Effect of ripening time and salt reduction or substitution in pork sausages sensory characteristics
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Five samples of each formulation were evaluated
considering the salt formulations in two sessions for
each ripening time.
This work aimed to evaluate the sensory characteristics of meat sausages with 4 different salt formulations (Form1: 2% NaCl, Form3: 1.5% NaCl+0.5% KCl, Form4: 1.5% Sub4 salt+0.5% NaCl, Form5: 0.5% Sub4 salt+1.5% NaCl) and 2 ripening times (6 and 12 days). The evaluated attributes were related to appearance (exterior and interior color), odor (intensity before and after cutting), taste (salty, bitter and metallic), texture (firmness perceived by thumbs and hardness, juiciness and chewiness in mouth) and flavor (set sensation, intensity and persistence). Five samples of each formulation were evaluated considering the salt formulations in two sessions for a shorter ripening time. The same number of samples were evaluated for a longer ripening time. Samples were evaluated by a 10 elements meat products qualified taste panel, following the Portuguese standards, and using a 7 points scale.
Data were submitted to the Product Characterization procedure and to a Generalized Procrustes Analysis (GPA). GPA shows that Form1 had more intense inner odor and flavor persistence, Form3 had a darker interior color (darker red), the higher odor intensity, hardness and bitter taste, Form4 was where higher values of basic, yet not very high, flavors were noted, and Form5 had the highest values of texture, outer color and flavor intensity. Results of the characterization of the products indicate that only firmness felt by the thumbs presented a discriminatory power between sausages with shorter ripening time, Form3 had significantly lower firmness than the other formulations.
In the sausages with a longer ripening time, GPA indicated Form1 with higher values for hardness, chewing, exterior color, internal odor, bitter taste and persistence of the flavor, Form3 was considered the most succulent and salty, Form4 was the one that had the most firmness, and Form5 had the highest intensity of interior color and metallic taste. The characterization of the products identified the external color as the only attribute with significant discriminatory power. Form1 had significantly darker color and Form5 had a lighter color.