publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- StepTest4all: Improving the Prediction of Cardiovascular Capacity Assessment in Young Adults. Journal of Functional Morphology and Kinesiology. 2024
- The Prevalence of Metabolic Syndrome and its Components in Braganca District, North-Eastern Portugal: A Retrospective Observational Cross-Sectional Study. Revista Portuguesa de Endocrinologia, Diabetes e Metabolismo. 2022
- The prevalence of metabolic syndrome and its components in Bragança District, North-Eastern Portugal: A descriptive and cross-sectorial study . Revista Portuguesa de Endocrinologia, Diabetes e Metabolismo (RPEDM). 2021
- Using Virtual Reality in the Development of an Index-Engine of Physical and Emotional Sustainability. Procedia Computer Science. 2021
- ¿Pueden las pruebas de laboratorio y de campo ser complementarias para definir el esfuerzo fisiológico por las rutas de Sierra da Estrella?. SPORT TK-Revista EuroAmericana de Ciencias del Deporte. 2020
- Net heart rate to prescribe physical activity in middle-aged to older active adults. JOURNAL OF SPORTS SCIENCE & MEDICINE. 2019
- Knee joint forces in the "Serra da Estrela" territory: the Trails4Health project: Knee joint forces in hiking 2019
- Knee joint forces in the ¿Serra da Estrela¿ territory: the Trails4Health project 2019
- The use of net heart rate to estimate energetic expenditure in hiking: the trails4health project.. Journal of Sports Sciences. 2018
- Cardiorespiratory, metabolic and energy expenditure adaptations in head-out aquatic exercises: differences between young and elderly women. 2017
- Comparison of performance, energetics, kinematics and efficiency of master versus elite swimmers. 2016
- Comparison of performance, energetics, kinematics and efficiency of master versus elite swimmers. 2014
- “Young” masters vs. elite swimmers: comparison of performance, energetics, kinematics and efficiency 2014
- Longitudinal Study in Male Swimmers: A Hierachical Modeling of Energetics and Biomechanical Contributions for Performance. JOURNAL OF SPORTS SCIENCE & MEDICINE. 2013
- Longitudinal study in male swimmers: a hierarchical modeling of energetics and biomechanical contributions for performance. 2013
- Contributo dos factores antropométricos, bioenergéticos e biomecânicos para a performance de nadadores de elite no pico de forma na época de verão. 2012
- Longitudinal interventions in elite swimming: a systematic review based on energetics, biomechanics and performance 2012
- Longitudinal interventions in elite swimming: a systematic review based on energetics, biomechanics and performance. 2012
- Longitudinal interventions in elite swimming: a systematic review based on energetics, biomechanics, and performance 2012
- Tracking the performance, energetics and biomechanics of International versus National level swimmers during a competitive season. 2012
- Contributo dos factores antropométricos, bioenergéticos e biomecânicos para a performance de nadadores de elite no pico de forma na época de verão 2011
- Preditores antropométricos, bioenergéticos e biomecânicos dos 200 m Crol em época de Inverno. 2011
- Longitudinal study in 3,000 m male runners: Relationship between performance and selected physiological parameters. JOURNAL OF SPORTS SCIENCE & MEDICINE. 2010
- Modificações no perfil bioenergético e biomecânico de nadadores entre dois períodos "pré-taper" 2010
- Tracking the performance of world-ranked swimmers 2010
- Tracking the performance of world-ranked swimmers. 2010
- Actigraph Calibration in Obese/Overweight and Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Middle-Aged to Old Adult Patients. Baltic Journal of Health and Physical Activity. 2009
- Actigraph Calibration in Obese/Overweight and Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Middle-Aged to Old Adult Patients. Baltic Journal of Health and Physical Activity. 2009
- A eficiência propulsiva e a performance em nadadores não experts 2009
- Net heart rate to prescribe physical activity in middle-aged to older active adults. JOURNAL OF SPORTS SCIENCE & MEDICINE. 2009
- Physiological assessment of head-out aquatic exercises in healthy subjects: A qualitative review. JOURNAL OF SPORTS SCIENCE & MEDICINE. 2009
- Propulsive efficiency and non- expert swimmers performance 2009
- Estudo comparativo das adaptações fisiológicas agudas durante a execução de três variantes de um exercício básico de hidroginástica 2008
- Physiological adaptations to head-out aquatic exercises with different levels of body immersion. 2007
- Estudo da relação entre variáveis fisiológicas, biomecânicas e o rendimento de corredores portugueses de 3000 metros 2007
- Physiological adaptations to head-out aquatic exercises with different levels of body immersion 2007
- Estudo comparativo das adaptações fisiológicas agudas durante a exercitação em imersão ao nível do apêndice xifóide e da articulação coxo-femoral 2006
artigo de conferência
