selected publications
academic article
- A 70-Year Industrial Electronics Society Evolution Through Industrial Revolutions: The Rise and Flourishing of Information and Communication Technologies. IEEE Industrial Electronics Magazine. 15:115-126. 2021
conference paper
- Recommendation of Best Practices for Industrial Agent Systems based on the IEEE 2660.1 Standard. 1157-1162. 2021
- Educação emocional em supervisão educativa clínica: que pertinência?. 30-31. 2020
- A transversalidade de Implementação da Supervisão Clínica em Enfermagem 2019
- Key directions for industrial agent based cyber-physical production systems. 17-22. 2019
- Assessing the integration of software agents and industrial automation systems with ISO/IEC 25010. 61-66. 2018
- Decommissioned wind turbine blades: a pedagogical project on the uses of the raw material. XIX International Scientific and Technical Conference "Progressive Techniques, Technology and Engineering Education". 19-21. 2018
- Integration patterns for interfacing software agents with industrial automation systems. 2908-2913. 2018
- Performance Assessment of the Integration between Industrial Agents and Low-Level Automation Functions. 121-126. 2018
- The applicability of ISO/IEC 25023 measures to the integration of agents and automation systems. 2927-2934. 2018
- A community analysis of the IEEE IES industrial agents technical committee. 6139-6144. 2017
- Affective relationships from youth and adults’ perspectives.. 40. 2017
- Common practices for integrating industrial agents and low level automation functions. 6665-6670. 2017
- Domestic violence – a retrospective study witn significant changes. 71. 2017
- Parental resilience or dyadic resilience as heal th promoting variable: an overview in scientific production. 74-74. 2017
- Resilience and emotional regulation in parents of children with special needs (SN). 56-57. 2017
- Stress and psychological well-being: study in parents of children with special needs. 61-61. 2017
- Summer School on intelligent agents in automation: Experience and reflections from the second edition. 544-549. 2017
- Vivências de pais com uma criança com NEE 2017
- Summer school on intelligent agents in automation: Hands-on educational experience on deploying industrial agents. 6602-6607. 2016
- Maintenance management and operational support as services in reconfigurable manufacturing systems. 1778-1783. 2009
- Affective relationships from youth and adults' perspectives.. 40-41. 2017
- Affective relationships from youth and adults’ perspectives. 2017
- Domestic violence – a retrospective study witn significant changes. 70-70. 2017
- Domestic violence: a retrospective study with significant changes. 70-71. 2017
- Parental resilience or dyadic resilience as heal th promoting variable: an overview in scientific production. 74-74. 2017
- Resilience and emotional regulation in parents of children with special needs (SN). 56-57. 2017
- Stress and psychological well-being: study in parents of children with special needs. 61-61. 2017
- Vivências de pais com uma criança com NEE. s/p-s/p. 2017
- II Workshop sobre Clima e Recursos Naturais nos Países de Língua Portuguesa Livro de Resumos 2010
- II Workshop sobre clima e recursos naturais nos países de língua portuguesa: livro de actas 2010
journal article
- A 70-Year industrial electronics society evolution through industrial revolutions: the rise and flourishing of information and communication technologies. IEEE Industrial Electronics Magazine. 115-126. 2021
- Industrial Agents as a Key Enabler for Realizing Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems: Multiagent Systems Entering Industry 4.0. IEEE Industrial Electronics Magazine. 18-32. 2020
- Smart Agents in Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems. Proceedings of the Ieee. 1086-1101. 2016