publicações selecionadas
artigo de conferência
- Unpacking the “black box” of innovativeness and innovation: focus on tourism research. 37th IBIMA International Conference. 2022
- Mobilidade e incentivos: a política pública convence os médicos? 2021
- Fatores de atratividade para a fixação de jovens médicos: o caso da ULSNE 2020
- Technological innovation in hotels: open the “black box” using a systematic literature review. 35th International Business Information Management Association Conference. 2020
- Mapping the research on innovation in hotels: A bibliographic coupling analysis 2019
- Political connections and performance: A bibliographic coupling analysis 2018
- Incentivos à mobilidade geográfica de médicos: o caso da ULSNE 2018
artigo de revista
- An analysis of the use of accounting information by Portuguese SMEs. Journal of Risk and Financial Management. 2023
- A review of strategic management accounting research: 2000-2014. GESTIN. 2017