- A structural equation approach for modeling metabolic syndrome status in an adult and older North-Eastern Portuguese population 2023
- Comparison of Body Mass Index (BMI), before and post COVID-19, across different age groups in the population of Northeast Portugal 2023
- Evaluating and prescribing physical activity and exercise in health centers for individuals with metabolic syndrome –moving from pilot study to broad implementation 2023
- Evaluating and prescribing physical activity and exercise in health centers for individuals with metabolic syndrome: moving from pilot study to broad implementation 2023
- Physical activity, strength training and nutritional support in patients with metabolic syndrome from a Northeaster Portuguese primary health care: a pilot community intervention program. Obesity Facts. 2023
- Sensibility and specificity analysis for waist-to-height ratio, body mass index and waist circumference as a screening criterion for metabolic syndrome in an adult North-East Portuguese population. Obesity Facts. 2022
- Exercise in the prevention and treatment of metabolic diseases: an intervention project in Bragança community 2021
- Overweight, central obesity and abdominal obesity in middle-age adults in an inland region of Northeast Portuguese: a pilot study 2021
- Prevalence of type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in a middle-age North-East Portuguese population: an exploratory and preliminary study 2021
- The effects of aerobic, resistance or combined training on metabolic syndrome clinical biomarkers: a short review 2021
- Associação longitudinal do rendimento na corrida da milha com parâmetros antropométricas, fisiológicos e do treino : estudo de caso. Motricidade. 2012
- Longitudinal study in male elite swimmers: variation on performance, energetics and biomechanics profiles 2012
- Análise longitudinal das modificações no perfil biomecânico de nadadores de elite e o seu impacto na performance ao longo da época desportiva 2011
- Monitoring the elite swimmer’s performance and energetical profile throughout a training season 2011
- Preditores antropométricos, bioenergéticos e biomecânicos dos 200 m crol num momento determinante da época de inverno 2011
- Establishing the changes in elite swimmers’ energetic and biomechanical profile during a winter season 2010
- Modificações no perfil bioenergético e biomecânico de nadadores entre dois períodos "pré-taper" 2010
- Stability and prediction of 100-m breaststroke performance during elite swimmers career 2010
- Stability and prediction of 100-m breaststroke performance during the careers of elite swimmers 2010
- Tracking the 2004-2008 Olympic cycle performance in long distance freestyle events 2010
- Tracking the freestyle performance from children to adult age 2010
- Aerobic performance and morphological modifications after a 4 months's physical activity training program in elderly women 2009
- Análise longitudinal da performance em natação pura desportiva: abordagem exploratória 2009
- Continuos incremental field test to estimate velocity and maximal oxygen consumption in non-expert runners. JOURNAL OF SPORTS SCIENCE & MEDICINE. 2009
- Longitudinal assessment of elite swimmers performance leading to 2008 Beijing Olympic Games. JOURNAL OF SPORTS SCIENCE & MEDICINE. 2009
- Longitudinal assessment of swimming performance in the 200 m freestyle event 2009
- Calibration of MTI actigraph in old obese adult. International Journal of Obesity. 2007
artigo de revista
- Effects of a 16-Week Training Program with a Pyramidal Intensity Distribution on Recreational Male Cyclists. Sports. 2024
- Stability analysis and prediction of pacing in elite 1500 m freestyle male swimmers. Sports Biomechanics. 2023
- Prevalence of Type 2 Diabetes, Impaired Fasting Glucose, and Diabetes Risk in an Adult and Older North-Eastern Portuguese Population. Healthcare. 2023
- Race Analysis and Determination of Stroke Frequency – Stroke Length Combinations during the 50-M Freestyle Event. JOURNAL OF SPORTS SCIENCE & MEDICINE. 2023
- Interaction of Kinematic, Kinetic, and Energetic Predictors of Young Swimmers’ Speed. International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance. 2023
- Relationship between Oxygen Uptake Reserve and Heart Rate Reserve in Young Male Tennis Players: Implications for Physical Fitness Monitoring. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2022
- Validation of StepTest4all for Assessing Cardiovascular Capacity in Young Adults. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2022
- Analysis of the physiological response in junior tennis players during short-term recovery: Understanding the magnitude of recovery until and after the 25 seconds rule. International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching. 2022
- Structural Equation Modelling for Predicting the Relative Contribution of Each Component in the Metabolic Syndrome Status Change. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2022
