-estar nos Destinos Turísticos 2021
- 360º integrated model for the management of wellbeing holistic experiences in tourist destinations 2021
- Developing a digital marketing plan: the case of CubiCasa OY to the United States of America market 2021
- Digitization and Gamification in Cultural Heritage: : The portuguese context in the framework of national and international policies and some practical examples. Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies, CISTI. 2021
- Do public tourism organizations embrace and report social responsibility? 2021
- Economia de partilha: o modelo de negócio do Airbnb 2021
- Gamificação aplicada a geoparques: uma proposta de modelo conceptual 2021
- Gamificação em turismo - o caso do grupo Accor. International Workshop Tourism and Hospitality Management. 2021
- Impacts of covid-19 on the tourist perceived risk: a conceptual approach. 37th IBIMA International Conference. 2021
- Nómadas digitais - um novo alvo para o destino terras de Trás-os-Montes 2021
- O potencial da gastronomia nos territórios de baixa densidade: o caso de Mirandela 2021
- Realidade virtual e realidade aumentada no setor do turismo: o caso específico dos museus portugueses. International Workshop Tourism and Hospitality Management. 2021
- Social networks relevance as a promotion tool in the hotel industry: the case of Porto hotels. 37th IBIMA International Conference. 2021
- The online presence and communication of a destination by the tourist entities of the Terras de Trás-os-Montes 2021
- Turismo criativo: o caso prático do concelho de Vimioso 2021
- O potencial do turismo criativo nos territórios de baixa densidade: o projeto Viv@vó 2020
- Sensory marketing at the destination level: a conceptual approach 2020
- The potential of gastronomic tourism in the portuguese municipality of Mirandela. International Conference of Applied Business and Management (ICABM2020). 2020
- The relevance of online communication for conference attendees motivation. Differences between german and portuguese participants 2020
- The relevance of the local touristic actors for the destination communication: the case of terras de Trás-os-Montes 2020
- The Role of Facebook in the Tourist Experiences 2019
- An ICT platform to support cultural heritage in rural communities: The viv@vó - Living in the Grandma's house case study 2019
- An ICT platform to support cultural heritage in rural communities: the Viv@vó – living in the grandma's house case study 2019
- Locals: at the heart of territorial marketing 2019
- Perceção dos residentes face ao impacto do turismo 2019
- Positioning of a religious destination. Complexities and challenges 2019
- The foreign career path attraction factors of Lithuanian talent labour 2019
- Touristic experiences the living in the Grandma’s house’ project 2019
- Wine tourism - a proposal for the development of the Trás-os-Montes wine route 2019
- Gastronomia e culinária da terra quente transmontana - património identitário e recurso turístico 2018
- Impact of service recovery on online negative reviews: The case of hospitality industry 2018
- O contributo dos voos low cost na expansão dos hostels, na cidade do Porto 2018
- Service recovery influence on consumer's complaint intention to obtain benefits. The case of the cruise ship industry 2018
- The impact of the national culture on expectations of services: The case of sightseeing in Porto 2018
- The effect of wine tourism experiences on wine brands 2013
- Empreendedorismo e compatibilidade relacional: o caso Aquapura no contexto da região do Douro 2012
- A importância do marketing para o desenvolvimento turístico: o caso de Montalegre 2010
- Interacção entre infra-estruturas e regiões: o caso do porto de Aveiro 2010
- Uma abordagem relacional ao desenvolvimento dos territórios 2009
- The role of external actors on the development of territorial dynamic competences 2008
- Marketing para territórios : uma abordagem relacional 2007
- Quo Vadis marketing de serviços? Uma visão integrada de produtos e serviços 2007
- A model for understanding the dynamics of territorial networks: the case of tourism in the Douro Valley 2006
- O espaço como elemento relacional 2006
- The relevance of collective action in tourism 2006
- Wine, tourism and collective action 2006
artigo de revista
- The role of influencer–follower congruence in the relationship between influencer marketing and purchase behaviour. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services. 2023
- The effect of cause-related marketing on the green consumption attitude–behaviour gap in the cosmetics industry. Journal of Contemporary Marketing Science. 2023
- Digital Marketing’s Impact on Rural Destinations’ Image, Intention to Visit, and Destination Sustainability. Sustainability. 2023
- Stakeholders’ Perceptions of the Communication of the Territorial Brand: The Case of Braganca. Journal of Tourism Management Research. 2022
- Análise da adequabilidade do destino terras de Trás-os-Montes face ao nicho de mercado nómadas digitais. European Journal of Applied Business Management. 2022
- Digital Marketing Plan for CubiCasa OY USA. IBIMA Business Review. 2022
- Motivational factors of conference attendees – relevance of online communication and nationality. Journal of Marketing Research and Case Studies. 2022
- Nómadas digitais: a tecnologia aliada ao trabalho e ao lazer 2022
- The electric car charging market in Latvia: business recommendations for new players in the market. European Journal of Applied Business Management. 2022
