Santos, José M.R.C.A.
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publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- A Framework for the Management of Research and Innovation Projects in Academic Settings. The Journal of Research Administration. 2022
- The R&D Canvas: A Design Thinking Tool for the Management of R&D Projects . Journal of Research Administration. 2022
- Superhydrophobic and Oleophobic UV-Curable Surface Engineering of Cellulose-Based Substrates. Journal of Renewable Materials. 2016
- Assessment of Energy Use and Energy Efficiency in Two Portuguese Slaughterhouses. International Journal of Environmental, Earth Science and Engineering. 2014
- Use of an Amphiphilic Block Copolymer as a Stabilizer and a Macroinitiator in Miniemulsion Polymerization under AGET ATRP Conditions. Macromolecules. 2007
- Effect of extended cooking and oxygen prebleaching on the surface energy of Eucalyptus globulus kraft pulps. Journal of Pulp and Paper Science. 2005
artigo de conferência
artigo de revista
- Valorization of pomace from craft cider: Nutritional value, chemical composition, and phenolic and mineral profiles. eFood. 2023
- On the societal impact of publicly funded Circular Bioeconomy research in Europe. Research Evaluation. 2023
- On the Role and Assessment of Research at European Universities of Applied Sciences. Journal of Higher Education Theory and Practice. 2022
- The interface of science: the case for a broader definition of research management. Perspectives: Policy and Practice in Higher Education. 2020
capítulo de livro
- A Strategy to Promote Technology and Knowledge Transfer from Research Centers to the Business Enterprise Sector 2017
- Life-cycle greenhouse assessment of Portuguese chestnut 2015
- Relevance of Participation of SMEs in European Projects to the Promotion of Technology and Knowledge Transfer from CIMO to the Local Community 2015
- Biomimetic Reversible Adhesives for Improved Dry/wet Grip Applications in Coated Textiles 2011
- UV curable textile finishes: Superhydrophobic and oleophobic, side-specific, dual finish treatment of cotton for apparel, home, technical and sport textiles 2011
- Development of a biomimetic coating with reversible wet and dry adhesion properties 2010
- "Surface engineering and nanotechnology pushes textile industry to new frontiers 2007
- Relevance of Lewis Acid/Base Intermolecular Interactions to Surface Coatings Technology 2007
- The ACENET ERA-NET for Applied Catalysis 2006
- Estudo da influência dos constituintes de formulações de tratamento superficial nas propriedades físicas, químicas e termodinâmicas da superfície do papel 2005
- Estudo da superfície do papel para impressão a jacto de tinta 2005
- Simulação e Controlo da Qualidade do Papel para Impressão a Jacto de Tinta 2005
- Surface energy, surface area and SEM imaging of eucalyptus globulus fibres network after beating, web forming and sizing 2005
- Técnicas que permitem prever o comportamento do papel depois de impresso 2005
- Phase Separation and Phase Preference in Pigmented XENOY® Compositions: An IGC Study 2002
- Phase Separation and Phase Preference in Pigmented XENOY® Compositions: An Inverse Gas Chromatography Study of Electron Donor - Electron Acceptor Intermolecular Interactions 2002
- The use of Pigments in Dual- Phase Polymeric Systems 2002
- Characterisation of the Surface Lewis Acid/Base Properties of the Components of Pigmented, Impact- Modified, PC/PBT Blends by Inverse Gas Chromatography – Phase Separation and Phase Preference 2001
- Characterisation of the Surface Lewis Acid/Base Properties of two Poly(butylene terephthalate)s by Inverse Gas Chromatography 2001
- Characterisation of the Surface of a Cellulosic Multi-Purpose Office Paper by Inverse Gas Chromatography 2001
- Phase Separation and Phase Preference in Pigmented XENOY® Compositions: An IGC Study 2001
- Development and Characterisation of Paper Substrates for Improved Ink-Jet Printing 1999
prémios e distinções
- Membro Sénior, conferido pelo Ordem dos Engenheiros, 2022
- Listed in the 2012 edition of "Who's Who in Science and Engineering", 2012
- Listed in the 2011 edition of "Who's Who in Science and Engineering", 2011
- Best career work in the Chemical Engineering field, leading to a full membership (2005) , conferido pelo Ordem dos Engenheiros, 2005
- Student Support Award, conferido pelo Organizing Committee of the First International Conference on IGC, Imperial College, London, UK, 2001