Carcass and meat quality in light lambs from different classes in the European grading system
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Fat, quantity and quality, are important aspects for consumers (Sendim et al., 1997), who are more and more interested in healthy products
and usually prefer lean meat and carcasses, although fat is positively associated with acceptability. Thus, Jeremiah (1998) found that the percentage
of unacceptable cuts was higher in lean than fat categories, similar findings being obtained by Paul et al., ( 1964) and Smith et al., (1970). For this
reason practically all carcass classification systems around the world include fatness score as a criterion of quality and price (EEC n° 2 137/92 and
46 1/93 regulations; Moxhan and Brownlie (1976)). Other characteristics such as age, sex, weight, carcass length, meat colour and specially
conformation score are also used, but they have a lower market significance and a lower price influence. Inside the EU there are two different schemes
for lamb classification: one for carcasses up 13 kg and other for light carcasses under 13 kg. In the latter scheme, since Mediterranean carcasses were
systematically penalised because of their natural poor morphology (walker breeds), low subcutaneous/internal fat ratio and light weights,
conformation score is not considered. Only weight (three categories: < 7.0 kg, 7.1-10.0 kg and 10.1-13.0 kg), meat colour and fat class are included
Several studies have shown weak relationships between lamb quality grades and palatability assessments in heavy or medium weight carcasses
(Jeremiah et al., 1972; Crouse and Ferrel, I 982), but there has been no investigation of this relationship in light lambs. On the other hand, it seems
essential to know if any classification is, or is not, related with real carcass value and quality.