- Aerodynamic analysis of human walking, running and sprinting by numerical simulations. Acta of Bioengineering and Biomechanics. 2022
- Effects of the seasonal variation in the phytochemical composition and bioactivities of the wild halophyte Suaeda fruticosa. Food Bioscience. 2022
- Sensibility and specificity analysis for waist to height ratio, body mass index and waist circumference as a screening criterion for metabolic syndrome in an adult North East Portuguese population 2022
- The prevalence of metabolic syndrome and its components in Bragança District, North-Eastern Portugal: a retrospective observational cross-sectional study. Revista Portuguesa de Endocrinologia, Diabetes e Metabolismo. 2022
- Avaliação qualitativa de percursos pedestres em espaços de montanha: o projeto trails4health. Revista Egitania Sciencia. 2020
- Can lab and field testing be complementary in defning physiological effort through the Serra da Estrela routes?. SPORT TK-Revista EuroAmericana de Ciencias del Deporte. 2019
- Knee joint forces in the “Serra da Estrela” territory: the Trails4Health project. Motricidade. 2019
- The Aging Influence on Cardiorespiratory, Metabolic and Energy Expenditure Adaptations in Head-Out Aquatic Exercises: Differences between Young and Elderly Women. Current Opinion in Food Science. 2017
- Net heart rate as estimating mean of the energy expenditure in walking/running and stationary bike 2016
- Young masters vs. elite swimmers: comparison of performance, energetics, kinematics and efficiency 2014
- Effects of swim training on energetics and performance. International Journal of Sports Medicine. 2013
- Longitudinal study in male swimmers: a hierachical modeling of energetics and biomechanical contributions for performance. JOURNAL OF SPORTS SCIENCE & MEDICINE. 2013
- Longitudinal interventions in elite swimming: a systematic review based on energetics, biomechanics and performance. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. 2012
- Tracking the performance, energetics and biomechanics of international versus national level swimmers during a competitive season. European Journal of Applied Physiology. 2012
- Contributo dos factores antropométricos, bioenergéticos e biomecânicos para a performance de nadadores de elite no pico de forma na época de verão. Motricidade. 2011
- Stability of elite freestyle performance from childhood to adulthood. Journal of Sports Sciences. 2011
- Effects of musical cadence in the acute physiologic adaptations to head-out aquatic exercises. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. 2010
- Energetics and biomechanics as determining factors of swimming performance: Updating the state of the art. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport. 2010
- Longitudinal study in 3,000 m male runners: relationship between performance and selected physiological parameters. JOURNAL OF SPORTS SCIENCE & MEDICINE. 2010
- Modificações no perfil bioenergético e biomecânico de nadadores entre dois períodos "pré-taper". Acqua: revista portuguesa de natação. 2010
- Tracking the performance of world-ranked swimmers. JOURNAL OF SPORTS SCIENCE & MEDICINE. 2010
- A eficiência propulsiva e a performance em nadadores não experts. Motricidade. 2009
- Actigraph calibration in obese/overweight and type 2 Diabetes Mellitus middle-aged to old adult patients. Baltic Journal of Health and Physical Activity. 2009
- Net heart rate to prescribe physical activity in middle-aged to older active adults. JOURNAL OF SPORTS SCIENCE & MEDICINE. 2009
- Physiological assessment of head-out aquatic exercises in healthy subjects: a qualitative review. JOURNAL OF SPORTS SCIENCE & MEDICINE. 2009
- Estudo comparativo das adaptações fisiológicas agudas durante a execução de três variantes de um exercício básico de hidroginástica. Brazilian Journal of Kinanthropometry and Human Performance. 2008
- Estudo da relação entre variáveis fisiológicas, biomecânicas e o rendimento de corredores portugueses de 3000 metros. Revista Portuguesa de Ciências do Desporto. 2007
- Physiological adaptations to head-out aquatic exercises with different levels of body immersion. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. 2007
- Estudo comparativo das adaptações fisiológicas agudas durante a exercitação em imersão ao nível do apêndice xifóide e da articulação coxo-femoral. Motricidade. 2006
- O Atletismo na Escola - proposta programática para abordagem dos lançamentos “leves” 1999
- Validação da frequência cardíaca líquida na estimativa do gasto energético e na prescrição da intensidade do exercício em cicloergómetro, em jovens adultos masculinos 2015
- Influência do grupo etário na resposta fisiológica aguda durante a execução do movimento básico de hidroginástica “Cavalo Marinho” 2013
- Prática de avaliação, prescrição de exercício físico e aconselhamento nutricional em ginásio 2013
- Estudo longitudinal do rendimento e de parâmetros da carga (interna e externa) em corredores de 3000m 2004