Lippia origanoides H.B.K. essential oil production, composition, and antioxidant activity under organic and mineral fertilization: Effect of harvest moment uri icon


  • tEssential oils (EOs) chemical profile is behind a series of bioactive properties highly valued in diversifiedindustrial sectors. Strategies and control of factors affecting EO’s composition are very important andneeded.In this work, the chemical composition, antioxidant activity and production of EO’s from Lippia orig-anoides H.B.K. plants grown under organic and mineral fertilization, and harvested at different plantgrowth stages (T150, T240, T330, T420), were studied.Results demonstrate that EO’s production and composition is not affected by fertilization, both organicand mineral. Nevertheless, plant growth stage influences considerably EO’s composition and antioxidantactivity, reducing EO production. EO’s from grown plants displayed lower antioxidant activity than youngplants. Organic fertilization also displayed better antioxidant potential than EO obtained from mineralfertilization.In order to improve the potentialities and properties of L. origanoides EO’s, plants should be harvestedstill young and organic fertilizers could be applied to improve bioactivity.


  • Faculdade de Farmácia
  • Teles, S.
  • Muniz de Oliveira, L.
  • Faculdade de Farmácia
  • Lucchese, A.M.
  • Silva, F.

data de publicação

  • janeiro 1, 2014