Levels of hygiene and safety quality indicators along the processing stages of a Portuguese traditional dry-fermented sausage (Linguiça)
Artigo de Conferência
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(Project PTDC/AGR-TEC/3107/2012) from Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT) of the Portuguese Republic Government
While Portuguese fermented sausages are highly appreciated, research has shown
that their microbiological quality is inconsistent due to the high variability in
the production process and insufficient hygiene quality. Linguica is a dryfermented
sausage, which has been found to harbour food-borne pathogens.
Hence, the objective of this study was to investigate the changes in the levels of
total viable counts (TVC), Enterobacteriaceae, L. monocytogenes and S. aureus
at the key production stages of Linguica (raw meat, maceration, stuffing and
smoking/drying). A microbiological survey followed a batch throughout production,
extracting samples of raw meat (n=3), batter before maceration (n=3),
batter after 3- or 4-day maceration (n=3) and sausages after curing/drying
(n=5). Samples were taken from a total of three batches from each of the two
factories under examination. Overall, TVC counts did not change considerably
from raw meat to stuffing (5.5-5.9log CFU/g, 95% Cl: 5.15-5.82 log CFU/g),
yet it increased significantly up to the end of drying (7.83 log CFU/g, 95%
Cl: 7.57- 8.09 log CFU/g)- seemingly, because of the multiplication of lactic
acid bacteria (LAB). Unlike the Enterobacteriaceae counts, which decreased
(p<0.001) from batter before maceration (3.23 log CFU/g, 95% Cl: 2.80-3.66
log CFU/g) to the end of drying (1.56 log CFU, 95 percent Cl: 1.23-1.90 log
CFU/g), S. aureus increased significantly between these two processing stages
(2.58 log CFU/g; 95% Cl: 2.20-2.93 log CFU/g in the finished product). L.
monocytogenes was detected in the products of one of the factories although
their counts decreased after batter maceration. Because Linguica is a product
that can be consumed without cooking, there is a need to further investigate
the risk factors that determine their presence along processing. The presence of
these two pathogens should also prompt industries to reinforce good hygiene
practices in the processing of traditional sausages.