Twelve fire resistance teslS, grouped in four series, were developed using
partially encased beams (PEB) WitllOut concrete slob, for different load levei and
shear connection. PEB were built witll standard bot rolled IPEJOO profile and
reinforced concrete between flanges. Fire resistance was determined for standard
1S0834 nominal beating curve, using small fire resistance fumace and portal
trame. Temperature was measured in Ihree differenl sections along PEB lengtll,
for three differenl materiais (steel, concrete and reinforcemenl). Average
temperature in each section and material was compared lo lhe average over
length lemperature. Each series presented similar resuHs, wilh good
reproducibility. Special focus was given to crilical temperature. The maximum
temperature difference between sections SI, S2, S3 and lhe averoge elemen!
lengtll temperature is smaller than 3.2% for tesl scries 1. For test series 2, 3 and 4
lhe maxirnum lemperature difference is smaller Ihan 5.1 %, 6.3% and 11.2%,
respectively. Temperature is no! uniform in cross-section. Afler the ini!ial
heating stag;e, temperature revealed a constan! difference ofapproximately IS0'C
between temperatures measured inside and outside, defining two main
temperature evolutions. Temperatures measured outside revealed a1ways higher
temperature leveI.