selected publications
academic article
- Critical Temperature of Load Bearing LSF Walls Under Fire. ce/papers. 5:490-499. 2022
- Partially encased beams: An experimental investigation at elevated and room temperatures. Revista da Estrutura de Aço. 4:14-14. 2015
- Experimental investigation of the fire resistance of partially encased beams. Journal of Constructional Steel Research. 80:121-137. 2013
- Temperature analysis on fire resistance experiments of partially encased beams. WIT Transactions on the Built Environment. 117:313-324. 2011
conference paper
- Non-loadbearing light steel framing walls under fire. 121-122. 2019
- Propiedades térmicas de ladrillos cerámicos con adición de productos de reciclado: revisión de estudios. 19-20. 2019
- Advanced calculation model calibrated with experimental test of wooden slabs exposed to fire. 40-41. 2019
- Load bearing capacity of LSF walls under fire exposure 2018
- Fire resistance of non-loadbearing light steel framing walls: numerical validation. 853-862. 2017
- Fire performance of non-loadbearing light steel framing walls – numerical and simple calculation methods. 46-47. 2017
- Fire performance of non-loadbearing light steel framing walls – numerical simulation. 1603-1610. 2017
- Axial Buckling Resistance of Partially Encased Columns. 5th international conference on INTEGRITY-RELIABILITY-FAILURE. 2016
- Axial Buckling Resistance of Partially Encased Columns. 5th international conference on INTEGRITY-RELIABILITY-FAILURE. 2016
- Estudio analítico de la inestabilidad por pandeo lateral de vigas parcialmente embebidas expuestas a fuego ISO 834 2016
- Stability Of Partially Encased Columns Under Fire. 7th International Conference on Safety And Durability of Structures - ICOSADOS 2016. 2016
- Axial buckling load of partially encased columns under fire – new formulae. X congresso de Construção Metálica e Mista. 2015
- Balanced summation model for the calculation of the fire resistance of partially encased steel sections: new proposals. 6th International Conference on Mechanics and Materials in Design (M2D2015). 2015
- Bending resistance of partially encased beams at elevated temperature: advanced calculation model. 6th International Conference on Mechanics and Materials in Design (M2D2015). 2015
- Bending resistance of partially encased beams at high temperatures: three dimensional numerical simulation 2015
- Bending resistance of partially encased beams: experimental tests at elevated temperature 2015
- Partially encased section: strength and stiffness under fire conditions. IFireSS – International Fire Safety Symposium. 2015
- Three dimensional simulation of partially encased beams at elevated temperatures 2015
- Estudio numérico de vigas parcialmente embebidas sometidas a flexión a altas temperaturas 2014
- Estudio numérico de vigas parcialmente embebidas sometidas a flexión expuestas a fuego ISO 834 2014
- Redução das características das secções parcialmente embebidas com betão sujeitas à ação do fogo. 4as Jornadas de Segurança aos Incêndios Urbanos. 2014
- Experimental investigation on the performance of partially encased beams at the elevated and room temperature. 187-196. 2013
- Experimental tests of partially encased beams at elevated and room temperature. 1-15. 2012
- High temperature tests on partially encased beams. 285-294. 2012
- Temperature analysis and validation of partially encased beams submitted to elevated temperature. 235-245. 2012
- Análise da temperatura nos ensaios de resistência ao fogo de vigas parcialmente embebidas com betão. 1-10. 2011
- Medição e validação da temperatura crítica em elementos parcialmente embebidos com betão sob acção do fogo. 255-255. 2011
- Performance of partially encased beams at elevated and room temperature. 139-148. 2011
- Resistência ao fogo de vigas parcialmente embebidas com betão. 135-145. 2011
- Efeito do confinamento em secções parcialmente embebidas com betão. 253-258. 2009
- Inelastic behaviour of partially encased sections: numerical comparison 2009
- Modelo de contacto para secções mistas parcialmente embebidas. 149. 2009
- Determinação numérica da condutância térmica da interface aço-betão para estruturas mistas a temperaturas elevadas 2008
- Ensaios “push-out” para vigas parcialmente embebidas com betão. 1-3. 2008
- Push-out tests for partially encased beams at elevated temperature 2008
- Adesão Aço-Betão em vigas parcialmente embebidas para diferentes condições térmicas. 527-536. 2007
- Estudio del Contacto entre Perfil Metálico y Hormigón en Vigas Metálicas Parcialmente Embebidas. 1-16. 2007
- Modelo de Comportamiento del Contacto entre el Hormigón y el Acero a altas temperaturas en vigas Metálicas Parcialmente Embebidas. 233-247. 2007
- Push-out tests for partially encased beams at elevated temperature 2007
- Advanced Numerical Method for Estimate Fire Resistance of Partially Encased Beams. 79-91. 2006
- Numerical Modelling of lateral torsional buckling for partially encased steel beams at elevated temperatures. 849-859. 2006
- Ultimate limit state design for lateral torsional buckling of partially encased steel beams 2006
journal article
- Analysis of the critical temperature on load bearing LSF walls under fire. Engineering Structures. 114858-114858. 2022
- Fire resistance of composite non-load bearing light steel framing walls. Journal of Fire Sciences. 136-155. 2020
- Thermal properties of fired clay bricks from waste recycling. A review of studies. Fire Research. 8-13. 2019
- LOADBEARING CAPACITY OF LSF WALLS UNDER FIRE EXPOSURE. MATTER: International Journal of Science and Technology. 104-124. 2018
- Experimental bending tests of partially encased beams at elevated temperatures. Fire Safety Journal. 23-41. 2017
- Analytical study on lateral torsional buckling of partially encased beams under ISO834 fire exposure. Fire Research. 33-42. 2016
- Load carrying capacity of partially encased columns for different fire ratings. Fire Research. 13-19. 2016
- Experimental investigation of the fire resistance of partially encased beams. Journal of Constructional Steel Research. 121-137. 2013
- Temperature assessment on fire resistance experiments of partially encased beams. International Journal of Safety and Security Engineering. 220-230. 2013