Organic and mineral fertilization influence on biomass and essential oil production, composition and antioxidant activity of Lippia origanoides H.B.K. uri icon


  • tIn the present work, the effect of organic and mineral fertilization were evaluated on biomass produc-tion, essential oil content, essential oil composition, and antioxidant activity in comparison with plantscultivated without fertilization.Field evaluations reported that fertilization does not affect biomass and essential oil production of L.origanoides plants. However some variations were observed in the essential oils composition. Carvacrolwas the most abundant component followed by p-cymene, -terpinene, -caryophyllene, and thymol.Changes observed in the antioxidant potential of the different essential oils may be related to essential oils(EO’s) compositions. Essential oils from organic and mineral fertilization reported, respectively, higherand lower antiradical activity, while no differences were observed in the reducing power of the differenttreatments. Nevertheless, it was possible to partially discriminate the different fertilization treatmentsapplied thanks to the EO’s chemical composition and the bioactive potential.We conclude that for biomass and essential oil production, fertilization plans are not needed in L.origanoides plants at the applied conditions, however if it is necessary to enhance the bioactivity of theessential oils from L. origanoides, organic fertilization is encouraged.


  • Faculdade de Farmácia
  • Teles, S.
  • Oliveira, L.M.D.
  • Faculdade de Farmácia
  • Machado, S.S.
  • Lucchese, A.M.
  • Franceli da Silva

data de publicação

  • janeiro 1, 2014