- Digital marketing in hospitality - case study of social networks as a communication toll in Oporto hotels. Journal of Internet Social Networking & Virtual Communities. 2021
- Understanding the changes in the tourists perceived risk after covid-19. Journal of Eastern Europe Research in Business and Economics. 2021
- Understanding the role of local tourist actors as online destination promoters: the “Terras de Trás-os-Montes” case. Journal of Marketing Research and Case Studies. 2021
- Development proposal for the Trás-os-Montes wine route: technology as a differentiating element. Procedia Computer Science. 2020
- People: the most important marketing asset of territories. Journal of Marketing Research and Case Studies. 2020
- Rota dos vinhos de Trás-os-Montes: uma proposta de desenvolvimento. European Journal of Applied Business Management. 2020
- Boosting Cultural Heritage in Rural Communities Through an ICT Platform: The Viv@vó Project. IBIMA Business Review. 2019
- International Career: What Attracts Lithuanian Talent?. Journal of EU Research in Business. 2019
- Online negative reviews in the hospitality industry: moving from problems to opportunities. Journal of Marketing Research and Case Studies. 2019
- Os 5 sentidos associados a Portugal na perspectiva dos turistas. Procedia Computer Science. 2019
- The influence of blogs on the complain intention: the case of the cruise ship industry. Journal of Marketing Research and Case Studies. 2019
- Envolvimento da comunidade – A condição necessária para o sucesso da marca regional. Journal of Tourism and Development. 2017
- Operationalizing Interaction between Firms and Regions. Theoretical Economics Letters. 2016
- The effect of wine tourism experiences on wine brands. Universal Journal of Management. 2016
- Mutual influence between firms and tourist destination: a case in the Douro Valley. International Review on Public and Nonprofit Marketing. 2014
- Influência recíproca entre empresas e destino turístico: o caso Aquapura no contexto da região do Douro. Journal of Tourism and Development. 2012
- Interacção entre infra-estruturas e regiões: o caso do porto de Aveiro. Revista Portuguesa de Estudos Regionais. 2012
- A importância do marketing para o desenvolvimento turístico: o caso de Montalegre. Journal of Tourism and Development. 2011
- Territorial marketing: interaction between industrial and regional networks. International Review on Public and Nonprofit Marketing. 2011
- Bioinformática: uma lista de recursos disponíveis. Broteria genética. 2001
capítulo de livro
- Digital Nomads: Who They Are and What They Want from the Destinations?. Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies. 2024
- Trust in Influencer Marketing 2023
- Digital Nomadism an Opportunity for Low-Density Territories: Trás-os-Montes Lands Case. Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies. 2022
- Olives and Touristic Experiences 2022
- Smart Technologies in Tourist Destination Marketing: A Literature Review. Communications in Computer and Information Science. 2022
- Tracking Techniques in the Study of Tourists’ Spatiotemporal Behavior 2022
- Innovative Marketing Approaches as Triggers to Rural Tourism Sustainability: An In-Depth Analysis to Existing Literature 2021
- The Potential of Digital Marketing in the Promotion of Low-Density Territories: The Case Study of Mirandela Municipality 2021
- O contributo dos voos low cost na expansão dos hostels, na cidade do Porto 2018
- Empreendedorismo e compatibilidade relacional: o caso Aquapura no contexto da região do Douro 2015
- Marketing Territorial 2014
- O caso de desenvolvimento turístico de Montalegre: uma ideia da natureza 2012
- Regions as networks: towards a conceptual framework of territorial dynamics 2012
- O Caso de Desenvolvimento Turístico de Montalegre: Uma Ideia da Natureza 2011
- Preface - The role of brands in an era of over-information. The role of brands in an era of over-information. 2023
- A Importância do Marketing para o Desenvolvimento Turístico: O Caso de Montalegre 2010
- O Espaço como Elemento Relacional 2010
- O marketing e o desenvolvimento turístico: o caso de Montalegre 2010
- Regions as networks: towards a conceptual framework of territorial dynamics 2010
- Wine, Tourism and Collective Action 2010
- Análise conjunta da dinâmica territorial e industrial: o caso da IKEA – Swedwood 2009
- The Role of External Actors on the Development of Territorial Dynamic Competences 2008
- Marketing para Territórios – Uma Abordagem Relacional 2007
- Quo Vadis Marketing de Serviços? Uma visão Integrada de Produtos e Serviços 2007
- A Model for Understanding the Dynamics of Territorial Networks: The Case of Tourism in the Douro Valley 2006
- The role of brands in an era of over-information 2023
- The Online Presence and Communication of a Destination by the Tourist Entities of the Terras de Trás-os-Montes 2021
- Wine tourism and regional development 2015
- Marketing Territorial: Interacção entre Redes Industriais e Regionais 2010
- Marketing Turístico: Uma Abordagem de Rede 2006
co-investigador principal no
- Outdoor Tourism Development in the Northern Region of Portugal. concedido pelo Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia 2018 - 2022
- Living in the Grandma's House concedido pelo Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia 2017 - 2019
nome completo
- Ricardo Alexandre Fontes Correia